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Everything posted by Buuxo

  1. A& T, Ma saas baa? SOLers are very understanding beebol.you didn't need to give us this been-been of a clarification .Blaming the season would of sufficed.
  2. I imagine reer mudug to say a lot of "Balo!" ,its hard distinguishing accents so i wait for a Balo! somewhere in their sentences.
  3. Buuxo

    Virginity Lie

    Istaqfurullah Abtii, maxaa kaa yeeray! wax yaalahay qaar kood mala sheego. Bal tirtir the last part.
  4. Originally posted by Geel_jire: ^ I'm sure it was not your intension but quote: mid waalidkeed uu soo duceeyn Amiin is the exact opposite of what you meant .. mid waalidkeed uu soo duceeyeen Amiin i'm not usually picky about somali typo's ayeeyo but that would have been a habar for Cadaan Cadaan hope it works out for you inshalaah ! yeah you are right, thanks for picking up on that ayeeyo, don't want to habaar wiilka. YOu just reminded of riwaayad oo kuwoo guur lee rabay, waxeey daheen mid walidkoodna habaarey baan daamo walax la'aan
  5. Kalmada buufiska, waxee noqontay kalmad oo dadka badan isticmaalan oo aan looba arkin in uu cudur yahay.Dhibaatoyin badan beyleeyihin cudurada buufiska ama maskaxeed.Marka waan in aan kawarqabno qeybabka cudurka buufiska iyo calaamadihisa. Sida Nuunee shegay,waa in aanan iska dhaadicsin in qof miyir qabo ama waalan kaliya jiraan. Marka buufis ama isku buuq maxey yihiin ,sidee u kalabaxaan iyo sideebad lagu gartaay. Buufis ama isku buuq(depression) qaybabkiisa waa kan: -Cudurada suuro(Mood disorders)--->ISku buuq weyn(Major depression) iyo isbadal dabeecadeed(Bipolar disorder) -Isku buuq bacdal umul(postnatal depression) Intaas aan wakhti uu haayaa,markale aan ku soo daraa.
  6. ^Ki mah santa. I like the song, but i never understood what he was saying , dont know if he is declaring his love or saying i am over you.so i located the lyrics and they confused me more.
  7. Cadaan,Since you have about 4 pages worth advice , i think you don't need another.But i will make du'a for you, that Allah bring you a wife that is righteous and pleasing to you in every aspect soon ; mid waalidkeed uu soo duceeyn Amiin . And don't be hard on yourself the never-married somali men are also finding it difficult to find a suitable wife, as they are in competition with the older chaps who are trying to fill slots #2,#3,#4. So dont waste time with them single SOLers in London, get the professionals to help like the minyaro seekers they have a bag of tricks. . Thought i might add that piece of advice , just in case you're unawares
  8. ^lool. I love this smith, has valid points and the character and the delivery just priceless. " nigger you are gaardenar in another man's gaarden" Funny as hell.
  9. ^ (even our SOL smiles are fanaxayaal) So many Haters ! come on my fanax comrades lets smile and make them green with envy
  10. ^lool. Fanaxleey aan maqley , yaa ii yeeray? ma Ngonge??
  11. somboodi ii turjun heestaan ,Fadlan. Burji iyo nasiiblaay Barwaaqada ka cararaay Abaartana u baydhaay Khayrka balo ka jeceleey Belo iyo baaska jeceleey Wuxuu dumar ka baqi jiray Iyadu u badheedhaay Bilic lagu khasaaraay Boqoradii haweenkaay Hablaha laga la soo boxo Bariyo taan u haystaay Jacaylkan mudada badan Baarkanuu fidhaaiyo Beer laxowsi gaagii Aan kabogsoodayee kowdhe Buugii sirtaadiyo Toogtaadii waan helay Kaagana bexee laba dheh Waxaan baaq u dirayaa Baxsi ugu dubayaa Caashaqeenii berigii Barbaartii wax ka ogeyd Kali soor bagiisiyo Ma biyihisa lagaa helo Bilkubaa inaad tahay Ileen beeni raad ma leh Na dhex mari bariidadu Ileen waan isbaranee Waxay sobelo kajoogtaa Boqol midabya leyee Kan dambeed isbarataan Sidi togosho ugu ridi Balwadaadu leediyo Hadii baarka curubiyo Bulsho iyo taleex tahay Dhaqanka la' maqorsheenee Dhirta iyo dhayldu inte bari inte bari intee Inte bari bay ku wadayaan
  12. Buuxo

    Good Mother?

    ^Don't know what you mean?
  13. Buuxo


    yeah its definetly in our culture.I am quiet amazed with my family , we have been 8 years in the one city.But every year we planning to move. Toss between somalia and the middle east.
  14. Cadaan out of Calgary! good on ya , enjoy your trip . Looking forward to your review & pics.
  15. ^bisinka maxaa dhacaya? Accent fetishka shocked you? UK accent is dodgy, american sounds slow. the good Aussie accent all the way. nah kidding. It don't matter to me anymore, but i use to think Irish accent was cool.
  16. Buuxo

    Good Mother?

    No doubt about it ,a good mother and human being. I imagine it was not an easy thing to do. Layzie, I agree.It's such a disturbing trend with somalis in the diaspora ,shipping criminals back home.It's not like they will ever reflect on the crime they have commited, because they got away and it was as easy as a one-way ticket. A mother who had her 2 year old daughter molested by a family member ,decides not to report but instead assist the perpetrator to be given a one-way ticket to somalia ,Coz he is an only child and wont survive in jail. IS she a good Mother??
  17. Originally posted by Nephthys: Say nay to a man shorter than you [unless his wallet stands taller than him], thinner than you, or prettier than you. Go for a tall, manly man who can toss you over his shoulder. Ameen! dabar xanuun iyo goobo maan kabixi karaa.Faraax dheer ilaahayo hanoo wayin!
  18. ^lool. This is worst than that coachroach racing thing they call sports.
  19. Buuxo


    ^party pooper!
  20. Wlc back red, you were missed! was about to start a campaign thread to say Bring Redsea back .All is well,Hope the same is true for you.
  21. ^good to hear JB,anagana sido kale cambuulad waa la cunay.
  22. ^Brawn don't make me take out my tools , FYI ani buuxo-isku filan baa ku magac dheerahay.Hadi i qabato looxana waan fiiqan . PS: Brawn , this thread is not only for me ,so take note, you dont want to be the only one aan qad-riiqankarin oo loox soo goysankari.
  23. ^Ari baay wiilka maxaa kugu diray, war ileen ibtilo waxaan maqlijiray habar ,habar loowayey waa habaar , markaa KK wiilka amaan sii hadii kale..! Abtigiis,that was a nice read! Keep us posted with more of your not-so-short short stories.
  24. ^YOu such LOOX . KK,Maxaad tiri Looxa Soor aad marin jirteen, what's the benefit? Ok i will try the caano too,when i get the time. I have most of the items to make the qad, except malmal,but i will add sugar/honey .I will tell you how it turns out. LOol@hooyo qada baan soo riiqana:D , nice excuse. BRAwn ,how can you call my tuulo dodgy? :mad:
  25. ^waad mahadsantahay.I remember going to dugsi and we were being taught that ,is it called An-alif. Waaba iloway the whole thing( lately my memory is so bad. i can't even remember what i had for breakfast.)