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Everything posted by Rahima

  1. Lady Blessed and NGONGE, The two of you are saps, sad sad saps :rolleyes: . Romance is for weaklings who have nothing better to do with their lives. Marriage is a business, and like with all business you must never show weakness otherwise you will be trampled upon. You must always be on guard and let the partner know that you don’t need them aside from their sperm/egg . Call it harsh if you wish, it’s the truth. NGONGE, I quiet like that scenario . And Mrs Blessed I’ll have you know that as I pass through that section I leave the scent of my yummy perfume, I’ve even managed to rub it off on some of the regulars .
  2. It shouldn't exist to begin with. Marriage is for procreation only, not useless nonsense like romance.
  3. Well... too much of american programs on Aussie TV Not good enough sir, I’ve already started the petition to have your citizenship cancelled. This is truly sad!
  4. Spot on Xiin. The courts need to concentrate their efforts from Gaalkacyo down, not just Mogadishu because unfortunately many of the problems of Mogadishu stem from connection up north. It is from Mudug that some of the warlords received a great bulk of their support from, and it is there where these same moronic warlords recruited young impressionable boys. Anyway, I’ve always thought that there should be an imaginary line splitting Mudug right in the middle (going through Gaalkacyo) and each side deal with their own.
  5. Protect your pet frog from evil postmen?
  6. ^ In Australia we did used to fast the full 14 hours, it isn’t that hard really you get used it. It only got hard when it was like 38 degrees and you had to attend school. But in places where the sun does not set, I’m sure the ruling would be different.
  7. Trying to correct spelling just to get away from the point That's just it woman, there is no point to all of this- i thought you'd get by now with all my jesting at you. I think it is disgusting, enough already. Some people :rolleyes: , perhaps it's the water in Lakemba .
  8. Oh ya great offendi! Why o why bristle our honourable guest's sensibilities? Why sow acrimony and incivility? What's wrong with you? LOL , nothing, but it got the intended reaction now didn’t it ? Look at the woman; you’d think she was an Anglo-saxon fighting for her proud land of $400 rent for a small apartment. As for feelings dearest, I don’t have any cyber ones, just a vindictive, hateful, self-loathing neo-con I am . You see I am not in denial (correct spelling mind you , it’s ok though Lakemba does that to people- watch the fury Socod Badne ).
  9. The point, Like I said brother, To accuse an individual of clannishness without basis and to accuse them of repeating themselves aren’t exactly in the same category.
  10. One - if you are reducing other's opposition to the ICU only to terms of clan hatred - you most likely have an issue of clannishness. Since you are such an ardent observer of this forum, you may of have also noticed that there are many who oppose the courts and you may of have also noticed that I do not state that they all oppose for clan reasons. I highlight this point of those who are so obvious about it. Two - it depends on the frequency that you cite the argument of clan hatred as the primary reason for opposition to the ICU. I would agree with you if it were that I was mentioning this for no apparent reason, but obviously you had not noticed it, but my post was a response to the post of another in this thread. It was a reply in a forum. It was relevant and not off topic. To accuse an individual of clannishness without basis and to accuse them of repeating themselves aren’t exactly in the same category. There is a distinct differentiation. The residents of Xamar are probably for the more peaceful and better conditions of their city but they may not necessarily be for the ICU. At this current time the courts have achieved for the people of Xamar what they wanted and needed. That is the sticking point at the end of the day, so without resorting to poll taking, it would also be safe to say that the people of Xamar are satisfied with the actions of the ICU. That is and was my point, it’s unnecessary for us to make a simple point overly complex when it’s not. As for words and wording, there really is no point arguing over it when you clearly understand what it is that i mean. No point discussing useless issues about wording really, when you perfectly well understand me.
  11. quote: Originally posted by Yo-Yo Ma: Point....then we can safely the majority are weary of the never-ending choatic situation in Xamar, and are for peace and progress which the courts have managed to restore to Xamar. N How does pointing out the clanish nature of others make you tribalistic? I would agree with the first statment. LOL, how is that any different than saying that the majority support the courts? Are we just playing with words here? People support the courts because of what they have achieved, is that not what Che wrote and you agreed with?
  12. Point, So let me get this straight, to argue that some people oppose the courts for clan reasons because they have many-a-times mentioned how they perceive for the courts to be qabiilist in their conduct and that they are basically one tribe, is to be clannish yourself? How does that work? These are their arguments, I’m only highlighting in a more simplistic fashion. To call a spade a spade is a crime basically. As for Xamar, aren't the reporting from every single media outlet enough? I think that there is a consensus on this one, from the Somali media to the Muslim and western media. It's a unanimous point.
  13. As i thought, we disagree on that point. But that aside, care to address the second? Curious i am.
  14. ^ And I suppose some would argue that about Xamar also (and I think we have sufficient evidence to prove that). As for Gaalkacyo, like Che highlighted, some of us have many relatives living there, and believe you me the people of southern Mudug in general are tired of these thugs, the courts are a fresh of breath air. In due time we shall see. Also, I am of the view that a clan is separate from the people of it, hence highlighting the motives of certain people, does not equate to a clans views. I fail to see how the two of you got from my post that I was referring to a clan- baffled. I don’t believe that I said certain clans or anything of sort, so for clarification purposes pls do explain, unless of course by referring to the views of certain individuals in the eyes of the both of you i am automatically seen as referring to a particular clan. If it is the latter, then we disagree to begin with anyway.
  15. a lot of people here seem to be completely blind to the intentions of the courts until the very end. As for Galkacyans, neither north or South wants these courts. In my Opinion, if southern Galkacyans want to have their own administaration, that fine, but to have have aweys and the courts on the doorsteps of puntland would not be acceptable to any. Cantinue with your blind reservatons but really, how long and at what city will you see the true intentions of these people, Garowe? The day they stepped out of Mogadishu, they have made their intentions clear to all but to the the dowleddiid, what it take to convence you? Are you sure that the people of sourthern Mudug/Gaalkacyo do not want the courts? Fools like Qeybdiid do not represent the people from this area. I’m sure the anti-courts group would love for us to believe it so, but thankfully he does not. I’m a big believer in each clan cleaning up their own rubbish, soon Qeybdiid and his likes who you lot cheer on, will be relegated to the positions befitting of such morons. For years these men, who are now opposing the courts (and who you obviously are referring to), have done absolutely nothing to progress this area and the lives of the people. Every single advancement made by the wadaado they have managed to thwart, this time however it shall be different, for this time they will be spoken to in the language that they understand. N for our Sake, I do hope the courts engage rest of Somalia peacefully. I’A. Khalaf, Indeed I’A right will prevail and May Allah give the courts victory so long as they adhere to His laws and work for the good of the people.
  16. The question here is will their militaristic excursions stop there, and are they gonna venture farther north under the pretext of "being invited to liberate villages and towns". I very much doubt that that will happen. The courts were built on the premise of restoring law to areas of lawlessness, why then would they attack areas which have achieved relative peace? It defeats the purpose and really to entertain such a concept is foolish, especially since all they are doing at the moment is responding to cries of their own kin. That is the Somali way I suppose. no one faults them for wanting to clean up own their turf. Perhaps not you, but we all know that certain folks oppose them for just that . Some of our people rejoice at what they perceive as the downfall of the enemy tribe. I still find it amusing how some are crying day in day out about how supposedly evil the courts and Sh. Hassan Dahir Aweys are, when all they have done thus far is positive and not to mention they have the support of their constituents (that alone speaks volumes about them). As with any human entity, none can claim the courts to be perfect, but it’s interesting how some are like I said hell-bent of trying to tarnish them.
  17. Whilst I’m not of the view that the courts are based on clannish ideas and motives, even if in the event that they were, how would that make them any different then say PL? I mean both in such a case would be serving the interests of their clan, not to mention (contrary to the lies of some) both have the majority support of their respective clans. You can't be a supporter of PL, yet attack the courts for serving the interests of their clan, with that reasoning, aside from tribalists you become hypocrites. The courts may not have the full support of say the majority clan of Southern Mudug/Gaalkacyo, but they do have majority support. It just so happens that those hell-bent on defaming the courts would want us to believe that the majority are against the courts for it serves their purpose. Those of this clan who are against the courts are a few morons driven by qabiilism and hate for anything Ahlus-sunnah wal jamaaca. We all know that Gaalkacyo is perhaps the most khuraafad filled town in Somalia- they don’t want to see the establishment of anything contrary to their ways. These are the two motives of those who oppose the courts. That said all that matters is that the courts have majority support, which they do, so for the cheerleaders, find a new chant and cut the BS. Don’t think that if you chant it enough it will become the truth. A lie, even if masqueraded as the truth through false reportings, is still a lie.
  18. You never waste an opportunity to attack me personally, why is that? Don’t you just love that above Bishaaro ? Our very own Didi Kong is talking about attacking others personally. And don’t hope too much, I mean I might just be that vindictive and hateful .
  19. Didi, Innocent and sincere are not words you can comprehend . Ducaysane, Isn’t it interesting how you take the cloak of defending others yet within the same post, insult me and throw accusations around . The pair of you are a laughing stock walaahi, no substance what so ever. Melbourne is a beautiful city, cut the jeleousy. If you wanna live here, feel free, but stop ranting on about it all the bloody time. What has being a moderator got to do with this? Cuqdad galore. What I am, hypocrite or not is not of your concern. If this was a family member of mine, believe you me I’d be the first to give them a tongue-lashing. And yes I am ahead of you in this modern world, I mean I do live in Melbourne after all . Woman, you crack me up every time you post walaahi. Always rambling about irrelevant issues. Socod Badne is having me on, see, I told you I was ahead of you . Now run along and clean up the streets of Lakemba or something (keep the lid on) .
  20. Zu, i was not serious, but i do believe that a man should be generous. An intelligent woman would make good use of this generosity.
  21. ^^^ Hang On...All I am thinking about is her well being!..I don't want her to get all depressed on me..you know...the first two years should be a blitz..not trips to the shrink! Yeah right, all you care about is your pocket . Women like men oo gacan furan .
  22. Rahima

    A puzzle!

    Where do you stand on this issue and how do you reconcile your beliefs/principles with what is going on in Lebanon? Of course I remain united with my brothers and sisters for at the end of the day they profess Laa ilaaha ila Allah. That carries more weight than anything else. That said however, I remain angry with the Muslims. I still feel that they bring all these problems on themselves by not only diverting from their religion (Allah is The One who grants success/victory and He does so to the Muslims when they return to their roots), but by also not employing strategies for long-term success. It seems that all we care about are the battles and not the war. An incident like this sparks every few months, we all stand up angry but sadly we all slowly return to our ways. Also, I know it may seem heartless to a degree, but as far as Lebanon is concerned, in some ways I feel that the attacks on them are a result of them turning a blind eye to the plight of their brothers across the border. For years all Lebanon cared about was the building of their state (which is not a crime) and ignoring the massacre of their brethren. This mind you is not alone to Lebanon, it’s only a matter of time that we all pay the price for ignoring our brothers and sisters.
  23. ^ We’ll let you know of our selection for you very soon Rokko, worry not, Zu and I have not forgotten our Aussie family .