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Everything posted by Buuxo

  1. lool Lily , i am for big families,i am thinking of having between one and my own qabiil. but i don't know if would walk the walk.
  2. lool@fridges i wonder if they would be able to resell the prizes. Australia seems to have similar incentives.The baby-bonus as they call is slowly increasing ,it is around $4000 now. The government's slogan has become have one for yourself,one for your husband and one for the country. lOol that is only three, rather modest don't you think.
  3. ^waryaa kugu yiri ardayda somalia katimaado ma qalanjabiyaan?
  4. Ramadan wanagsan , by the way sophi are all your nando stores halaal?
  5. Thanks sharmakee that would be great. Unfortunately, i dont have the dish and can't watch it. But i will show my support for br Muhidiin.Ramadan wanagsan to you and your family,May Allah accept our du'aa and worship.
  6. ^^Thanks macaanto,i will do my best to do as much as i can.
  7. Sharmakee, the link is in arabic.And what are the details? I clicked on the pictures and listened to what i think is the intro, with their pictures. If there is more ,bal noo sheeg. mahadsanid.
  8. Jazakallah ghanima and others for the tips. I was just wondering how we can benefit from this blessed month ,if temporarily you are unable to fast or pray? Your tips will be great, thanks.
  9. Ramadan Wanagsan to you too, walaalkiis. It sounds lovely ,the memories of soon in somalia.My family always sing that songs when we are about to put down the afur. "soorta la cunayo ,hadee subag tahayo sahariitay..." Isbarmuudo aah? dont mention it while we fasting dear. lool maxaad tiri masoonta,soondiido? iga daa marka. meelkalaa iga tuureysa. wayaha how about wiil-waal? i like that i think it will fit you.
  10. Buuxo


    North your timing is close to ours fajar at 5am and maghrib at 6.10pm. Alhamdulilah, i am so glad ramadan is not in our summer this year.
  11. Wasalam Bob, Ramadan kariim walaalkiis.Great stuff ,as always.
  12. JB Sooman ,waxay ilatahay kalmaad oo ah lab( masculine).bal midkale sheeg eedo. MMA,Lol@shurufley.magac ramadan ku saabsan oo somali ah, baan raadin.Laakin daljirka-dahsoon maxuuma, i am surprised you allready dont have nick that screams somali.How about Qamarji Khayrqaba? ma is raacikaran bal?
  13. ^^waan is afgaranay marka.she put him in his place..hmm.
  14. aww thanks jacayl. I am a bit annoyed,i was born in ramadan and was not given a name to commemorate this special month.So im going to do my own wanqal(virtual), because i'm too old to get a new name and all. Rayanah is nice,but it's too close to me own name. So nomads give me some suggestions. Shall i stick with buuxo meaning complete,and this related to ramadan based on the assumption ,that the quranic revelation was completed during ramadan,could be wrong. But your suggestions are needed.thanks MMA, sorry didnt mean to troll your thread.
  15. Buuxo

    Rant on SOL

    loool Keyf , caqligaan kugu jeclahay
  16. ^^I know a lot of women that do not cover their heads and still pray. They usually carry a custom made purse with a prayer scarf in it.
  17. Nephyst and MMA, ha ila yaabinina. blame the guy that taught me somali at Sunday school.I use to memorise that too, xariifad baan isku maleeyn jiraya,as i was the top in that class.
  18. Originally posted by Sharmarkee: ^^And you too, waan ku denbi dhaafnee iska tag ayar, oo joogi rebshada Gosh did you thought that i called you a doqon? well you know yourself best my dear .i am not that rude, But i was refering to the women you quoted in your previous post.
  19. Buuxo


    ^^Gosh serenity you have hairy arms. .. but on a serious note amiin to all of your duaa and RAMADAN kARIIM .
  20. mashalllah , amiin to that, it brought tears to my eyes.
  21. Lool sharmakee, doqon Alla taqaan laga ma raayo, baan maqlijireey.
  22. JB wlc back....haye what you want to know.
  23. ha waa buuxo bilan . Ma nicin, laakin wuu igu duugay, marka wala soo nisin . I am use to the solar calendar, i always thought the somali bilo where janaayo,feebaraayo etc. Laakin waxay ila tahay inaan dhashtay 15ka Soon or 15ka maayo.
  24. Received this funny piece about marriage, i thought i might share, from the guy's perspectives. WHAT IS MARRIAGE??? 1. Marriage is not a word. It's a sentence (a life sentence). 2. Marriage is love. Love is blind. Therefore marriage is an institution for the blind. 3. Marriage is an institution in which a man loses his Bachelor's Degree and the woman gets her masters. 4. Marriage is a three-ring circus: engagement ring, wedding ring and suffering. 5. Married life is full of excitement and frustration: In the first year of marriage, the man speaks and the woman listens. In the second year, the woman speaks and the man listens.In the third year, they both speak and the NEIGHBOUR listens. 6. Getting married is very much like going to a restaurant with friends.You order what you want, and when you see what the other person has, you wish you had ordered that instead. 7. 8. A happy marriage is a matter of giving and taking; the husband gives and the wife takes. 9. Son: How much does it cost to get married, Dad? Father: I don't know son, I'm still paying for it. 10. Son: Is it true Dad? I heard that in ancient China , a man doesn't know his wife until he marries her. Father: That happens everywhere, son, EVERYWHERE! 11. Love is one long sweet dream, and marriage is the alarm clock. 12. They say that when a man holds a woman's hand before marriage, it is love; after marriage it is self-defense. 13. When a newly married man looks happy, we know why. But when a 10-year married man looks happy, we wonder why. 14. There was this lover who said that he would go through hell for her. They got married, and now he is going through HELL. 16. When a man steals your wife, there is no better revenge than to let him keep her. 17. Eighty percent of married men cheat in America , the rest cheat in Europe . 18. After marriage, husband and wife become two sides of a coin. They just can't face each other, but they still stay together. 19. Marriage is man and a woman become one. The trouble starts when they try to decide which one. 20. Before marriage, a man yearns for the woman he loves. After the marriage the "Y" becomes silent. 21. I married Miss right; I just didn't know her first name was Always. 22. It's not true that married men live longer than single men, it only seems longer. 23. Losing a wife can be hard. In my case, it was almost impossible. 24. A man was complaining to a friend: I HAD IT ALL-MONEY, A BEAUTIFUL HOUSE, THE LOVE OF A BEAUTIFUL WOMAN, THEN POW! IT WAS ALL GONE. WHAT HAPPENED, asked his friend. He says MY WIFE FOUND OUT. 25. WIFE: Let's go out and have some fun tonight. HUSBAND: OK, but if you get home before I do, leave the hallway lighs on. 26. At a cocktail party, one woman said to another: AREN'T YOU WEARING YOUR RING ON THE WRONG FINGER? The other replied, YES, I, AM. I MARRIED THE WRONG MAN. 27. Man is incomplete until he gets married, then he is finished. 28. It doesn't matter how often a married man changes his job, he still ends up with the same boss. 29. A man inserted an ad in the paper - WIFE WANTED. The next day he received a hundred of letters and they all said the same thing - YOU CAN HAVE MINE. 30. When a man opens the door of his car for his wife, you can be sure of one thing - either the car is new or the wife is.