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Everything posted by Buuxo

  1. Buuxo


    Beautiful.how i wish to have stroll in those beaches wearing my dirac and garbasaar *Sigh*
  2. Buuxo

    What to wear??

    ^true, it weird combination.I don't mind if it's a short muxaadaro on marriage and pearls of wisdom here and there by a sheykhad. But We don't do federation well, having a sheikh do muxaadaro and then next music ,dancing and mixed wedding. I use to think it was odd having someone open the wedding with suratul-fatiha before the band comes on.But that was nothing compared to wedding i watch that was in Kenya..sheikh gives muxaadaro....band starts music....dancing...sheikhs given front row seats ...ladies doing niiko
  3. ^easy Lazy,Serenity might be right ,she is not know for boasting.
  4. ^So is the movie all is cracked up to be stoic? Wondering if anyone has seen the new x-files movie. Serenity, How are you dear? I guess we have to thank you for this thread.
  5. Wasalam Wiilo, so dhawoow walaashiis.
  6. ^I would have to agree.It is digusting and he was not in anyway brave, they eloped and then basically forced the familys hand in giving the daughter to him in marriage.
  7. LOL Lazy,funny thread.Will have to catch up on the SOL goss,thanks.
  8. Buuxo


    Originally posted by Faarax-Brawn: *Just found out Cabdiyo is Buxo isku filan* [/QB] Aren't you a sweety-pie Faaraxow ? The power of suggestion ,waaba i amaantey
  9. Buuxo

    Abu iyo Ibn miidhan

    What is ME on about...THe abu/ibn or the newbies in SOL? What is wrong with so-called Surweel-gaabs joining,are we that far from the deen to be intimated by so-called religious cyber-avatars? Shaydaanka iska naar Mr ME.
  10. Buuxo


    This is one of my fav niiko songs Sanayaal aan ku sugaayee Si xun iga dhowr iyo saxiir ee, Soodkii ii samee suubaneey, Siinaaydii aan ku geehaayee, abaa Siisoowgii aan aan ku saraa, abaa Zakatac Zakac Siteey koow waaye koow Zakatac Zakac Siteey lamo waaye lamo Zakatac Zakac Siteey sidi waaye sidi Sanyareey seey ii eheedee? Sanyareey seey ii eheed? Waa ku salaami waa kaa qaaday. I don't know the Artists but you can find it here,some of the songs in the file are not niiko-able.click track2 Here is another niiko hees ? thread
  11. LOL@Lily, you holding him hostage isn't it I knew it , Jb wouldn't be able to resist SOL for that long.
  12. There is a lot of people that need baafin...But JB si caadi aan aheyn baa loo tabay not only his LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL and but the dude went from informing us what he was having for breakfast,lunch and dinner and did i forget morning/avo-tea...to just disappearing from SOL,naturally we start to think something must have gone terribly wrong....is he dead? or did he lose that taarwalee/internet-cafe job? Anyways ,Jacylbaro if you are reading this ...please let someone know about your xaalad,we are very worried .Soo noqo adoo nabad ah.
  13. Urban, I don't know what the expiry date is on xabatul-sood, but you can use in many ways.If your problem is an external one, then you can apply it generously to the affected area.You can add it to meals/drinks, i add it to my shaah or have it alone.And if you brave enough , I know people that have sinus problems and use it as nasal spray or put a drop in each nostril,they swear by it,laakiin it can have a burning sensation.
  14. Buuxo


    ^LOL. Dabshid ,no i'm sure it was the cilaan/sharax.Really i get randoms touching me always , i lost count the number of times some1 touched my hijab to say it was 'lovely' can't they say it from far.I might have to wear a sign "Don't touch it will detonate". :mad:
  15. ^maya mid xun oo ladhaho qasaalad baa dhaqey , cilaan mamarsadi ee dhaqdiin bey u baahnayeen.
  16. ^usheeg wiilka, Geel muxuu indhakuul ka kasaa Duceysane,All types are welcomed.
  17. ^LOL. Clearly LOZ is ciyaalki jidka kusoo dhashey..He does not know the versatility of the macawiis, a tuck here and there and you have your self a buume/shorts and could be doing Bruce Lee stunts in no minute.
  18. ^haha.Whoever choose that as a dowery are smart, they know that somalis make a habit of not giving the maher until sheekada xumaato.At least kitaab bey heesataa Why be cute or coy 'war maherkeyga halkaas so dhig inteen sheekada bilaawan'. I never have given it any thought, and when i do i make sure they whisper it in to sheykh and husbands ear.
  19. Daahyo xun baan isir dhaq ,markaan warey baa stormkii uugu xun baa yimid,waaxd u maleeysa in uu isugagey.
  20. My thoughts on this is that if one can maintain a balance without neglecting her children(including the husband) than why not?.I have been raised by strong somali women to know that this balance is not impossible. My mother has beening working at such a young age and still is and she wasn't brainwashed by any western ideology.And I can't sit idle and just wait to be rescued by Faarax to provide for me ,I find asking anyone for money a huge hurdle and have never asked my parents for money.....apart from waxey ii garteen.So even if i didn't needed to work , I would still contribute to society and have my own financial stability.
  21. Malika, kids are brutel. I have been doing good since joining this group,i no longer had excuses to eat junk and lost weight but am too afraid to weigh myself.Laakiin somalis are xaasid, they make me break my diet, i see someone are they like waad dhimatay ,waad caatowday naa bal isnafaqeeq....and when im having one of them days i say waa run bal isnafaqeeq
  22. Buuxo


    I have not put on cilaan/daawo madoobis in yonks, I just hated randoms grabbing my hands esp men,just to complement my cilaan :mad:
  23. LOL@Ibti,Well no i don't make it habit,but amongst all that western attire ,the eyes happen to notice a brother in khamiis. PS:who said wadaado are off-limits for qishin, lol I will stop,I sound nonsensical, I tell ya I am focused most of the time.
  24. ^LOL@KK.Yes,lady If i only knew how to post images you would agree too.