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Everything posted by Buuxo

  1. Originally posted by Abtigiis & Tolka: ^Ugaaso oo adu ma reer xamar baad tahay? I didn't know that! I mean judging by how sensible you sound! LOL.Ma amaanbaa mise waxaas wa sarbeeb? xamar cuduntayda baa ku aasan ...so afkooras reer xamar baan ahay. Waxee abaayadey KK sheegtay lee jirto .Qaraarka jooji.
  2. looool@Ngonge Good-try. Count me in too.Give me a story that is not too long though. I happen to think ,my somali improved since joining SOL,and my family has noticed too, they like 'haye Buuxo bal warka cadee,yaa kuu sheekeeyo'.they will not believe its i that has taught myself and have been practising on SOlers.They stuck on their assumption that its some faarax oo somalia hada ka yimid
  3. I hate those reer xamar stereotypes .You make us sound like a bunch of ciyaal suuq.
  4. ^miskiin.It's hard casing around one child ,i can't imagine 4 or more.WHere is the father ,God knows,maybe he is at work? lets hope . But what is with the somalis in UK and their dependence on public transport? Maalin hore nin weyn oo reer uk baan arkey oo dhahey gaari mawadi aqaan, yaab lee iga soo hartee.War see ku nool yihin dadkaan. What this sister needs is to get a license and car or a dog-leash or all the above.
  5. Buuxo

    Today I....

    Today i am starting to feel the gas crisis.The cold weather is terrible , eeydin baa igashay. LOL@Geelos, I assure you i am an ayeeyo. Ibti, I need more than aspirin, macaanto.I can't tolerate oral meds, call me typical somali waayel, if it aint in an injectable form amaan bey iga heli.
  6. Buuxo

    Today I....

    ^me too.Dabar igu mayaal .I hate moving my own crap , let alone other peoples, at least i could moan about mine.But not this time, i had to put on a brave smile,keep my hijab perfect. *wondering if you were one of the dudes helping today*
  7. lool Koolkat, that little girl reminds me of myself,I must been at most 8 yrs old. I loved wearing the hijab and being like my older sisters and to be honest i didnt understand the complete reasons , but when it was PE class or saturday Netball out came the shorts or netbal skirt, with my hijab on .I laugh now , why baan iskaga bixin waayey khimaarkeyga markey dabada ii qaawneed :confused: but i think the hijab was part of my identity and didn't want to let go.
  8. Thanks LILy, i think the group classes might work ,will give it go.
  9. count me in y'all. I dont have a problem with my diet i have cut down on eating unhealthy crapp.but my issue is inactivity,i walk now and then, running is too painful, until i find a solution to an issue. Dont have a good track record with the gym but will give it another go.So give me any suggestions on exercise that will tone and strength my body,esp upper body,my arms n hands are too weak .
  10. I personally wouldnt bother puting proper hijab on my unborn 4-7 year olds . but then again, i wouldnt be buying hot-pants for them either.I think it's the choice of the parents ,whether they decide to put hijabs on their young daughters. often at this age , the kids want to imitate their mother or older siblings and don on the hijab. KK, that case was a bit extreme , kids should be kids.And their clothing should allow them to play without any hassles or w/o having a heatstroke.
  11. lool Ibti,that is the minority. Malika, lazyiin kadaran waan inhumane, why let your wife starve? wa runteey ma nin feerihisa darbigaas la'eg baad naagtiisa iyo ilmihiis la korin, muuxuu u dhali in the first place. LOol LILy this is hardly men bashing thread,all the ladies are defending these incompetent men. Ladies , i thought i might share with you the best advice i was given in life, Raise your boys: this means that instead of sending these young ,malebale minds with their father and those male species to have some men-bonding time, keep him with you, raise them to be sensitive , considerate & loving person.Aniga my sons, will be exposed to their fair share of cooking and cleaning as his sisters.This will be invaluable life-skills, and considerate as helping out sister in the long-term .
  12. Somali men were never know to be sensitive in the first place , they are made of dagax and they are always out to prove that. Apart from their unrealistic expectations, i have a bone to pick with them. The fact that they can't take care of their wife while she is pregnant or in the umul period , I don't mind giving a sister a hand , but i dont see the reason ,why the neighbour or other somali ladies need to do gurmad for a his wife coz the damn husband ,oo kaa feera weyn , cant make his wife food for her. :mad:
  13. ^Nephtys ani ii sheeg. A&T, walle waad naga heshay ,here i am ,supposed to be working on a report that past it's deadline.Sheekadada endingka lee iso celisay.Marka noo sheeg otherwise i have to sue you for damages
  14. LOL@Meshaan Magaret Tatcher lagu aroosay. Interesting read Abtigiis,i see why SOlers haven't offered you biyo yet.Warka aduunka baad heysa ,soo quf hee
  15. ^loool,Qosol gariir! probably coz they in great supply and no airplane ,me guess.
  16. Haha really? OK.Diyaarad lee u bahantahay ,dont need magic sxb.
  17. So is awliyo , those travelling sheikhs that use to marry a women in every city/tuulo? Thats all of us JB.
  18. ^lool i'll do my best. Enjoy your weekend.
  19. ^But this not any type of Belo. It's the way it said ,when the reer mudug pronounce Balo! they can't say it without making a funny face. Are you rer bari? i thought u is rer/waqooyi.
  20. lool Rudy thats dumaal. Dumaashi is brother-in-law.but only applicable between a guy and girl.don't make the mistake of calling a guy dumaashi .My b/in-law is called dumaashi coz i am a female, your bro/in/law is seedi.
  21. A&T, waan kula kaftamayee too. dibdabe ha iska siin loginkaaga dadkale .As you may or may not know,It was pretty offensive.objectification of women is deplorable and you can't hide behind traditions and hearsay. FB, ka qalee yarka. Not everyone can get suave name like yours.
  22. ^loool.Qof aqoon hore kuuleh ma ihi, shirqool na ma aqaani waxeeytahay.Waxaan is iri bal wiilka awgooriyo dheh.waana ceshtay marka, Barfasoor doorey aad awalba aheed.
  23. ^Aan wax kuu sheego , bal soo dhawoow , waxaad shalay sheegtay khalad ma aheeyn . "Waxaa layir lee tiri", Taas naa waa cilmi kordis ,ee somaalida Phd ku qaateen , adna dee brafasoor baatahay laba dheh.Marka oraad shahaadada soo qaado , ku soo dhawoow SOLna.