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Everything posted by Rahima

  1. Munaafiqs do not deserve to be negotiated with, they need to be dealt with in the manner dictated by Islam.
  2. ^You do it, so leave her alone
  3. Fanisha it all makes sense now, tell the dictator i've finally worked it out
  4. I’ve noticed that I, NOGNE, Baashi, Nur and few others refused to even change their signatures, let alone their nicks. What do you think the reason might be? Rigidity? I just can't be bothered. Too much effort and almost no creativity.
  5. ^I still own my supposed looted properties because your husband (who btw is cheating on you with the amxaaro) is allowing me to keep it as long as i allow him to keep his loot. Practice what you preach, advice from your sister Rahima .
  6. ^^^I dont know a single Ethiopian. That's a lie, you shouldn't deny he who pays your wage- they might just stop the payments. Simple advice from your caring sister .
  7. MKA, I don't know why you waste your time it's not like im going to read all of that, for like i wrote a blind man cannot see me wave at him so i won't bother waving. Make use of your time i say, i suggest that you read any books on Al-walaa'-wal-baraa'- topic you clearly know nutta about.
  8. ^ His idealogical clan is that which chooses munaafiqs and kaafirs over the righteous people of this religion, namely the scholars. MKA and those like him (we all know them) are beyond despicable. He and those like him are a shame to their somali clans, so no need to ask him.
  9. ^Can a blind man see me wave at him?
  10. Actually Hunguri i knew exactly what Taliban meant and i agree with him.
  11. 2007 is the year of the Blues, you watch people. They will show all why they have won the most premierships. I hate AFL Btw.
  12. the old good ol sheikhs before the suwaalaagabs came to town. Cajiib.
  13. Khalaf perhaps you should learn the ayats a tad more. Perhaps you should sit with the learned men and see what they say about the situation in our homeland instead of taking your Islam from people who wallow in jaahiliyah.
  14. Walaahi i cannot believe that some people are denying the evils of CY. I mean not supporting the ICU is one thing, but denying the crimes of this man (arguably the worst of the warlords) is un-freakin'-believable.
  15. 1. YES. 2. ABSOLUTELY YES. 3. Whilst I consider myself a Muslim, the munaafiqs and kaafirs would consider me an Islamist.
  16. ^Because we're too busy glorifying and cheering for warlords.
  17. Rudd needs to grow some balls if he wants to become next PM like Howard said the dude has no guts, Johnny in election mode will demolish him, he needs to take a risk and take firm stance on Iraq and IR laws etc Shame on you Rokko for regurgitating the liberal backing media :mad: . Mr. Rudd is playing the game, destroy the enemy and then provide viable options. Unless Howard manages to fool the Australian public AGAIN, Rudd (who mind you is the most popular opposition leader of Australian politics) has the next federal elections in the bag.
  18. Libaax, it's trully clear that they zoomed in on Borama more so than the other cities, but according to the report, Borama has gotten more housing than Bosaaso, Galkcayo, and Berbera. That's not true Red, Boorama sure has expanded but it ain't that big yet .
  19. And i bet you the old man was standing there in trousers and a shirt.
  20. Rubbish it is so it must be an art.
  21. Howard is a racist wanker, nothing new really. Soon enough I'A Rudd will blow him out of the water.
  22. 30th of Rajab, a Friday- spot on!