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Everything posted by Buuxo

  1. Buuxo

    21kii Oktoobar!

    ^Maybe UK is close to home? And what is wenlaweyn? lool@convenient clans , does that mean geelkiina baa isla daaqikaro and your on the same wavelength?
  2. I found this whilst i was on the lookout for buraanbur pieces on the net.Mashallah beautiful cod.She had me captivated from start to end, clearly aimed at somalis in the diaspora. Haddaan qiimeeno nimanka hadeer qabsaday Qabuuro iney badshaan qasadkooda yahay Qabiila hoggaamintii qaranima u qabo Haddeyna qashoocin towxiidka aysen qirin Amase qoomaameynin qaladkii horey galeen Qamuuska adduunka maxaa loogu qorayaa Nephyst ,the above verse of the buranbur clearly states that she does not support yeey or any qabiil (from what she said at least). I dont think you bothered to read the whole thing.This bit threw you off miyaa? Haddaa dal shisheeye joogtaan damiir la'aan Oo aad ku doodaan nabad baan u nahay diyaar Misane diidaan waxii daawi dhali lahaaa
  3. Waa Fajac! why the sudden change of view.He was perfectly fine when the ethiopians & His president were killing the shacabka moqdishu. Xalada markeey ku xumaataybu saas uhadlaaya.The citizens of mogdishu don't his approval by quoting quranic verse(when it suits him) in order to fight back against those aggressors. Wayee ineey kabilaawan Laf'tirkiisa.
  4. Buuxo

    Today I....

    ^LOL ,how old will you be on your fake birthday? So i can get you an appropriate gift.
  5. War ileen balaayo ,toolo lee la'isku haysta? why is LA significant? It is a sad case walaahi ,just received news of a friends two uncles who died in the fighting ,one was fighting for SL the other PL,Laxawla wala quwata ila bilaah!
  6. A very handy skill to have.I remember during qaxootiga those who knew how to build aqal's marketed their skill and they built us a huge room ,even a double bed. LX, looks like you had a very nice trip. How safe is it for women to travel without any menfolks across puntland ?
  7. Originally posted by -Nomadique-: ^ I wouldn't go as far as to call it a pool. We have it worse off I believe. That's not to say there aren't any great guys. Just not enough to go around. lol, MS D&D nomad is lying thru her teeth, she doesnt want reer uk stealing our great blokes. There's a women draught and one thing this 'baadiyo' as you call ,has is mashallah's.
  8. war ileen balaayo, ani waxaan layabanahay adinka. Ninkaan heestiisa waba ka hesheen. All i can hear is the line "Rabiyow raxmaanow somalida uroonow", no creativity there.some singer :rolleyes:
  9. ^^ahh i remember that, a favourite of mine too.Rooti with buluugbaan( butter/marge) iyo jam.
  10. Sorry to hear that,Ilaahayow u naxariiso, amiin.
  11. Mashallah Zenobia , Ilaahay haku fadudeeyo , i think koobka lazynimo ana qadandono.
  12. ^don't worry serenity charity never depletes your wealth.It will spring back and im sure you feel a whole lot better now that you have given those kids xaqal-ciid. I am wondering as a kid ,what was the most amount of ciid money you received from one person and how old were you? me i was 10 yrs old and i got $100 from an uncle ,he really brought a smile to my face and i loved him more for it. LOol ,and as usual i bought a lot of junk.
  13. loool i have been there too. It was really tedious work but once we taught my mum how to load the somali news sites. We were set,but now i don't only have to compete for the computer with my siblings but my mum also. And she has to be on it at least three hours, i dont get it why she has to visit at least 4 somali new sites to read about one incident ahhhhhhh frustration i tell ya. she does the same thing when watching the news on tv( 3 channels). That's why i don't bother watching the news/ reading newpapers my mum is walking headlines.
  14. Salams to you all, How did you go on the quran challenge? Here is my update. unfortunately i was unable to give a weekly update, because... well i was feeling guilty that i was spending too much time making afur and not working towards my goal. I set myself the task of memorizing from Surah Al-mulk to surat An-nas.I underestimated the task in it self and didn't really set myself a plan. I managed to memorize up to Surah Al-jinn. And i had to pay up and which kind of made me feel better about failing lol. Hope you all did better than me, and please give us your update.
  15. Yes ,everything baa lagu darsan kara.Fadeershin miyaad ka wiswistaa? Eid mubarak by the way.
  16. ^adaad iyo adaad. Adiga xooga makuu soqoya , moosna makuugu soo dex jara?
  17. Warya somalidaan iga celiyo? let me have my buunsho in peace.Truely it is buunsho the cereal we eat.Somalis are so wasteful that they didnt eat these and thats why they give it to their goats etc.
  18. Ohh nomad,why didnt you ask for a extension and tell them its your religious holiday? you are dedicated student and employee i have to say.Me give me the chance and i will write longest calaacal story for them. Hope to see you tomorrow and eid mubarak. Che, ciid wanaagsan
  19. ^OMG...good to know. Taloow Mid aan waa jeclaan jiray ma muslimbaa..Avant i think? He had lyrics that mentioned Allah, hope he is not 5-percent.Actually it doesnt matter, his lyrics were too x-rated for me ,so qac kamsiisto anymore.
  20. Well that's good at least, we did the same.Most are tomorrow.
  21. ^Miskiin madan afurin maanta?
  22. Buuxo

    Eid 101

    If its a flash presentation without any audio then it seems to be working.
  23. Somali food hmm Quraac: Shaah + Buunsho ,rarely canjeero iyo dalac bilaash. Qadado: Bariis / Baasto/suqaar iyo sabaayad Casho: Koob caano iyo malawax