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Everything posted by ANTARA

  1. some of them lost all the savings they made. ninka reer magaalka in the interview may be blaming woman for this.. he said naagtuna naaag kale ayey u dhiibtey and then naag kale ayey u sii dhiibtey adn so on and now he doesn't knows the actual woman who was collecting the money. The guy thinks there is jin involved. watch it .
  2. Burudiyiintii walee meesha waa ku jabeen, baasuukayaal cusubna waa sitaan qoldani sida sawirka ka muuqata. ------------------------------------------ Sida ay nasoo gaarsiiyeen saraakiisha Guutada qaraxyada waxaa howlgalkaasi ku halaagsamay 10 kamid ah ciidamada Burundi --------------------------------------------- Mujaahidiinta Al-Shabaab oo dagaal iyo duqeymo ba'an ku qaaday Ciidamada Gaalada Burundi ee ku sugan Xerada Kuliyaddi J/Siyaad Jimco 25 Safar 1430 (20/02/2009) Gaari ciidan daabulayay oo ay lahaayeen Ciidamada gaalada isku magacowday AMISOM ee xoogga ku jooga Muqdisho ayaa Mujaahidiintu waxay la beegsadeen qarax miino oo Allaah fadligiisa gaarigaasi bur buriyay khasaarana geystay. Guutada qaraxyada Mujaahidiinta Al-Shabaab ayaa howlgalkaasi ka fulisay meel u dhexeysa Ex-Control Afgooye iyo Jaamacada Umadda halkaasi oo xarun weyn u ah qeyb kamid ah gaalada iskaashaneysa ee Afrikaanta ah. Sida ay nasoo gaarsiiyeen saraakiisha Guutada qaraxyada waxaa howlgalkaasi ku halaagsamay 10 kamid ah ciidamada Burundi oo la xaqiijiyay in ay saarnaayeen gaariga bur buray,iyadoona miinadu si buuxda ay u gubtay gaarigii gaaladaasi. Guutada qaraxyada waxay hore weeraro caynkaasi oo kale ah ku ugaarsan jirtay Ciidamadii saliibiyiinta Itoobiya ee jabay,iyadoona hadda kuwa dalka ku harayna Allah idankiisa ay wadadaasi mari doonaan. Isla Xerada Kuliyaddi J/Siyaad. Jimco 25 Safar 1430 (20/02/2009) Guutooyinka Gantaalaha iyo kuwa Muwaajahaatka tooska ah ee Mujaahidiinta Al-Shabaab oo iskaashanaya aya saaka weerar duqeymo iyo dagaal ku qaaday fariisinka gaalada Burundisku ku leeyihin Xerada Kuliyaddii hore ee Jaalle Siyaad ee Muqdisho. Saraakiisha Guutooyinkaasi ayaa noo sheegay in weerarku uu ahaa mid si aad ah loo qorsheeyay iyadoona ciidamada Mujaahidiinta ee guutada Muwaajahaatka ay dagaal ku beegsadeen gaalada markii si ba'an xarumahooda loo duqeeyay. Qeybaha kala duwan ee madaafiicda oo ay ku jiraan hoobiyeyaal ayaa lagu duqeeyay xarunta gaalada iyadoona taasi ay u gogol xaartay weerar toos ah oo Mujaahidintu ay ku qaadeen saldhiga gaalada halkaai oo dagaal xoogan uu ka dhacay. Mujaahidiinta ayaa sahmin badan kadib weerarkaasi fuliyay waxaana ay sheegeen saraakiishu in cadowga Allaah khasaare halkaasi uu kusoo gaaray balse aan tiro cayiman la sheegi karin,halka mid kamid ah Mujaahidinta uu shahiiday 3 kalena ay dhaawacmeen. Weerarkani wuxu qeyb ka yahay howlgallada Mujaahidinta Al-Shabaab ee ka dhanka ah gaalada dhulka Muslimka ah xoogga kusoo gashay,waxaana weerarkani uu ka danbeeya fulinta amarka Allaah ee ah gaalada idin soo weeratey meel waliba ku dila.
  3. Originally posted by Abdinasir Kadawo: haa maroodiga aad takartiisa aragtid, adiguna waxad tahay maroodiga aan takartiisa arag. waar meeshiiba wada maroodi ayaad ka dhigtey yakhi. takartan baas adiga maxaa ku tusey ma salaan baad u fuushey?
  4. ^^ waar Marx xaasidsanidaa ninyow, manashalaah dheh. Lakiin such a big business venture must have been financed by the pirates with the millions of ransom they made, kaadidooda ayey usoo cabeene ragu On a serious note this an exemplary progress, now I think it is fair to say Puntland waa carartey mahee wey dabaalabtey.
  5. Originally posted by Suldaanka: Jiif oo Jaq, Fadhi Ku Dhereg, Fadhi ku Macaash, Faa’iido Fudud walee caadi ma ahan...they are very good at marketing , aren't they?
  6. Originally posted by idil: I would like to point out to you that Hassan was a victim. Please do not assume just because another Somali kid was killed that it automatically had something to do with drugs or because he was in a gang. Inaa Lilaah Waa inaa Ileyhi Raajicuun true say, he is a victim and was not involved in drugs or gangs ilaahey ha u naxiiristo. The marhuum was from a good and well respected family. I was also told the other brother has passed away in hospital and if that is the case ilaahey ha u naxriisto both of them.
  7. walee ciyaar ma'aha qoladani waxey yidhahdeen Puntland waa carartay , somalilandna wey duushey iney is aqoonsadaan bey aheyd ha wada carareen ama ha wada duleeneh. Lakiin, malnitaa Alshabaab idiin soo farabaxo ayuu baxarkiinu kacayaa.
  8. ninbaa markuu dadka dhaqankooga ka yaabo odhan jirey "ilaahey qadarkii iyo canbaro madow kala war la'aa"
  9. ^^ waar Awjohhny-yow wat are u babbling about? Awlaki takes any alliance with the Kuffar seriously, we need more ppl like him. nonethless, muslims should be greatfull to both as they have enormously contributed to the deen of Allah, may he reward them accordingly.
  10. Good news runtii,ilaaheyban mahad leh, these men have foiled the plot of the gaalada, this weak plot was to simply distract the mujahideen "diin- diin ka hor gee". In essence the culima are reminding the gaalada they have been defeated in this land and that they should leave before they are shown the borders or rather their graves. But I don't think the US is going to give up easily.Infact if I remeber correctly it was few days ago when they were asking nigeria to send troops to soomaal, which is very unlikely to happen because of the credit crunch and all. It looks like Sheekh Umal, ilaahey ha ilaaaliyee understands the game very well, here is his interview with
  11. Originally posted by *Ibtisam*: Antar Not to sure about the reply there brother, what is your source? Ibtis it is in his website walaal google his name. Originally posted by -Serenity-: The issue of siding with the ‘disbelievers’ is a multi-dimensional subject, subject to conditions like Serenity, walaal is there any doubt they are disbelivers?
  12. Brother Awlaki is one of the few Culimaas trusted today by many muslims. He sent an interesting letter of solidarity to the Alshabaab which he recieved a reply for, Salutations to Alshbaab We are following your recent news and it fills our hearts with immense joy. We would like to congratulate you for your victories and achievements. Al-Shabab not only have succeeded in expanding the areas that fall under their rule but they have succeeded in implementing the sharia and giving us a living example of how we as Muslims should proceed to change our situation. The ballot has failed us but the bullet has not. al-Shabab who are with limited resources in an impoverished country are a manifestation of what tawakul on Allah means. We see in them the meaning of “And whoever has taqwa, Allah will make a way out for him. And will provide for him from where he does not expect.” [al-Talaaq 2-3] The university of the battlefield that al-Shabab have chosen to study at, which is teaching them lessons in honor and steadfastness will prove to be a better tarbiyyah method than the Islamic universities run by Green Zone Scholars under governments headed by pimps that teach them the fiqh of weakness and humiliation. The university of Somalia will graduate an alumni of judges, administrators, enjoiners of good and forbiders of evil, capable and tested leaders, teachers, imams, and fighters who are hardened by the field and ready to carry on with no fear and hesitation. It will provide its graduates with the hands-on experience that the ummah greatly needs for its next stage. But their success depends on your support. It is the responsibility of the ummah to help them with men and money. Al-Shabab have already started a program of enforcement of law that would bring peace and security to the people. They are also applying hudud and fighting against innovations that have been around for centuries. We ask Allah to grant them success. I would like to take this opportunity to advise my brothers to be kind and soft with the masses; to excuse them for centuries of ignorance and false beliefs; to teach first and hold responsible last. I would advise you to go by certainty and to leave doubts; to prefer forgiveness over revenge. The masses of the people are suffering from the illnesses of tribalism, ignorance, and a campaign of defamation of sharia. Therefore you need to win the hearts and minds of the people and take them back to their fitrah. Dear brothers may Allah guide you and grant you victory. Only Allah knows that if my circumstances would have allowed I would not have hesitated in joining you and being a soldier in your ranks. Assalamu alaykum Your Brother Anwar al-Awlaki al-Shabab: Reply to the Greeting and Advice of Sheikh Anwar بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم السلام عليكم و رحمة الله Reply to the Greeting and Advice of Sheikh Anwar O beloved Sheikh Anwar, We ask Allah to reward you for your encouragement and words of advice. Your words have reached us and, by the will of Allah, we will benefit from your recommendations. The enemies of Islam are increasing their efforts more and more these days and are directing more attention to the media battle and the battle for the “hearts and minds.” As we have seen even recently, they are continuously throwing accusations at those who want to live by the law of the Creator. For example, we can take the issue of the stoning of the woman in Kismayo. The disbelievers have falsely reported that she was 13 years old, unmarried, and was raped. The reality and truth is that she was over 20 years old, married, and was practicing adultery. This is just one example of how they twist the news, so we would like to take this opportunity to advise our brothers not to believe any news reported about us except from our official Media Department. Sheikh, we look to you as one of the very few scholars who stand firm upon the truth and defend the honor of the Mujahideen and the Muslims by continuously uncovering the feeble plots of the enemies of Allah. Allah knows how many of the brothers and sisters have been affected by your work so we ask you to continue the important effort you are doing wherever you are and never to fear the blame of the blamers. Keep us in your invocations as you know this path is always full of trials and Allah tests those that He loves. We ask Allah to guide the Muslims and to open their eyes to the plots of their enemies and to give them the strength and success to hold firmly to the rope of Allah. We ask Allah to protect you and all of those who are standing for the truth. We ask Allah to join us together in this world and in the highest of Paradise. O Sheikh, we would not only look at you as only a soldier, but as the likes of Ibn Taymiya during the trials of the Ta’tars. Your brothers from Shabab Al-Mujahidin.
  13. ^^ true, he is not a man who wastes time trying to hide his feelings. if this news is true, it is defintly not going to help him in the elections. I think this is a subtle a message he is trying to send to shariifka. Saying forget about the old politics and appoint your cabinet from the younger generations. This will stay in the headlines for some time to come.
  14. I never expected the Vatican would be that intersted in politics but they are actually playing a major role: The Catholic Development agency Progressio which was formerly known as The Catholic Institute for International Relations (CIIR) is to coordinate international observers for Somaliland elections. Why do you think they are intersted in s.alnd elctions when the vatican itself is not a demoqratic entity. How come the Culimaas are not speaking aginst this meddling in their affairs as progressio has been involved in the political arena for quite some time now. Some of the shuyuukh spoke strongly & passionately against what they said was an Alshabaab attempt to derial the elections, don't you think they ought be speak up aginst this too. Keep in my mind, the somaliland foreign minister Ina Ducaale repeatedly stated that his goverment is a secular one, meaning that religion has no place in public life. Don't you think Culimadii hargeisi iyo burci iyo boramaba wey kaseexdeen shaqadoodii? Anouncement of the Vatican Radio
  15. ^ There is plenty of men from who are willing to sacrifice everything for their religion so don't generalise kheyr badanow. We are still waiting for sheikh shariif's response about the massacre of the 18 civilians in Moqdishu. He said he will work with AMISOM and that is not a good start.
  16. Originally posted by Muruqmaal: ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia (AP) — "I say it is now high time to achieve national unity, forget our differences, unify our ranks and confront those who commit violence," Sharif was quoted as saying by the English-language Saudi Gazette. Sharif was attending the African Union summit in Addis Ababa on Sunday and holding a series of meetings with other African leaders. He did not speak to reporters. Mohamed Jaama Ali, a minister in Sharif's government, said the administration would first try to appease the militia, but that if they refused to come around, would go after them. "We'll try to negotiate with them," he said. "We'll try to bring them on board. We'll use the carrot-and-stick. We'll try to influence them — or we'll beat them." Source: AP, Feb. 01, 2009 Things are going very fast when did he appoint this so called minister(note they don't specify which type of ministry). Besides, the "minister" said we will "beat them" not a very diplomatic way to engage with Al-shabaab. This report some how smells fishy,bal inaga hubiye waa gaalee. Anyways sheikh shariif shouldn't have gone to Addis that was a bad move. ilaahow shiekha xaqa tus oo arrimaha u sahal.
  17. it is very easy to read and write somali, it took me only 1 week at the age of 13. the main rules you need to know are: 1) c = which is pronouncded as the arabic leter "ع " as in calan , cali or cumar 2) x =is pronounced the same as the arabic leter " ح " , e.g xasan or xuseen 3) if the letters repeat ..twice at the max it is called "shaqal dheer" as in "dheer" if not it is "shaqla gaaban". yaa warya am assuming u know basic arabic alphabets, all u need is lil bit of help with the rest & u can can do it urself. it is even better if you find da CD's the sister mentioned and good luck bro.
  18. I think the PM position should go to some one affliated to Alshabaab but not directly linked (i.e has the same commitments of applying islamic law in the near future), they are the only hope left if Sheikh shareef really wants to bring peace. It is beyond me why would sheikh shariif want to go to Ethiopia, it is the wrong move not only from a PR standpoint of view but more importantly it is immoral. afterall we have lost more than 16,000 inncoent defensless civlians within the last two years as a consequence to what these african so called leaders (read puppets) decided to do. Al xarbu khudca, if that is the logic behind sheikh shariif's policy then I wish him all the luck and one only hopes there is good coordination between the different teams involved. P.S, Man'shalaah the brother has so many titles H.E Presidenta Mucalim Sheikh Shareef
  19. I have only managed to watch about half of it (slow internet) but it is really beyond imagination what is happenining to these people. I highly recommend this video to you guys. It might make some of you cry, so have plenty of tissues ready and I recommend you don't meet any Zionists too soon after you watch this, give it some time watch
  20. Ibtisaam you are right about the student number requirement, but am almost certain and most ppl at kings know they will not revoke it, the whole thing is symbolic and it sends a message that there are people who care about the masakiin in Gaza – although I must admit the moajority of the occupation members are non-muslims. Ta labaad, I think the response to what happened in Gaza has been very positive so far and I bet the Zionists are alarmed by it, a lot of people are really taking an active interest in this, case in point Nick Clegg-the lib dem leader- he called the government to stop the arms trade with Israel. This guy would have even been more vocal if it would guarantee him the muslim vote, but obviously there is party interest involved and he wouldn’t want to become another Ken Livingstone. Eventhough what happened in Gaza can be called a massacre, if it goes unchallenged these Zionists will definitely feel emboldened and might even do the unthinkable and attack Iran. They wanted to drag Iran into this, if u ‘ve time read this article from the jpost it here …....boy that israeli woman is sinister but u gotta give to her she knows sida wax la isku dhex digo been iyo balaayo and make the case for war. BTW , ya’du are fighting on many fronts, there is a big argument about a catholic bishop who openly denied the holocaust, on top of all this they have the Erdogan incident to deal with , I must say their propaganda machine is working overtime..Oy yeah, n don’t forget this petition by some 900 ! American academics link Inaabti you made me write an essay…….. so wat do I get A+ or A-. Anyways, ha ilaabin n make sure u sign the petition , even email it to ppl. Habeen wangsan,
  21. I have lost count of the number of universities that are in occupation (sit-in protest against Israel’s atrocities in Gaza) within the U.K . in every university various demands have been made to condemn the atrocities and to help the educational institutions in Gaza. SOL members can help achieve one of KCL’s (king’s college london) demands which is to revoke an honorary doctorate that was given to perez (Current Israeli president) last year, for the obvious reason of massacring more than 1400 defenseless Palestinians and maiming countless others. So follow the link and sign the petition. Please try and email the link to as many people as possible, it is a shame we only have around 600 signatures.