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Everything posted by Buuxo

  1. ^^ castro maxa weey??? lol i wrote that in the hope i would get an emotionally charged a rant, but damn i wasnt worth it huh??
  2. Salams Ibtisaam, lucky you girl, enjoying the motherland huh? looking forward to your pics and all. as for the heat, don your dirac baati, its a cool clothing to wear esp when there is a breeze. have a safe return,IA
  3. ^^really?? i felt like i was just repeating myself. im glad though ,i thought my somali was terrible, now i might actually have a chance to do an interpreting course.
  4. Here you go.... Ciyaalka = the children Ciyaalkeena = our children Ciyaalkaanaa = what about these children? Ciyaaloow = children! Ciyaalkeenoow = o our children Ciyaalkaasba = even those kids..i didnt cheat Ciyaalkaanba = even these children Ciyaalkeena = our children Ciyaalkooda = their children Ciyaalkee = which kids? Ciyaalkiisa = his children Ciyaalkeeda = her children Ciyaalkaaga = your `` Ciyaalkeyga = my `` Ciyaalkaas = those children Ciyaalkaan = these `` Ciyaalbaas = problem children Ciyaalkeenoow II = ?? now i want my interpreting license MMA
  5. Thanks Vals for sharing, it seems like you had a ball. i and the other Perthainions here in SOL, are disappointed you didnt grace us with your presence.we would of gave melb a run for their money and showed you around our backyard. ...if you decide to come again, i will only take you as far as Rottnest Island, im not brave enough to go the outback. great review, you just forgot to say to the other poor souls yet to see Austraklia " where the BLoody hell are you? "
  6. lool interesting list. will take note
  7. ^^ lol abwaan im glad you can see the funny side to my name iyo xasuuta kusoo noqotay,salantana waan kaa qadaya marwalba,salan qali ah na waan kuu so diri. MMA qamarji it is , i just hope its not some term for a stud.
  8. ^^well i am thats why i have the name, bilaasha aaad isku bixisay miskiin ,when i figure out the opposite of it ,im gonna calll you that.. thanks anyway,maqaal i will use , curis sounds weird.
  9. thanks MMA... what do call essay in somali?
  10. lol@LW, i hear somalis like their nicknames, wonder if he called himself by that name.
  11. i dont why somali men are going back home to find a wife and somali single mothers are going to kenya to get a hubby( well where im in anyways thats the trend). cant they just marry eachother without going thru all the trouble and expenses for a visa.
  12. oh how sweet thanks stealth, i baked myself a cake similar to that.
  13. happy birthday pacifist and me , How sad im wish my-self a h BD.
  14. loool badacas, kuusoow baan hada kadib kuugu waceeynaa.
  15. to be honest, i think the women are not innocent in what is&has been happening in somalia.they are more or less reponsible, how many mothers how been indoctrinating their young men to fight in the cause of their qabiil. if she didnt have young men to contribute in that bloody war, then her and her daughters where making sabaayd/qibis and oodhkac for the men that were fighting,killing and raping.
  16. ^^^looool if that is to avoid her pmsing then , im sorry no time is a good time.
  17. inailaahi rajicuun , it took more than 15 lives to solve an issue of a stolen car ilaahay hanoo naxariisto.
  18. hunguri, i didnt knw actually. it was an assumption i made from your nick " hunguri" therefore i guess 1 of anything is never enough for you loooool cambarro@account summary reveals a lot about some1, you dont even need to consult elseone huh...
  19. hunguri im not hijacking ur thread and suuq na kaama xirin, but you did that last one all on your own ,bille JB , you need to ask yourself , is this really appropriate for hunguri, who is a muslim ,somali man , looking for wife No 2.??
  20. aight MMA, waan fahaneey.
  21. Allah ha u naxariisto ... amiin
  22. this is outrageous, if they did reveal their LMP what does that tell them???
  23. and you want the woman in her to give you the answers? sorry matey top secret info!