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Posts posted by Rahima

  1. ^ So let me get this straight:


    The sole responsibility of raising children is that of the mother and all the father does is bring home the dough?


    Dude your idea of roles within a family is warped!


    Both parents were there for the conception of a child, therefore they share the responsibility equally.


    As for the quote, the fact that you chose it and admit to finding it amusing says a lot.

  2. If you're kids turn out to be drug addicts, gangsters etc then I can safely conclude you're a bad mother.

    If we go by that logic, prophet Nuh was a bad father because his son refused to accept Allah as his Lord?


    Has it ever occured to you saqajaan that perhaps at times, it could be a test from Allah?


    I agree, some women are not the best of mothers, be they Somali or not, but using a quote from a moron as evidence is not the way to heighlight the issue. But then again, it does seem you have it in for women, not even willing to acknowledge that most of of our youth are the way they are because of absent fathers.


    It is said that the best role model for a child is the same sex parent, so i ask, is it mainly young men out of control or young women?

  3. I'm officially a quarter of a century NG, no more pretending here :D


    Perhaps my mother was very cautious, but i'm sure you know what i'm getting at. These things come with time, ease up on the little one, let her be a child and do what children do best, play ;) .

  4. You got me there NG, i was ready for a rumble ;) .


    Seriously though, five is way too young to be going anywhere near the stove or anything hot.


    You'd be surprised at the number of children that are brought into the ER with burns. I'd say that for now stick to getting her to make her bed, move up to the kitchen supervised at 7 or so.


    And i don’t think that what age you start with the actual cooking matters, as long as you teach them other responsibilities. I remember that when i was young, i was only allowed to go near the microwave at 8, started helping with the dishes at 10 or so (i could reach the sink comfortably then), and using the stove at 13. Now, i can cook most things, i may not be a chef, but we get buy happily :D .

  5. Ibtisam,


    Those women are not atheletes. That said however, just because a sister might be competing in the games, it does not mean that she can't half-try. I'm sure it can never be xalaal, but she can at least try to minimise the sin.


    Praying once a day is better than not praying at all. You can't argue that just because i'm in sin, i might as well just add more to it.


    From a personal perspective though, i found it distasteful that they were representing a country where most women where the hijab, yet none of them were.

  6. The freedom and independence of women in the west has had serious consequences for what it means to be a man.

    So what freedoms do we have that you feel we shouldn’t have because they have serious consequences on your masculinity? Give me examples if you would.


    Now a days, men are being coerced into becoming the less dominant partner in the relationship. The man no longer has the authority, he once held.

    Horta, dominant is perhaps not the right word, but for peace-sake let’s just leave it.


    Authority is a responsibility, not a right. Somali men are no longer the head of their households because of where they have put themselves, women did not do that to them, they only have themselves to blame. When you are an absent husband and father, expect that you will occupy a role which is easily dispensable. Be a real man, in that you step up to fulfilling your responsibility and no doubt you will be respected.


    This whole thread reeks of male chauvinism :rolleyes: . Stop crying and blaming women for your shortcomings. You men, put yourselves in such a lowly position.

  7. MMA,


    They were missing hijabs. We are a nation of Muslims, we should be more proud of that and show it to the world.


    I was saddened that many other countries were adorning the hijab, yet we weren't.

  8. ^ Which position is that Xiin?


    And do you actually believe that Ethiopia will be out because of this supposed agreement?


    Che, i feel you brother. I'm sick and tired of this flip flopping. The good sheikh needs to have a stance, this whole group if they are going to succeed need to stand firm on one thing. This changing with the wind thing is not going down well with me.

  9. Dabshid, i'm on to you! :cool:


    You should be reminding yourself that Ramadan is so near and work on your behaviour, unacceptable i say! :mad:

  10. Rest assured folks, nothing will be happening to our beloved SOL ;) .


    10, 9 now, weeks to Eid! icon_razz.gif


    What are the rest of you on about? :confused:


    North, hope it's going well ;) .

  11. ^I suggest you behave yourself young man, i can see that you're itching for a fight.


    Yes we all know which side of the sensibility (or lack of in your case) fence you sit on, but enough is enough, you don't want to give us any more reasons to poke fun at you, or do you?

  12. Femme, don't waste your time dear. Women are in the position they are primarily because of other women.


    Somehow, we have to degrade each others choices- makes some women more appealing to silly men ;) .