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Everything posted by Buuxo

  1. ^how did you come to that conclusion? me doing fine thank you. Isseh, muu saas yiraahdo in the first place- buur aa fuulay, bisinka! maxaa ka aqaana some x-rated stuff uuu sheegay.
  2. ^war isku xishood,waxaad ku hadleysid bal fiiri!
  3. Ilaahay ha u naxariisto, Samir iyo eeman to his family. Munaafiqiinta soo tiftiftayna kama dambeyn doonan inshallah.
  4. La damb bacdal kufur- There is no sin worse than kufri/gaalnimo.So we shouldnt expect wax fiican from them in the first place.
  5. Crazy people! If anyone says this will improve yor health and beauty they will jump off a cliff even. I had once made a comment to a Filipino co-worker that she looked much younger than her age And after having a long discussion about beauty products ,she disclosed to me (waan la la boon as i type this) that she applies menstral blood on her face and this makes her skin smooth and never has to worry about wrinkles. :eek: :eek: I could never look her the same.
  6. lool infidels oo dhan ma diidesa mise ,gabdhaha timaha cas iyo indhaha blaguuga aa kabaqee, if its the latter than guuntiino iyo shaash aa loo xiraaya,micna ma leh. Haye eedo ,Bu'aalena maxaa leeygu diidaya?
  7. I would invest in somali Tourism,I would create a great railway stretching from Bu'aale to Caluula overlooking the beautiful hawd, landscape and Indian Ocean.Of course the passenger train will include spacious and luxurious cabin and entertainment. Due to be complete 15yrs following sanadka nabada-iyo-barwaaqad.
  8. ^yeah ,Haruuf done at the right speed ! so im work on mine ,haven't haruufed in yonkes.
  9. Clearly these guys are delusional and what they need is not confirmations of their false beliefs or arresting socerers.
  10. ^somali marketing ,qaylo iyo ceey. apparently markeey suuqa soogashid wexeey dhahaan 'war-wareegtoy waxmagadatooy' if you just browsing through the shops and people feel obliged to buy something. :mad: the best they can hope from me is canduuf iyo haruuf ,you can forget about my money.
  11. I love saado! walaahi waxeey isku dhexeeysa. Money ,i agree with you on Hibo,she exudes marwoness.
  12. Buuxo

    can you??

    I am not sure,i was meaning to search hadiths on this ,i was told that the guy has right to ask to see any prospective wifey's face, arms/hands(altho nothing is hidden these days, ilaahay hana cafiyo) and even hair ,but wasn't sure . I am wondering if niqaabis show their faces to their prospective husbands.
  13. I had the weirdest dream,it was weird coz normally i dont dream or at least remember my dreams and it had JB in it :mad: . I dont know ,where i was , it had significant event,1st -A/Y baa is casilay, ethiopian was long gone and somalia was very peaceful.And the capital city was Hargeisa.And from no-where JB appears... and he was loooooling as per usual.And i said to him "war maxaad la qosleeysa, you know SL hasnt separated" and then he goes "loooool....you know that Somalia is a region part of SL,but we decided to keep the name somalia." loool ...then i was like i can live with that,as long as we have peace , its just like in Australia with Canberra being the capital city, but everybodies knows it should be Sydney." then i woke up.
  14. The ONLF's efforts will only be effective when they gain public support and when all the Somalis in that region band-together. Instead of alienating the other B- Y clans and assuming only they know what’s best .At the end of the day, Somalis whereever they are,qabiil is a major issue , and thus we can not underestimate the impact of a name. Like koora said they should be building support from a grass-roots level. Because many of them are wondering what will happen if they gain independence , how will it be any different?, ama in ey imaaneeyso " Kobtaan ka kac”
  15. Buuxo


    ^lool MMA meelkastee waan joogna,waxaan umaleeyna in eey yihin labadaba,reer Baakin iyo shangaay . haye somalis waligoood dalalka kale eey matalaayaan, not surprised Hotel Baakin in ay jirtay. we have this cajel with Fadumo qasiim Hilowle singing in af chinese for some chinese government officials in somalia, it was really good , too bad i cant upload the clip.
  16. Buuxo


    I think its time to make a visit to my qaraabo in Shanghai.
  17. "Alam dheh alam gariir dheh "..something something.aah memories. Ibti..congrats dear! i can hardly wait to finish meself. Wow, Ngonge is on a vacation? something isn't right, waa la so tarxiilaya right?
  18. ^loool KK,dagaal madhicin? camirley.com ...i meant Maskiinta . Loool@the head animal,your kusban wuu kusugay.
  19. There are loads of people that have not had any schooling but are very intelligent,somalidanaa intaas beey uu badan yihiin.If the issue is he can not read/write ,that is a problem that can easily be addressed.Personally ,they have to be qof taliyo ama talo-qaato.
  20. hee maniisheegino gabadho? waxaan baranaa iyo guribaan dhaqanaa ma sooconeeyso. midlee meesha ka baxeeyso.
  21. why deny me that moment , i say youtube it and do a marc if you wish,you might need them glasses to protect your eyes. haye burgar majeclid how un-american of you, im gonna snitch and they should revoke that citizenship.
  22. looool@Cadaanka, you have truely become a somali..you up to the old tricks of the odayaals (not that im saying you are odey) ....yaab! Ladies,if aabihiin were near, you would have all been bethrothed to Cadaanka. PS: Cadaanka, geela soo diyaari hee,the rest will be arranged by SOLs resident Odayaal.
  23. lool,you serious burgers size of plates? would love to see the site of Geeljire la rafanaayo burgar saxan la'eg.