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Everything posted by Rahima

  1. Do you not know that ultimate victory will be to the Muslims and not the kufaar (and their door k.nobs) .
  2. Little i know muminah! All i know were the interest driven icu leaders I wonder what the good sheikhs u listed would say against the points fiqq brought up (about the methods) and Sh. Abdullah Azzam believed! Khalaf I’m not in the mood to engage with people who are driven by clan and worship the clan (not yourself), that is why I wouldn’t even bother addressing a thread misusing Islam to support oppression. But just an overview allow me to remind you of a few Islamic principles: -In general Islam orders that evil can only be removed by that which will itself remove or reduce the evil and not exacerbate it. -Warning off evil by ways which will result in greater evils is not permissible, however if in the case of a leader which openly commits acts of Kufr (note acts, not a kafir), if a group of Muslims is able to remove this leader in a way which will benefit the Muslims and not create more evil then letting this leader be, then as is the ijmaac of the scholars it is permitted to remove him from his post. This of course is after this leader has been advised of his faults many a times. The UIC tried many many times to meet with this government of ours, pleaded with them to come to negotiation table, stated that since we are brothers let us build a nation on the principles of Islam. This government however refused; instead they resorted to the language of the kufaar by labelling their brothers terrorists. Up until the point where this government employed the aid of kufaar the courts were far more able and undoubtedly were had the power to remove this government in a way which would not result in a greater evil- mind you they didn’t even get to this point. The courts were able to provide the people with peace and prosperity that this government was unable to do. -Another major point in Islam is that to employ the aid of the kufaar against your own brethren is another act of kufr- a point once again this government was and is guilty of. Now I’m sure some will say that courts used the aid of the Eriterian administration- this is nothing but an accusation thus far, unlike Ethiopia which has openly admitted to their involvement. Muslim eriterians who wanted to participate in a jihad (their intention is with Allah) are separate from their kaafir administration. That said, one also becomes a hypocrite when they use the aid of the kufaar against their brothers. -Next is jihad in self-defence when a Muslim land is attacked by kufaar, in this case Ethiopia invading Somalia. In this situation where the whole region is overrun by kufaar it becomes obligatory upon every Muslim to defend their homes, lives and honour and it becomes obligatory upon every Muslim not in direct attack (like ourselves) to assist in any way that we can. All these fiqhi points brother are points of general consensus amongst the scholars, the daleels for them are everywhere (if it is a point of interest you can research them). As for the intentions of the wadaado- that you do not know aside from what you have read from the qabiil orientated somali media who are misguided into thinking that the wadaado put qabiil before islam. That is the speciality of CY and Qaybdeed-not men of religion.
  3. I've always thought that Suldaanka was a Melbournian.
  4. How come they did not diversify their leadership and have well known scholars from Puntland, Somaliland, Gedo regions or at least have their support Little you know Khalaf. The courts were made up of every qabiil and had support from all the Somali Culimaa’, from Shariif Cabdi Nuur (arguably the most learned somali man in Islam), Umal, Mustafa, Shibbille etc. All of these learned men hail from every corner of the horn, from SL, PL to the south. You see that is when you know that one should support an establishment- when the scholars give their support.
  5. Events of the past few months have identified not only the hypocrites but also those true to their word, country and religion. Castro they attack you because not only are you part of the latter group but because you have exposed their hypocrisy.
  6. This world is short; let the hypocrites (those committing the actions of aggression and their supporters) laugh for now. The last laugh will be with the believers.
  7. I've never cried as much as i have the past week and never more angry. After every hardship there is ease, may Allah deliver it to us quickly.
  8. ^^^I know you are in the no 1 spot in the premiarship of clan haters. If that were the case i'd be cheering on the hypocrites as you do. Alxamdullilah Allah has save me from such hypocrisy.
  9. I'm an expert on clan hate. I can only but smile at that . You and I my friend are not in the same league.
  10. You see, the shuhaada'/mujaahidiin win either way, be it victory here in this world or the next. You however will recieve your reward in the next life. Like i said a munaafiq and his cheerleader are one in the same. If the lord is on your side you do not lose, thus the fakery stops here. Not only do you support the hypocrites but you also know nothing about Islam. Here you are speaking like the kufaar who know nutta about Islam. Victory from Allah is not always swift, even if the hypocrites win this battle, the war is not over so long as we have living believers. The prophet s.c.w lost the battle of Uhud but won the ultimate war.
  11. Soon enough inshallah Qaybdeed will be killed off by his own clansmen, that is if he doesn't repent asap. I know of plenty of young men from his clan oo u dhaarsan- i hope they succeed.
  12. ^^^ Thats why they are losing, the hypocrite always loses. You of all people are calling others hypocrites, the irony is almost laughable. You beat the drums of the real hypocrites and you know what Islam says about the drumbeaters. Those who grow the grapes for the purpose of making alcohol, those who make it, those who transport it, those who sell it and those who drink it are in the sight of Allah all the same with regards to that sin. Similarly, he who supports the munaafiqs either by sending monetary support or cheering out loud or even in their hearts is just like them. I always knew that of many here and of Somalis in general, now when it has finally come to the crunch we can all see. You can take the mask off now, you and all the other sad lackeys who have chosen a kafir over a Muslim.
  13. I cry over the lost brothers as i have family member who have died, laakiin i am just as disgusted by the munaafiqiin running around choosing to side with filthy kufaar over their brothers. That more than anything kills me for as Allah has said the shuhadaa are not dead but with Him.
  14. ^May Allah give them victory, either jannatul firdows or a safe return. Aamiin.
  15. May Allah give them victory aamiin. May the Kufaar and their supporters be defeated swiftly. May Allah reward the dead with janatul firdows.
  16. The brother was not a doctor but a student of knowledge who for the past couple of years had devoted his time to learning Islam and teaching it to others at the local masjid. He was about 27, spent his time with the wrong crowd as do most young guys, laakiin unlike most he repented early in a way many would say was unimaginable. I personally met him about 4 years ago when we were involved in the organisation of Islamic events/classes. In about two years he’d memorised the Qur’an mash Allah and spent all his time at the masjid learning the religion and trying to save the younger brothers from the road he had taken previously (except for when at work- he looked after his family well). Soon enough he started to teach and became the imam of the masjid, leading all the way until he left. Ramadan prayers with him as imam were magnificent, such a beautiful command of tajwiid and a powerful voice. Of course only Allah knows, but were I to be asked who I thought was amongst the most sincere of the youth, surely I’d pick this brother. He was married to an Australian revert with one daughter and another child on the way (any day now actually). He was a strong brother mash Allah, such determination and belief, he will be missed and inshallah is amongst the rank of martyrs. Che, Yes.
  17. I am just saddened that my fellow SOMALIS are happy and celebrating the invasion of Somalia by the tigre Xabasha of Ethiopia. Sad! It's as simple as that, but i prefer disgusting than sad. But then again what do you expect from bigots who worship nothing but clan.
  18. Aameen, it's amazing walaahi. Melbourne however has lost an exceptional brother.
  19. Rahima

    Prayer Vigil

    Can i send a late hour? This Friday pls, inshallah it will bear even more fruit.
  20. ^I'm not sure if you knew him or not Rokko, but have you heard about?
  21. May Allah give the UIC victory over the gaalo and gaalo raac.