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Everything posted by Rahima

  1. Walaahi I salute them, indeed! As we all do. May Allah have mercy on all those who have passed on and give strength to all those living and struggling.
  2. Lucky he didn't meet the fate of Somali Journalists, Somali intellectuals and military officers, other foreign Journalists at the hands of Alqaeda. Akhas, and even more akhas to those who agree. Uff i get more digusted by the day.
  3. how ignorent and ungreatful can we get? First they tried to feed hungary somalis and in return got some of their solders dragged through the streets by barbarians. Now they are trying to save your country from warlords/terrorist and this is your thanks. You see everything on the net; if it wasn’t for it I would never believe that a Somali would hold such views. Very sad.
  4. ^Getting nervous ay my friend? You should be, you never know what I’m capable of . Be good and no qarxiying will be happening. Stoic, Not possible to infiltrate us, we are as they say as thick as thieves .
  5. Rahima free public transport not enough to merit your vote? Not really since I don’t use public transport . Anyhow I’m glad that Bracks is back, Baillieu is creepy and a Liberal (like that wasn't bad enough already).
  6. P.S: Serinity and Rahima all eyes are on you now. Allow sahal . Xiin I have two years left. Leave me alone I tell ya :mad: . As for you, I pass the tissue- kleenex too .
  7. So is the premier of my home state Victoria, Steve Bracks (who i will be voting for in a few hours ).
  8. Congrats sister, may it be a blessed union Someone should start a separate thread for condolences to Mr. Xiin. He will be heart broken.
  9. ^^^He does little cross dressing on da weekend Massa sorry duqa...didn't mean to qarxiyeeniging Nope! It’s even juicier . North what exactly is it that you think that you know? Val I’ll tell you once you tell me what you know about Che . Do we have a deal? And Mr. Massa you must now behave yourself for I have ammunition :cool: .
  10. yep very i'm getting closer and closer.....sweeeeeeeeeet LOOL , you really have no clue do you? Northerner, Congrats for what? :mad:
  11. ^ Don’t get sensitive now brother, don’t forget that it was you who posed the no-go-zone touchy question of others feeling superior when in fact it was only a reminder for us all. If you wished to go there I only challenging it- ha ka xanaaqin it was only a question (one that I was hoping would make you rethink your protest ). That said which rule am I breaking? Even If I were on the pc all day long I would not edit every post which diverges from the original intent of the topic unless it was offensive or inflammatory. This particular thread does not fall into that category. Either way me, be grateful when reminded I know I am.
  12. Me, Let’s get real brother, thread hijacking happens all the bloody time in almost every thread. Not much that we can do about it except to sit on the pc all day long editing. Now my question to you is why protest over this one, especially when it could very well be argued that this time is much more worthy then all the other times you have not objected to.
  13. ^Dude i wouldn't marry those two men even if they were not married or have never married before. I have a whole list of reasons as to why, foremost of which is i wouldn't be able to communicate with either. That said, it doesn't mean i don't admire them. Anyway, leave me alone .
  14. Cajiib walaahi. Enjoining the good has now become a problem. None of us are perfect, but if reminded by a fellow Muslim with regards to the good, even if you do not heed it at the very least do not protest or get defensive like you are been judged. Don’t get your knickers in a knot over a simple reminder that at the end of the day we should be listening to the Quran instead of Music. Even for those of us that do listen to Music, none should ever protest over this point.
  15. Are you sure about that Zu?
  16. ^Would you like to share whatever Rocko is upto? Can’t, I’ve sworn to secrecy . Rahima i’m not exactly certain but i think i know what you know and i’m pleased to know that you know it Are you sure about that Rokko
  17. Fine Rokko, laakiin i still know
  18. ^G20? Why bother rokko, they don’t listen. As for Allah made me funny, I’m still cursing. I was all set to go but qadar came in so I missed out. Unfortunately it was the last night.
  19. Nur it was an over exaggerated statement for I do not know what my future holds. However, it was an expression of my extreme dislike of it.
  20. I wouldn't marry a married man if he was the last man on earth.
  21. Beneficial advice for the Muslims in the west. http://www.as-sahwah.com/viewarticle.php?articleID=1283&
  22. Krishna, you might want to change your name.
  23. Sulfa cursed anybody who listens to his music when he became a wadaad, maaha? Yep! As for the Qur’an reciters you can’t go past Sudais and Cabdulwaduud Xaniif.