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Everything posted by Buuxo

  1. ^but that is true,there is little one can do without stability.YOu can go and build a mansion ,open a great business but it won't be successful because people can't even afford the basics.And with all the revenge killings ,its no wonder that somalis are successful in other countries. GOrrilla, who says somalis back home aren't law-abiding(if there was any law) it could be a lot worse, consider the nomadic people, they may not be the most educated ,but noone can say they are not hard-working and law-abiding ( following a moral code,i guess).
  2. well here is my Sol cabinet and their portfolios President:Nomadique(If this a republic ,otherwise Minister for Fisheries) Prime Minister: Zenobia Defence: Buuxo Education:Pujah Foreign affairs: Intuition Health:Andromeda Finance/treasurer: Ghanima Communication and information:Val Ministry of Police: Pucca Environment: Cara Employment & Workplace relations:Dahia Trade:Lily Aged & Veterans affairs: NEphyst Justice: Aaliyah Agriculture: Lazygirl Culture: Umu-Zak Sport: Ms D&D & temporarily Religion Development & construction: Xalimapatra Women & Youth: KoolKat **now ladies dhexda xirta we have a lot of work ahead of us**
  3. ^Go ahead hadaad rabtid shuban inaad kuwalatid .
  4. Im serious,what do i have to do to convince you guys ,pull out a research on the excellent properties of Toon and it's mechanism of curing bidaar? Well no can do! but it's in the making,and by the time i get the approval to get it published ,FB's bidaar will set in and he'll become a recluse. Now we don't want that do we Aliya, so FB and all those others with bidaar,take walaashiin Buuxo's advice.
  5. ^Toon ku xoq ,the bald spot ama tun toonta markeey noqoto a paste apply to the area .You should see a difference,but be consistent.
  6. lool sharmarke, kaas aniga maneeysku baxdo , as soon as i joined jinigeeyga baa iska nacay.
  7. As uplifting as those geeljirees that learnt maths in the sand.Allah ku daa C/Qaadiro.
  8. Ghanima ma aragtay , kan iga kureeyo baa ugu daran.Laakiin they all seem to be SOL members,their spouses that is ,judging from what they say.If only we new,aah !. Darling ,i will take you advice for now, im not thinking about lock down ,just a loose leash.
  9. ^thanks ayeeyo. Emotional affair , interesting? *note to self: get get his email passwords and make friends with people that work at his place*
  10. Warka isee , Caqliga anaguu nagu miisanyah? LOL i find these types of studies hilarious ,do people actually get paid to do these research ? The findings appear to be borne out in the educational attainments of at least one of the UK's most famous curvaceous women, Nigella Lawson, who graduated from Oxford. Is she that cook on T.V? GOsh Oxford bay waxkarinta uga soo baxday,interesting.
  11. ^Abaayo i dont choose to see it that way,It makes no difference if it's due to historical events or not, it does not unify all the somalis that are living there. Xubeer,waan gartay ,thanks for the effort.
  12. I know..your list will include somali politics, regional or local politics too.I can imagine you asking Liberal or Labor? .What if the faraax in question is disinterested in politics?
  13. ^ Xubeer, i was just replying to your request of un-censoring the name.Laakin if it is going to make difference sedexeeyda magac oo kala duwan baan ku saxiixay.
  14. ^lol nomadique, as long as he leaves politics at the door,we'll say soo gal atheer.
  15. We can only pray that Allah saves those helpless somalis.Ilaahay badbaadi umadaada. Mujrimiitan naga qabow.
  16. As much as i support the cause of liberating somali galbeed. i dislike the name of the region.It is a qabiilistic name and there are many other somali people living there too and not just OG-adens, Whether they are the majority or it's a name given by the former colonial rules ,it's not acceptable.
  17. Buuxo


    Interpol why not? others offered you a cup tea and macmacaan ,anigana business idea...laakiin fa'idada wax iga sii. Kool-Kat, soo adiga noo baliwaay and then that idea came to me.anyways thanks kinda of like inspired me! china maxaad ku diiday,everything is made in china ,waad noo gadilaheed. Dirac is not like any ,if it has gem,crystal embellishment darling bilaash ma loo kiraynayo.
  18. Buuxo

    I'M OUT

    Safar salaama JB, miskiin trekking from all the way in Borama is not easy. Don't listen to FB Ostraaliya iska soo dhiib, meeshaaan lacagba taasha.
  19. Buuxo


    ^ Of course ladies all the matching accessories too.We will even hire out diamonds(with security staff too) Lool Pujah , how can i forget? i will not trust any old drycleaners...laundry businesskaag lee igu ogtahay.We can draw-up contract hada. Zenobia ,we'll talk in $US. Dahia , i will have to start soon inshallah "fancy dirac hire" coming to place near you! we'll take diracs to a new level,forget the diracs and gogorads with the basic sequins . Im think diracs with crystal ,gems and bead embellishment and real misplaced flowers, what you guys think?. Note this will cost upwards of $1000 dollars to hire.Ladies put your order in now !. Ps:Sorry didnt mean to hijack the topic , KK is to blame.Once again Welcome Interpol.
  20. ^LOL they sound funny , i hope some of them have different meanings than what i have in mind,please no micnee inta aad so qortay.
  21. Buuxo


    lol KK & Zenobia,donating diracs hmmm? no thanks girls,laakin waad ila shirgali kartiin.Zenobia can be our distributor from UAE ,KK china baan kuu diri lahaa. Naa KK ,its gonna be drycleaned and why is it ok to rent those wedding dresses n tux but not diracs,alaa somalida faan badana.Im talking about stocking the latest fashion ,diracs that become duug will be sold at huuday price. Zenobia ,i don't know, what price should we would charge, adaa dubai noo fa dhisid?
  22. Buuxo


    lool KK, waayaha $US29.95 postage lee kaa xigto. you know what if i started a dirac hire business do you think it would be successful,considering we don't wear it more than once to any event and you always getting new one for xaflaads.
  23. Buuxo


    ^of course your not kidding ,that is all the detail i gave when i joined.How else would i have received that dirac(thanks by the way) i knew you were a cool-kat, my favourite colour too.
  24. ^lol red, and making sure you read all the right ducooyin including the one in your sig (in case you get a slap) helps ,doesn't it?
  25. Buuxo


    Wlc interpol, hope you enjoy your stay.