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Everything posted by Rahima

  1. ^Femme, as in the moderator Femme :rolleyes: , what is wrong with you Pucca, get with it girlfriend . If Mr MC is Canadian, he is a sad sad example. He should be ashamed and shunned. Worse than his blasphemous words is that he sounds like an American :mad: .
  2. Who really cares about Australia anyways? Says an American who probably can’t find America itself on the world map . Move along, we outnumber here, watch yourself, both Zu and I are Aussies and Femme a canadian- we all dislike Americans :mad: .
  3. ^^ Ku soo celi? Why girlie, just scroll up, over and over and over . ^^she obviously hasnt had the pleasure of being in London. I have, twice, like the first time wasn’t bad enough :rolleyes: and whats wrong with london? You should know, you live there . How about these plush apartments in Hackney, only 145K GBP Our prisons are most plush. People get out whilst you still have life, the place is miserable and all the people are miserable. Come to Australia, where it's beautiful one day, perfect the next .
  4. ^Leave Eddie alone, he’s a Melbourne boy (not to mention Broadie ) whipping those Sydney siders into submission . Anyhow I was at work the other day listening to the conversation of my 50 something year old colleagues about their sons. One of them says that her son Xavier (poor lad) has a friend called David and both are young men. These two have this game where when a famous person dies competition is on on who tells the other first :confused: . Steve Irwin and Brockie means that they are draw, David’s theory is that next will be Darryl Sommers, we all wait now. Poor Darryl Sommers.
  5. ^If that is your idea of shukaansi, you need lessons quick. Follow Xiin around whenever he responds to Bishaaro (or Castro with Val), you’ll learn a lot .
  6. In today’s day and age, only if haday is nacday.
  7. Rahema: Evil wicked little woman, marba ode korka iga saar. Xiin's minyaro search is work in progress, it's not finished yet. You could be in his hit list. If I were you I'd watch my back. Forewarned is forearmed my sister. Hey hey, some of the odayaal have class, don’t diss our resident wise men and stop the playground ciyaar, I know it’s mutual . Anyhow, just look at his response, soon enough I wont even need to start a rumour . I will be the wind that fans your mill [& NO!! that doesnt have any hidden or coded meaning ] It’s a work in progress still Pierre, but i‘ll let you know, however it’s looking like I won’t have to dust off my rumour making kit after all. But putting that aside, aren’t you going to respond to the taunts of the oldies :mad: , first Castro and then this: As for Mr. Piyeekh envying us old boys, i can safely assert that when the bush comes to shove, old men would win hands down---effortlessly. :eek:
  8. You bloody xaasid, leave the poor nomad alone :mad: .
  9. how is that a waste of money? Investment in real state is hot. We are talking about London, no?
  10. As per usual the cuqdad filled cheerleaders are crying at every turn. Boys move on .
  11. And i blend silliness with seriousness . Two more posts to the golden 2000 .
  12. ^It's all good brother , i shall keep in mind your serious nature for future encounters.
  13. It's a forum, unless it is written in a serious way, never take it to be so. Ease up brother, i was only having you on .
  14. I was gonna continue, but i get the feeling khalaf that you think that i'm serious.
  15. Juje, Why the difference treatment accorded to the former presidents? I’m not exactly sure why you ask me, since I have no idea what you speak of, but if I were a guessing woman I’d say that these former ‘presidents’ are not of the same calibre :rolleyes: . We disagree on this matter and frankly I don’t want to get into with you, your freedom fighters are in my eyes criminals. On the same tune, General Galal, President Abdiqasiim, Businessmen Delaf, other dignatories from the same clan as that of Hassan Dahir have body guards, weapons and 'cabdi-bilayaal' and at the same time it was confistigated from Ali Mahdi, why? Yep you’ve got it all worked out, it’s all about qabiil I tell ya. I mean the fact that the courts are an amalgamation of people from all tribes is irrelevant, at the end of the day the holy clan of Hassan Dahir and co are untouchable, so live with it :rolleyes: . All in all, tell it to someone who cares buddy. If indeed this story occurred, then I’m sure it’s for a good reason. That said, cuqdada iska saar, move on.
  16. ^Who the bloody hell cares, it's all BS anyway. The efforts some will go to, sore loosers
  17. ^This exchange is suss, i left the two of you in the general section and here i see the two of you engaging once more. I am suprised by you Bishaaro :eek: , Xiin however i know is looking for a minyaro. I’m working on a rumour .
  18. Rahima what? I thought you were a good muslimah! This is against the golden rules! There is no rule against disclosing the contents of private messages :rolleyes: . My hands are clean Khalaf, and you my friend have just made your case worse, notebook he says :eek: .
  19. Che, Interesting that you would be disappointed that this wasn’t a thread on bisexual somali gals .
  20. Yep, it's all true . You should see it all :eek: , i almost fell off my chair Zu.
  21. So, I was like bisexual Somali gals.....Interesting, but very disappointed when I clicked on da topic. Dissapointed you say Che. Interesting!
  22. ^ Not to mention absurd :rolleyes: . Khalaf don’t make me post that private message where you admitted that your favourite all time movie was the titanic because of the way they captured the essence of romance . I have ammunition, watch your back and behave yourself . Galool, welcome on board .