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Everything posted by Rahima

  1. ^^^ N you have. Maybe you are looking for manyar of diffirent sort. LOOOL Popcorn anyone?
  2. ^Unlike all you good-for-nothing men NGONGE :rolleyes: , I accept that people have choice. If the sister wants to uphold his ‘gift’ at the cost of hers then that is her right. I can see that you're itching for drama, none here so move on .
  3. Yo-Yo if you know what is good for you, you’d find another barber. What’s the point of having a nice haircut when you have no one to show it off to? Dont worry though, overtime the new one will grow on you .
  4. ^You tricked the poor man. That wasn't a sarcastic remark. First of all you added 'please' at the end - unless that was followed by some eye rolling or a noticeably fake voice, that sounds like an honest request on ur part to me! It’s all in the expression Femme, believe you me I was very very sarcastic. That said I told him I needed it to get home-for the freakin’ bus fare :rolleyes: . Common sense needed. Did you thank that nice Indian? I doubt Yo-Yo would go back again and get you another change. Tough luck would've been his final answer. Yo-Yo would get it for me again. I know things you don’t know Jimcaale .
  5. Never saw as da sarcastic type. One day a few years back before I had the pleasure of driving everywhere I had to wait for that darned public bus. Anyhow all I’ve got on me is a $50 note, the bus fare is about $2.00. The moron bus driver refuses to let me on on the grounds that he doesn’t have enough change for me. I got off in search of change. I walked into a bank, waited in line and like a good customer when called approached the teller explaining that I needed change for the bus. He asks me “Would you like that all in notes or coins?†Thinking that the idea of wanting the whole $50 in coins was so absurd (what would I do with 25 $2 coins?), I said sarcastically coins please. He left and returned with a bag full of $2 coins, I’m pretty sure I was staring at him oddly because he asked what the matter was. I told him I was being sarcastic since I needed coins only for a bus fare, to which he laughed (who knows, probably out of embarrassment) and went to get appropriate change. He handed me the change and mumbled something about the sarcasm of intelligent people (he was Indian- not a racist remark, but it explains what he thought was a pick up line). Point to story, I’m very very sarcastic, to the point that people often think that I’m patronizing them, and really inside I’m as sweet as pie . As for that, Wouldn't know really, but might have beeen just a faint hope on my part I told you, the “I would†thing was sarcasm- i'd suck him dry of any attained wealth and leave him with his new found love . Some people say they can live on just air and live- i'd love to watch the experiment .
  6. Rahima stop being so bitter. Bitter? What the bloody hell are you on about? :confused: Oh who cares, go away, what i said was true.
  7. ^How do you know that i'm not hitched? And even more importantly Che, sarcasm, ever heard of it ?
  8. Move on- men are not allowed to have periods of instability or emotions for that matter. 5-year attachment? Dearest the problem is bigger than what you think. Rethink it .
  9. I just need to know wat other sister think about being in this situation.. who will agree their huband to marry a second wife or third or even fourth wife in the space of few months or less. I would.
  10. That's because you'd never come across any woman admitting to being 38 years old. I gotta admit fidel that put a smile on my face . I say any age before 32 and after 20 [range] is the ideal age to wed! If you are at your 35th year, you’ve reached a milestone and you need to hasten your search , I say. In that case I don’t see what all the fuss is. None here are anywhere near that age or I doubt thinking of waiting that long, unless of course they have sworn off the entire prospect (some of us are thinking of it). As for pursuing a career and a family simultaneously, it can be done and done well, my mother for one has done it- it takes hard work undoubtedly and I don’t believe that either has to be put on the backburner. Khalaf, Please ina adeer get back in that cave, for your safety first and foremost .
  11. Xiin’s advice: be a career woman if you wish but get marry young. You will be happier! What is young? 16? I’m sure going by your post that would be right on the money . BTW Xiin, this is a Somali forum, I don’t see how any of the so-called stats apply to us. I have yet to come across a Somali woman wait to have children until she was 38 because she was busy with her career :confused: . Good timing Abwaan Xiin Why, coz you think that he saved your behind from a good whopping :rolleyes: ? Dude, the guy just made it worse for you .
  12. ^^That might be the case for you Rahima but for me days wouldn’t be sufficient time to process the queue of suitors so I guess Rokko can join the back of the line Now now Jamilah, don’t be spoiling me with such compliments , my weak heart can’t take it. Just call me a man-eater . Rahima i'll take it from here I’m sure you will, I’m cheering for you mate . Make me proud; I await the xalwo since my favourite Xalwo lady moved to Perth (I’m still in mourning ).
  13. Ah! I see you finally came round to accepting the idea of multiple wives. Turnover is measured by the number of babies each wife delivers. The candles, flowers and gifts are merely benefits of the job. Dream on adeer , Blessed has got it right. With this business, what I say is holy and always right- and I say multiple wives are a cardinal sin in this business and to engage in it will mean for the partner the loss of the prime good (imagination is handy ). Rahiima I like the bravado hon. It’s good sometimes, but you know that I know, what you’re pretending that I don’t know. In other words, tell the sperm joke to the doobile It was fun while it lasted . But really I do think that there is no place for corny romance.
  14. ^It's working Rokko, a few more days and she will be yours.
  15. Smith....You equate TFG with a particular clan...lool Interesting! Qofkii Mogadishu ka naxi jiray ee u damqanjiray maanta wuu ku faraxsanyay isbedelka ka dhacay. Ninkii ku farxijiray siday ahaanjirtayna maanta waa ka naxsanyay. That is how it is. It’s interesting how irrespective of all the positive developments taking place in the capital some are still hoping for mayhem and the downfall of the city/people. We always knew that the “concerns†of some were nothing more than BS.
  16. candles, flowers, gifts, chocolate, picnics, looking at stars So corny, I would never degrade myself to such a low. just bloody sperm It’s business mate.
  17. I vote for you Layzie- anything to defeat Baashi .
  18. Pink or purple? I suggest pleats, A-line doesn't cut it. Don't get angry, get even!
  19. ^And i suggest to you my brother that next time you not think the worst of people. Problem solved? Me think so . And really don't you think that your explanation is unnecessary? I mean after those objections i think i got the gist of it, where all your minds had gone. I explained and that should be that. Khalaas now.
  20. Yes he should be fought against, and unless he repents we can do without such evil.
  21. Allow me to educate you boys on Aussie slang. Wanker: a male that is really s'tupid but they think they are the greatest www.everythingaustralian.info/australia/do/slang/w.htm Hence this man is a wanker and like I said he needs to be shot. And btw boys, get your minds out of the gutter!
  22. Although i'm out of the loop on this one, congrats for kicking some a'ss . Proud of you woman