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Everything posted by Rahima

  1. ^ Go on, what do you think of the jewellery, is that fair? That's exactly what i was thinking.
  2. Rahima

    Doctor Dilemma

    Rahima....I don't understand how it works. Is it something both patners agree on or is it the Faaraxs that suggest goverment housing? Atleast one patner gotta have some ambition I don’t know what it is, but in Australia almost everyone does it. I appreciate that for some it is a legitimate form of housing, but what I fail to get my head around is why the bloody hell would a young 20-something couple where at least one of the two has a stable job would seek government housing. In so many ways for such a couple to seek it is degrading. Even worse, to voice such an opinion is snobbery. Rahima, those that end up in government housing are doing it because heblaayo and hebel got a townhouse at such and such neighbourhood for like $200/month. More and More middle class families are aiming low, instead of aiming high. Rent in Melbourne is increasing by the day especially since we’ve had three interest rate hikes in a matter of months, laakiin that is workable, just move out another 5 km from the city. We all drive here and many have cars so that would never be a problem, laakiin all are set on trying to establish themselves in suburbs of upper middle class range, which is ridiculous to rent privately so instead they go to government housing for that unlike private is dependant on your income (which often is a lie also). Your example Lazie is doable in a country where there are halal forms of lending for property. Here in Australia it doesn’t exist, believe you me I know. Perhaps for the last year or so I’ve been looking at the options available to me as a Muslim wishing to buy property in Melbourne, and really all I kept finding were dead ends. Everything here is riba, even the so-called Islamic finance institutions function on riba. That said I’ve read and heard that HSBC offers halal options, but guess what, they also do not offer this halal option to Muslims in Australia. I realise that Muslims in the UK and US have these options, but we here do not so really unless you want to deal in Riba you are stuck with renting.
  3. Rahima

    Doctor Dilemma

    AAliyah416, marry for love and see yourself only making enough money to survive. Once a Somali couple marry, their next destination is government housing. Something he made me realise. Just the other day my friends and i were discussing that very same point. Suprisingly even the young are heading down the road of government housing, i just can't get my head around it :confused: .
  4. ^You support the likes of CY and Qaybdiid, you have no right speaking of crimes against humanity. The stench of hypocrisy is getting worse by the day.
  5. Soon enough the troublemakers of Mudug will be dealt with by their own brothers. Soon inshallah! These people have caused too much havoc in Somalia, they need to be stopped not cheered because they advance your sick and twisted views.
  6. ^Wouldn’t you love it if there were a showdown? Qaybdiid is nothing more than a bloodsucking warlord, you support him because he serves your interests. Everyone also knows what hobyonet stands for. You really are so transparent it’s embarrassing.
  7. ^No one asked you anyhow dude, but keep in mine that the people that need to be cleaned out from Gaalkacyo and you are basically one in the same. I don’t expect you to turn on your friends. Warlords and their supporters are the same!
  8. I hope they clean out southern Gaalkacyo asap, many of the hard-headed problamatic people live there.
  9. new Taliban State in Somalia How i hate somalis who speak in such a way, uff, next they'll sell their souls to the devil since the American administration isn't far off.
  10. HA, Hopefully Ramadaan is treating you well . That said, you know very well that my knowledge on Somali politics is very poor so many a times my opinions are based on what I perceive as common sense, my stance on what is morally correct and what the scholars of our religion have to say on the matter. Therefore, I know that there is a unanimous agreement amongst the scholars regarding the courts, in that they are a group which deserves our support. Like I’ve already stated, common sense also dictates that they are the best thing to come out of Somalia for a very long time and put simply they are making the necessary changes from dealing with the warlords to making the required social reforms. All that said my brother; we also know that they are making diplomatic efforts with all politic forces, as they did with the warlords of Mogadishu for a long time, the TFG and I’m just as sure that they tried the diplomatic hand with Mr. Hiraale. I don’t believe that they are unjust in their dealings and therefore do not believe that they would of have been unjust to Mr. Hiraale. I however do believe that he refused the olive branch and was impeding the reforms and probably like most Somali leaders is obsessed with power. As I see it, if he is sincere, why not join the progress, why oppose men who clearly are making positive strides for the country? I don’t know much about the man, just like I know very little about Qaybdiid, but it looks like they are both the same. My rationale may be simplistic especially in a forum where no doubt most if not all know more than I do, but as I’ve said they are making the changes that I had hoped for my country and any mistakes they make along the way will I’A be advised by the learned people, fixed and overlooked by us as they are only humans. As for any misunderstandings I may of have had about your views, I do apologise, laakiin I must say I find it disheartening that you would jump off so soon especially on the premise of one disagreement. For this one point brother you are overlooking every good that they have performed, that to me just doesn’t sit right. Going by this thinking you’ll end up opposing every possible effort for our country because no entity is perfect, including Mr. Hiraale. I am sure he has made many more blunders then the courts. Anyhow, we disagree on this matter. I will continue to support the courts so long as the scholars do. The point They are to a degree - but not with Kismayo takeover and excursions to Baidoa and Galkacyo. As is your opinion. I wonder why you believe the clan basis is in the past tense. What specifically has occurred in the past several months to convince you otherwise? That they are now comprised of men from various clans and are not just concerned with the cleaning up of certain clans and areas of Somalia but rather all of our people and all of our land.
  11. I'm glad you are one of the few in support of the ICU to recognize this clan basis of it. That is why it is really important when they set out to spread their stated Islamic agenda - they do so peacefully and through consultation and negotiation. Otherwise - it begins to look like a clan driven expansion of territory and power. Are they not doing so? As for the clan basis, it was the case. It no longer is, so any arguments of clan driven expansion of territory and power are nothing but nonsense.
  12. HA, Brother, with respect to the people of Kismaayo supporting the take over, you and I will never agree. You say that they don’t, others many reer kismaayo themselves say they do. This is just like Southern Mudug, people will argue till they are blue that the people don’t support the courts and others say otherwise- each is driven by a different incentive. What however I fail to comprehend and really find extremely surprising is that you (an individual I respect) would jump off the wagon so easily and to make it even worse my brother be writing like some people that we all know are questionable. I can go into detail here, but I have too much respect for you to do so and hope that a disagreement doesn’t tilt you to the other side. I am more than sure that the courts would of have given Mr. Hiraale a chance to come on board, he made his choice. He took over Kismaayo by force brother, right or wrong is irrelevant right now, but he had a choice to join the movement. My support for the courts will not wain so long as they continue on their path of good, they have achieved feats brother that no other entity, warlord or leader (including Mr Hiraale) have been able to. I admire Xassan Dahir and I find it surprising that you belittle him the way you do- the above interview is a testament to the nature of the man. Like I said, I find it hard to accept that you’ve adopted such a view; at the end of the day they are serving the people on the principles of Islam. They are not perfect by any measure, but they are doing the best we have seen, on that they should have our support regardless of whether or not we think one man and his leadership were wronged. Qaybdiid let me remind you was once upon a time a staunch supporter of the courts, especially as with regards to the establishment of a court for his sub-sub-clan. He had a choice to join the good efforts of the courts, but when he realised that he would no longer hold the power (negative mind you) that he held, he chose to oppose. Cusmaan Caato on the other hand is no angel but at least he chose to mind his own business. Many will argue that both (Qaybdiid and Hiraale) are selfish and think only of themselves and their leadership instead of the general good- I am one of those people. I don’t know anything of Hiraale, but one thing is clear, he obviously refused to join the movement and instead chose to further his own agenda instead of the agenda on the country and populace. To end it HA, ponder why all the major Somali scholars from Umal, Cumar Farooq, Shariif Cabdinuur, Cukaash to Mustafa support the courts. If they were so wrong as you seem to think, why would they? Men like Umal who has met with these men, who has been to Xamar know the situation better than people like you and I who have no access really other than the internet and the views of people we all know are driven by questionable incentives. The fact the scholars support them says a lot. That is my opinion. Ramadaan Kariim
  13. And Bakar, to sack the oxygen out of this lingering news even further, Courts have indeed announced that they’ve investigated and arrested the fighter who was thought to have done it, in the end they concluded that the whole saga wasn’t worth the effort. To accuse them for flag burning is a political sham, in my opinion. Don't you just love it how they seem to have ignored this part of it .
  14. This is undoubtedly disgusting and shocking but how are the policies and actions of the SL leadership any different to the rest of Somalia? Our pre-war government did it, our current one does it through it's policies, it just doesn't have the power to take physical action. No need to take the high-ground, this is a general Somali problem, always selling themselves out for the sake of the enemy support.
  15. Mashallah, good to see Muslims taking a stance for their religion.
  16. Salaam Rahima. Granted the tribal connection was understandable and even welcomed by those of us who supported the Courts in their early fights against the "anti-terror" alliance but why do you think that has not been respected in the invasion of Kismaayo. This isn’t an issue I wish to discuss in depth so I’ll make it short. I disagree with it been termed an ‘invasion’, I do not regard it as such but rather believe the version of not only the courts themselves but also wadaado in general (including the tribe of Mr Hiraalle). I am glad that it happened at least with no bloodshed. Thus far I have agreed with all that the courts have achieved and have yet to see injustice in their tactics. With Somalis HA it all depends on who is answering the question, some will call it an invasion and others will say that not only was there an invitation but it was also necessary. As I said, not an issue I wish to delve into, but my support for the courts is conditional upon there been positives and a betterment of the situation- which so far there is. I realise that you and I disagree for i have read your posts, but this is my take on the matter. I feel that Hiraale should of have just come on board for i think we all agree that they have achieved feats in somalia that no other entity has been able to. WIIL_SHAYDAANKA, After i wrote my reply i had this feeling that i was barking up the wrong tree, sorry mate
  17. To me the grave issues that are about to emerge is beyond whether their campaign is regarded success or not. What I see the issues to be are by taking the name of Islam, their failures and short comings will be attributed to the Islamic Sharia (or Islamic Governship) or Islam itself. Once they claim they will rule by the sharia everyone expects justice, prosperity and new dawn in which everyone will be equal in the eye of the law (no one to be above the law). If they don't deliver those expectations it will be a huge scarr left on all future islamic da'wah to come to Somalia. The problem then Zu lies not with those who are trying to implement Islamic principals bur rather those who have the warped thinking that Islam is synonymous with the practices of Muslims- this is what the kufaar do everyday. If one would always keep in mind that unlike Islam which is perfect, Muslims on the other hand however (no matter how much of an effort they put in) are not perfect and will no doubt make mistakes. It is therefore that we should not use this as an excuse to not support instead we need to have patience and for those of us who have the capacity to do so advice (such as the scholars). My fear is if this 'Revolution' turns out to be a clan tool intended for power grap, that we may loose the only hope we had. To have such a fear me means that you understand little about the courts. How can be a power grab of certain clans when it is amalgamation of people from all over Somalia? To harbour such fears me would mean that one is in agreement with all those who seem hell-bent on portraying the courts as an entity which upholds tribalism.
  18. May Allah give him Jannatul Firdows.
  19. Aweys: Who told you this? We are still preparing for this organizational process because we believe it would be wrong for the Islamic Courts' structure to continue to be based on tribal considerations. i knew it! you see give these brave men some time and they will deliver Was it a secret that the courts were established along tribal lines to deal with their moryaan? What’s this ‘I knew it’ like it’s a bloody discovery. There is nothing wrong with establishing an entity so as to do well for your tribe (PL and SL are both just that), especially in Somalia where as I see it only every tribe can deal with it’s respective problems and then can we unite as is the plan of the courts obviously. Now that they have expanded, they need to move on from the tribal structure which was undoubtedly necessary in Mogadishu. As long as one works for khayr there is nothing wrong with division among tribal lines, even Rasuallah s.a.w at his time would divide his army at times along tribal lines. Big difference between tribalism and dividing along tribal lines for the good. If i misunderstood, excuse the post.
  20. the TFG the support it needed from some quarters, A/Qaybdeed Allow me to interject from the sidelines for a split second, that is a partial lie. Yes this man and his cronies are anti-courts, but that does not mean he represents his clan, it’s spilt half and half dear. The half who support him are nothing but a bunch of clannists who hate the thought of taking a back seat (as they see it) for the greater good, so really stuff them I say. Now stop using this as a point and making it sound like his clan are against the courts, it’s Ramadan for godsake, write truth.
  21. ^^Its the dodgy Aussie accent thats putting one off, plus the 30 hour flight to the middle of nowhere, plus the fact that one doesnt want to be mistaken for an aborigini on a regular basis You see, we don’t all sound like Steve Irwin, but you lot (bar the queen and co) all sound like David Beckham, I know, I’ve heard and being hurt . Middle of nowhere is relative not to mention it’s tranquil unlike the two-way streets of London we use as footpaths . And finally, Northerner I worry that you think you might be confused for an Aboriginal, either you don’t know what they look like or your features as a Somali are in question :confused: .