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Everything posted by Buuxo

  1. Ibti..Let them think whatever,voice your opinions. You will do then @ Ngonge.
  2. ^I know they have taken amusnaan waa dahab bey too far . But sometimes it's pointless carrying on and on with nonesense ,it's worth keeping quite or leaving. A&T ..dirici hore wuxuu ahaa Buuxo.
  3. ^Oh sorry.*puts away the durbaan* I was ready to start the celebrations. I always get that too ,when im around too many loud people.Thats why i don't bother volunteering at such things...am a homebody.
  4. ^LOL@too many somalis, everything in moderation sis.I see you partying these days ,is the thesis finished?
  5. ^hey lovely girl...how's life treating ya?
  6. Salams all Afro, I see you have finally put up an image for the ladies ku nuursadaan...caadilo iga dheh ...too bad its not Tyson Beckford
  7. ^LOL@miirato...bad image comes to mind
  8. Buuxo

    Today I....

    LOL@duntaa idashee? how can your throat kill you? Today i ate a very oily baasto..ilaahayo dawo iiga dhig,amiin.
  9. ^It's crazy, naagtaad maba ahaa why still hold her back, xaasidnimo. Maybe it's about image... they think divorce makes them look bad or they want to claim to have 86 wives.I dont know.
  10. Originally posted by Nephthys: Waxad arkaysa dad waawayn rag iyo dumar, oo markay kuu yimaadaan kursida salootada leather-ka ah kaa fagayo. Furo ama farageeto bay ku qodayaan. Walle waa cajiib. Bisinka Nephyst taana ma ila aragtey, sometimes farahood bey ku xogaan. Markaan uqaandan weyne baan ku'iri martidi bal jooji, kuma lahoo 'farteey ku fiicantahay' :mad: now our $3000 leather couch waa kakac. This topic reminded me of a conversation i had with my aunty ,she said hadey somalia nabad noqoto so wali daqan-xumadii ugu matageyno such as nobody lining up /pushing in the line in banks etc since qofkii soo galaba expects to be served first ,qashinka dariska hortiisa lagu daadinayo.And I thought if this is how the reer magaalo use to behave ,i can't imagine the reer tuuloyin. Xiin ,what's the lecture called the one by sh C/rahman?
  11. When all else fails...feer kala daal, iska celi ninka ...dhiiga maa lagaa miirtay? Then you can blame it on the ADHD markaad ka ciil baxdid.
  12. They both cute kids. I don't what the fuss is all about,there is far worse things going on in China and in the world.
  13. Lovely idea Ibti Salan Sare to all you lovely Somali sisters in SOL. Hopefully we can discuss anything and everything here. I have an idea ;lets all go on a strike from the general section inorder to revive the womens section.
  14. Buuxo


    Walee been maadan sheegin.Dumar waxaan arkey ilmahooda dayacey oo nimanka garaabad la cuno ..maxaan kala yaabi markey nimanki sidii disposable sikiin u isticmaalaan.
  15. I have a 20mins to kill.Where did all the trolls disappear to.
  16. Buuxo


    ^Adiga wax aragtay nuunow...indho adeygaas dumar somali kuma akhoon.Kuwaan arkey 5 years hadey ugu badatoo bey kaweyn yihiin ninka.
  17. ^no it will help her with her posture and provide support..therefore she should have less backpain.
  18. Buuxo


    ^Inaalilaah.Kuwaas somali wax ma ugaleen?
  19. I know how you feel Pucca, it's annoying to go down/out from the library to eat.as i use to get distracted and wouldn't come back 2hrs later.But it is equally annoying when people eat in the library,with all the different smell of foods..it can be nausating to study there.
  20. ^only a guilty mind ,thinks of ways to get away with it
  21. LOL. I don't see how this is offensive to gay people . The people who should take offensive is speed walkers..it ain't a sissy sport and is very demanding.
  22. Ina Cabdi, If she was mentally challanged she will storm in here after reading those last lines of yours and call me all sorts of names. But I reckon she's has more sense than that. ^ Smooth.[ Smooth indeed cara. I try to employ some of his tactics and it backfired. Now he is trying to make me look bad. Ibti ,sistah ..don't listen to him..you know i have your back.
  23. ^Are you saying Ibti is mentally challenged :eek: Im sure she picked up the implication.
  24. ^ OK Ngonge,but we suggest you talk to someone first,that can suggest more rationale alternatives.