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Posts posted by Rahima

  1. Excellent development for all Muslims especially those of us living in the west who don't have any choices.


    There is an arabic word for this kind of transaction, but I forgot it. As well, they can make money off bank fees.


  2. Big crowd farewells 'Crazy John' Ilhan


    Dewi Cooke

    October 26, 2007 - 1:46PM


    Johns Ilhan's wife and children arrive at the funeral.


    The funeral prayers have finished for John Ilhan and his coffin has been carried out to soft chants of "God is great".


    A big crowd, including high-flyers Eddie McGuire and Shane Warne, attended the mobile phone millionaire's funeral.


    Outside the Broadmeadows Mosque over a thousand people had congregated to farewell Mr Ilhan, who died of a heart attack, aged 42, on Tuesday.


    During the service he was described as a man who brought the best of Australian and Turkish values forward and someone for future generations of Australians to look up to.


    A Turkish community member addressed the 1500-strong crowd on the footpath outside the mosque, most of whom had been kneeling.


    "We hope especially our youth and our community in general would take John Ilhan as a great example of how a successful businessman can be (such a great community representative).


    "For this reason, it's not only his immediate family who's in mourning but also the whole Turkish and Australian community has lost a son."


    After the funeral service, Eddie McGuire also spoke of Mr Ilhan's contribution to the community.


    "I think he built a bridge between Turkish Muslims and Broadmeadows people and the rest of the community, and I think he actually set a benchmark for what a young businessperson should do in his contribution to society," he said.


    Mr McGuire also spoke of how Mr Ilhan had made the very most of life.


    "He actually lived his life," he said. "There are plenty of people who could have lived until they are 142 and wouldn't have contributed or had as much fun and achieved anything that John could have done."


    Weeping widow Patricia was helped into a car to follow the coffin to the Fawkner Crematorium.


    In a moving message in the funeral program, she wrote of Mr Ilhan's love for his family and dedication to their children.


    "He was our inspiration and our rock," she wrote.


    "He loved his family more than anything. We always came first. We saw the man who cared so much about people."


    "I will remember that we were true soulmates - he always knew what I was thinking."


    The funeral included traditional Friday prayers.


    Shortly after 1.15pm Mr Ilhan's body began its journey to Fawkner Crematorium, and at 2pm he was due to be laid to rest.


    The father of four died after a heart attack as he walked near his home in the southern Melbourne suburb of Brighton on Tuesday.


    Islamic Council of Victoria president Ramzi Elsayed said eulogies were unusual at Muslim funerals and the ceremony would be brief, including communal prayers and blessings for the deceased.


    "It's a more sombre thing. It's meant to be an opportunity to ask for final forgiveness for the deceased," Mr Elsayed said.


    "He's going on a new journey."


    Mr Ilhan's funeral was delayed pending an autopsy and his parents' return to Australia from holidaying in their native Turkey.


    Mr Ilhan migrated from Turkey with his family at the age of 5 and settled in Broadmeadows, where his father became president of the mosque.


    He started a one-shop mobile phone business with $1000 in 1991, quickly amassing a fortune estimated at more than $300 million.


    A public memorial service is expected to be held on Monday, but the venue and time are yet to be announced.


    with AAP



  3. ^ Lazie don't you think laakiin that we as Somalis would be better off if parents invested in their children’s futures in other fields other than sport? I mean it's not like we have an abundance of professionals as it is- we need teachers, health care professionals, and engineers etc, not soccer players.


    We’re lacking the basics; we need to build on that.

  4. ^ Viking, and yet honey and cuppering do not heal all illness (a generalization I gather from the hadith as it does not specify ailments) even if we consider them amongst what was brought to us was from Allah.

    Nor do antibiotics or drugs. Healing is from Allah ultimately, but we as humans are to seek all alternatives avaible to us so long as they do not oppose the teaching of the prophet.


    So there is nothing wrong with utilising modern medicines such as antibiotics; and at the same time use honey and black seed.

  5. it is your duty as a wife.It all depends how u define that term.

    Aaliyah, take off the defensive slippers sisters, I was only inquiring ;) .


    It can’t be so self-explanatory if it is open to interpretation, no? I just wanted to know how you as an individual defined it, and do you believe that is the duty of every wife to be a housewife? Can you work and still be a housewife (since as according to you it is a duty)?


    And what do you call a woman who doesn’t fit your description of a housewife? Is she not fulfilling her duty as a mother and wife?


    Just questions dear.





    A woman, who chooses to return to work and sends her child to childcare, even though her husband makes enough, does not love her child any less than a stay-at-home mother. She doesn't care about her child any less, so let's stop painting her as a heartless individual who doesn't care enough for her child.


    Unless she's going out there to save lives, she's either

    a)Greedy and just wants more money

    b)Cold and doesn't love the baby enough

    c)Just doesn't know how to care for a child.

    Or d) all of the above. I’m thinking it’s d :rolleyes: .

  6. I wonder what Duke would write if the rules of the site were relaxed a little and the mention of clans were allowed!

    Sometimes I wish they were more lax so that the old man could get some sleep.


    He seems possessed, those sickening tribes who have alone committed such brutal massacres of the innocent are the cause for all his strife and evident nightmares.


    It might serve as some sort of therapy :D .

  7. ^It started in the politics section where I hoped we’d agreed to disagree. It then moved onto private where once again I hoped we’d agreed to disagree, and now it’s haunting me here :( .


    Trust me, you don’t want to know anymore ;) .

  8. Wa iyaakum.




    You obviously did not understand the point we disagreed upon.


    I believe in the supporting of those who provide the best and most Islamic option, for inshallah over time things in general shall improve. I also believe in supporting the lesser of two evils.


    You however are of the view that we should not give our support to any individual or group who do not


    100% following the Quran and complete rejection and separation of anything and everything that is in conflict with Al-Islam.

    That is unrealistic, we are humans. I don't know why you concern yourself with the sins or inability of others to follow the Qur'an 100% when i’m sure you yourself do not do so. Humans make mistakes. You are expecting that which you yourself do not do.


    I am satisfied with providing my support to any individual or group who i believe to be sincere and even with mistakes are not only providing the best alternative but will also inshallah lead to the ideal (or almost). I am also satisfied with the leadership of the culimaa’ which means i have confidence in them that they would not support a group which is corrupt.


    We disagreed on that point- so i can't see why you keep bringing this up, itching for an argument. I do not want to argue with you, fahamtu?


    I posted this so that others may benefit, leave it that.

  9. ^ as with regards to the missing of moments ;)


    Which was the point originally.


    Nanny or day care is not the point of contention. The above was in reference to our gynaecologist mother. Wether or not she employs the services of a nanny or day care; she is still away from her child and we still remain at the same problem. For our gynaecologist mother and many like her, giving up is not an option ;) .


    Could it be that may be (and that's just may be), I was having a blonde moment...

    You're excused this time, just this once ok :D .

  10. Mature mate, very mature.


    By your arguments we shall wait and be abused, not fight back as best as possible until and only until we have the taqwa and strength of Imam Ahmed or Ibn taymiyah.


    If by not agreeing with that statement i am a child with plugs in her ears, then so be it.

  11. ^


    I wasn't arguing it, i was trying to illustrate a point with it- the point that just like Aaliyah disaproves of mothers working whilst their children are young, others will dissaprove of her family planning. However we all make choices which are best for us, and just like Aaliyah would appreciate it if others respected her right to family plan she should respect others and their choices.