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Everything posted by Buuxo

  1. Buuxo


    Originally posted by Nephthys: Areebo = naag buuran oo fadhiga ka kicin, waa baali dee. Baali-leey wax ka nasiib badan ma leh aa la dhahaa, ma maqlin miyaa? Gurigooda barwaaqo, abaar ma arkaan! Nadiifleey wax kasto see u xaaqeeso, nasiibka xataa waa iska xaaqee ay Somalidu dhahdaa. Iga taga dheh, waa xaaqaa maahee waa hurgufaa welibo. LOL. Qof aan aqaanaa laakin areebo ah inta kale been. The woman has 2 year old twin boys. Waxaa u yaal hal tuuji salootada. The twins poop in the living room daily, mid haduu ku fadhiyo tuujiga uu kan kale u baahdo, wuu soo ordaa couch kuu koraa uu ku sii daynaa. The house smells like a freakin boosaneero. Haday bakeeri wax kuugu keento ma arkeesid waxa ku dhex jiro, dufunka iyo xabagta korkiisa saaran darteed. I remember mar inaan juice ay ii keentay tuujiga agteeyda yaalay ugu dhex qubay lee. I truly don't get people who live in filth. The germs and infectious virus, not to mention the creepy-crawlies that may be lingering about really makes me nauseus! Ufff.. LMAO mayee dhahaan, than i better not xaaq nasiibkeyga, thanks for the heads-up.laakiin waan wiswis-badanahay ,guri baalileey magali leeheen.LOl so afterall tuunjigi came in handy huh. KK, i also never heard areebo before, im use to baali after hooyo repeating " baali aad rabta in aad noqontid" iyo "gabar iyo dameer hal kayeelo" since i was like 7 years. But dont you think Areebo would make a nice name for a baby-girl,think about it ,it has good sound to it.
  2. lool the best gaalo-phobia story i heard happened happened to this ayeeyo .Obviously this women has never, laid eyes on gaalo ,let alone mid cad. She came to the qurbaha, and when she saw gaalo cad ,no lies mataga beey ka wareegtay ,she was like "agah , waa gaal oo dhogor cad" man that's what you call gaalo nacayeeb, dhiinteenan waxeey noo sheegtay yuun dabkiin iyo dabkooda isku muuqan, anagana gacantaan u hoosdhigana waana uu iskun-xoqxoqnaana.
  3. How can this be the offical thread? no results or table? here it is anyway. Score board
  4. Buuxo

    Work it out!

    ^walee? ..ok ima run with that.
  5. Cheer up dabshid..im sure you will lighten up the place,with your presence.its not going to be like eid in UAE,but sydney(thinking thats where u at) has quite a large muslim population, so there should be something.Better than my toolo.
  6. Buuxo

    Work it out!

    ^no worries mate,It allowed you to show-case and share your interests and knowledge ,and to that i say 'work it out'
  7. ^Alla xaasisanida, you should be running after them with muufo iyo shaah kuleeyl ah.
  8. ^ :eek: @ngonge. Atlast,we can attribute your peculiar personality to the trauma you experienced as a child .
  9. Buuxo

    Work it out!

    Faarax, Bismillah maxaad postgareesay? in aan indhaha beela rabtaa miya? Yikes, Tonekana sidaa sheekada Xiin sheegaayo meel aan kala qabsado baan garan la'ahay.
  10. Oh..noooo! don't leave! , i hate good-byes......luckily it's cyber-world . It was nice knowing you , and may Allah make everything you want to achieve in this world and the hereafter easy and possible ,inshallah.
  11. ^lool@Xiin,Che&MMA...dil gaalka ,laakiin gartiisa sii miya, anyways good to see you are giving credit where it's due, there is no doubt he is a national hero. Ilaaahay jannadiis haka waraaabiyo ,AMiin
  12. Hope is still alive in these men,song of resistance. And many more that bringing change to their lives and their communities, All across somalia and abroad. inta ay Godey, gaaladu fadhido, gam'i maayo oo gurmad iyo dagaal kama gaabsadoo waa iga go'aan!...
  13. Buuxo

    Work it out!

    ^thanks for that MMA.JB wa khatar ,wakeste wuu la socda.Labadiina yaa keeni karo ciyaarta,bal? Loool Nephyst, miyaad iga yaabtay? abaayo it's good form of exercise ,dont you know? I'm designing myself a exercise program, dhaanto iyo buranbur for cardio and niiko for tone.Now exercise isnt so off putting.
  14. Buuxo

    Work it out!

    ^ thanks for that,i actually had that one.waxkela mehesa! Just the Audio is needed thanks,no demonstration necessary.
  15. Buuxo

    Work it out!

    Hey all, What's your favourite niiko songs? If you don't like it ,then thats fine, i am indifferent myself. I would appreciate if you could drop a song or list of niiko heeso ,slow ones, fast ones ...all is welcomed ta. PS: la soo dhaqsaada, work out session needs to start promptly
  16. Originally posted by Northerner: Originally posted by Northerner: [QB] Calm down people. Ngonge has a 3 year old future doctor/engineer/prem footballer (must be prem and with LFC) LOOl ...warkiisa ka bax north, wiilkeeyga baxsanee( o ah future president of somalia) hadaad siisid gabadhaad , PRivate jet baa lugu geeynay and VIP adoo ah , baad daawan karta teamkaas qaabka daran . What you say?
  17. ^ LMAO. MMA, hayee jokes kaaso kale manoo heysa?
  18. loooool nomadique, they do pick well dont they, without any hesitation.I am surprised they dont pass out on other people's gardens. JB,haye!caqli maleeha miyaad kawada?
  19. ^lool "gabar ninkii dhalikar aa dhaqikar" waaye miya? that's if Ngonge has any daughters ,otherwise gabadha aan habaryarta uu ah ,mala bixin karo.
  20. lol see ka wada? chubacka, yeah they chew everywhere and it's not illegal. But when you are living in a city of a few million or so, you are bound to meet a lot of people that has had somalis graze their garden.And it's embarrassing me to the point i don't want to ever mention ,where i am from. There are a few that also grow it and make a good leaving out of it.
  21. you disappointed me northerner,you not as patriotic as i thought.Maxaad meelkaste calan uga luli weeysay,gabadha? since our national dress , is similar to many other african countries. Redsea, walaalkiis dont lose hope that is the only thing we have left.
  22. If their freedom entails being like a man , then why stop their >>>lula lula naasahay lula!