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Everything posted by Buuxo

  1. ^loool@Lily ,a tad might be an understatement . Thats all i hear of you guys and english people i know,always complaining of the weather.
  2. ^Interesting read BOB. Altho i could not get pass the Bilcaan bit.BOB couldnt you get better words from the somali language.EVerytime i hear that word, i have " Xeytahay waa Bilcaanee!" echoing in my head :mad: Good to see your alive.
  3. Originally posted by *BOB: quote:Originally posted by Buuxo: mind you we were all of the same sub-clan Buuxo...Please refresh my mind and tell me which one is that? You know there are more people in SOL that know your Qabiil than those who doesn't...Think about it. LOOL@BOB.Bizaani aa ahay nooh! How ? :confused: That can't be possible. Please tell me you pulling my dirac, dont make me qax from SOL. :mad:
  4. ^So true.I was introduced to some people and they started the intro with " oh buuxo meet these gabdho they are reeer hebel :eek: and their names are blah blah. I was so shocked,i was like is that normal for young people to say such things? and i didnt even catch their names i was still stuck on the reer bit. mind you we were all of the same sub-clan .but i felt uneasy. I was thinking about this for awhile and then i was like,i guess it wouldnt hurt to know more of the Tolka. I have never had randoms ask me my qabiil tho,but i had somalis assume my qabiil based on my friends and people i hang out with and right infront of me insult my qabiil . I let too many things slide.
  5. ^Haye Haneefah ,you never used the Loox? You elitist you Thanks all.For your contributions. Isseh,thanks much appreciated.I don't know really im one of the them weird folks i guess,who need to get the intricate details , so now i can go to somalia and re-live my missed childhood activities such as owing a loox,making Qad and eating Canjeero with Qad stained fingers
  6. I asked this in troll, but i figured it deserves its own thread,in order to get thorough responses. I dont have the answers but am interested in how to make Qad & loox. I have asked older siblings and they weren’t much help, as they always bullied others to get their Qad or paid one of the students to give them their Qad :mad: . So SOLers do share , Isseh gave a good description in the Troll and lead me to think we really need a thread dedicated to art of Qad making. Maybe he can repost it here as we can all benefit.YOu never know, you might become stranded in xagar-waawaree and need a Loox to teach your children Quraanka . Other questions ,did you guys make your own Loox or were they available for sale? Are Somalis the only once that use the Loox to learn the Quran? And those kusoo bartay Loox ,how was it ? better than pen and paper? did you retain more info using the Loox ? From what I been told, apparently Somali children weren’t allowed to have kitaabs in dugsi’s and even at home and used the Loox to write their cashar for each day and they memorize it ,have it washed and green before dugsi next day. And this has allowed them to gain a good grasp of the hingaad, and more respect and appreciate for Kitaabka Quraanka.
  7. salams trolls. Random Question: Qad(you know the ink for the loox) what was it made of ? Dhuxul?
  8. ^safe answer KK. I would tell them to shiraab ,don't ask such questions ,qan-dhuufana waan uu raacin laha.
  9. Buuxo


    Cagaha baan wax kadeyi laha, mugu labo fiilo maskaxdiisa is dheeftay :eek:
  10. ^maya qof kale baad igu khaldee.anyways u mabo maleenay in aad i aragtay if iyo aakhiro baan kala joogna
  11. loool JB ,where from ? Mindha biibitad ambassador kasoo horjeedo aad igu aragtay.Taladada iyo Axada baan wax ii biyaa.
  12. ^Geelka nagadaa Ayeeyo,kulama tartamikaree Thanks JB, will await them patiently. laakin come on Land-drover picturena iskaga soo dar,it would show you is khatr, Alla maxaa time-wastegareyey, enough trollling to last me a month.back to work.!waadsalamantihiin somaaliyey.
  13. ^ Abu-geeljire farahaaga xalwad lagu qabey amiiin dheh. ani kan waan u baqaa, i really do.Alla youtube muuxu dadbad waaley.
  14. ^yeah ,but you are not doing hargeisa justice. No posting of pictures nothing and you claim to be there.Shame on You. Those maakhir folks are better than you ,they at least post pictures of that region and they not there.Marka show us pictures of hargeisa and you climbing that mountain
  15. Isseh,sorry hee that was not my intention.What do think that did to me, it was my first job straight from high school,traumatised is an understatement.Balaayo gacanta qurun kuu horsatey :eek:
  16. Geelka , .Ani somaaligeeyga was innocent,laakiin your imagination on the other hand JB, you know what i mean.i assumed hargeisa was meel qarax ah...dont know where i got that idea from .
  17. Geelka,lool, gifted with imagination indeed, Yaani ilu cunin I never knew Hargeisa was green?
  18. ^sounds exciting.Anigana markaan somalia tago,dhakada(means top right?) naaso-hablood waan soo taaban,IA.
  19. ^I see. Laakiin only a guy would think that.it wouldnt be the first thing to come to mind if i saw it, but now that we have been discussing ,cant think of anything else it could look like.
  20. ^Lool.... Nagadaaya indhaha aa rabtaan in aadku nuursataan . thanks JB n Geelka.
  21. ^looooool, I might be islaan dhulkii ku gubatay oo laakiin buulkeed ka bixin.Truely ma maqlin.
  22. Ibit,im actually not,im stressed to the max.and the odd thing is, i laugh too much when i shouldnt be
  23. Ibti, i dont know why i was laughing ,when i said hi but that was meant to be waji farax. Awww...i did too.Honestly.Hope all is well.
  24. Hey ibti JB.Af course waa ex-rated labadaba.they should be censored.