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Posts posted by Rahima

  1. ^^^So, is that what you have been busy with? thinking about Qatar and Bahrain


    Here I was thinking inaan gacmaha horey isu sii qabsano when I'm going to to Dubia

    ~~~~~Not Happy Jane!~~~~~ Not Happy at All

    Dubai is just too crowded, you can’t even sleep.


    I can’t handle any city busier than Melbourne :( - and mind you I’ve always lived in an inner city area.


    Anyhow the name is Jan :cool: .

  2. Darling Harbour, Sydney, from my hotel window. Simply breathtaking!

    We know :D .


    Remember Rahima has been constantly dissing London for god knows how long so be diplomatic with your Aussie reviews


  3. Actually I attended the conference and as explained by Yvonne herself, the Herald Sun (as the often do) misquoted her for she was referring to the media and not the general public. That said however I can’t say I’m surprised- it is the Herald Sun after all.

  4. You poms sure do have a complex don't you :rolleyes: . But then again i would also if i sounded like a badly spoken pubescent boy- must be hard :( . For that reason, i forgive and pray for you both smile.gif .

  5. That’s it :rolleyes: . What a bloody disappointment/relief. Anyway it’s a whole load of bullocks, I often initiate threads (just not lately). I have contributed greatly to SOL magool and mind you I’m royalty :cool: , check the member number and joining date next time. Preaching to me about contribution :rolleyes:


    Zu and Val,


    You both know, but for now I’m keeping it under wraps for another time ;) . Thank God I didn’t waste it on this.

  6. Kimiya,


    Moving to the Arab lands is in the plans but not right now. I’ve only recently graduated and have a slight career alteration to make before I am able to enjoy the blessing of hearing the adhan.


    As for Dubai, not sure that I’m converted, I’m leaning more towards Bahrain or Qatar. We shall see inshallah.

  7. Magool if you take me off the list I’ll let you in on a whopper of a secret ;) , one that only Val, Zu and myself know.


    Serenity might know but I’m not sure.


    Anyway delete my name and it’s all yours to use as you wish :D - will come in handy to blackmail indha yar man.


    Zu, I’m sorry mate :cool: , no loyalty when my name is in tatters.

  8. Urban,


    Get a Temazepam order, 20 mg will knock you out hopefully, if not Stilnox will most definitely do. If not, then I’m sorry i can’t help you. You need to get to a sleep clinic.