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Everything posted by Buuxo

  1. ^i did too, i was tired of being called virgin hair so, i took the plung with a friend hehe. But it turned out to be more red than i wanted
  2. ^dhaantada baan ka hela , marka ii soo guuri dhaantadaas macaanka.
  3. Not long ago baan maqley awrka cirka, and the reference to reer makhir's optimistism ee awrke seynta ka gooyen.
  4. ^nabad iyo caafimaad, walaalkis. adigana ma ii roontahey? LOL, waaba dhaanta qosol badan ..ma maqlin hada kahor.
  5. LOL JB, more like waan so dumey? maxaa idaafey ?
  6. ^are you guys even in the board? Any medals yet pucca. JB, What's the calan aad iska daba wadid, SL goormey olympics tagtey?
  7. Nothng to hate Puccstar...they are lousy!
  8. ^cool. I dont think im gonna repeat thanks.
  9. There were some wild whiffs, too, and at one point, the two boxers were back to back, punching like crazy in the absolute wrong direction I couldn't help laughing at this. But good on him for trying.
  10. Allah Yarxam. Jazakallah khayr abaayo for the timely reminder.I have been so focused on my account for the dunya ,that i have certainly lost sight of my account for the akhira. 'O Allaah, forgive our living and our dead, those present and those absent, our young and our old, our males and our females. O Allaah, whom amongst us You keep alive, then let such a life be upon Islaam, and whom amongst us You take unto Yourself, then let such a death be upon faith. O Allaah, do not deprive us of his reward and do not let us stray after him’. Amiin ya Allah.
  11. Sheh, Pressure cooker is worth investing in.We bought one last ramadan and oh was afur making a breaze! the bariis and hilib was done in 15-20 minutes max.
  12. ^lol.I ain't surprised walahi ,there's not one blink.I stare back when they do that ,but they don't even seem fazed ..they continue.God the least they could do is say salam and introduce themselves.
  13. "Sister, you'd be more beautiful if you veiled." Damn have i heard that too many times. Especially from people that think i have passed the age of the khimar and should be wearing the jilbab. What these men need to practice is lowering their gaze, whether a women is veiled or not.I just find it so shocking the rudeness of some arab men, it's like they have never seen women and with they way they stare -you would think they are undressing you with their eyes :mad:
  14. LOL@Awal baan waalnaa oo weel foorara wax ku shubtay!” Nuune,Waaba maqaal xiiso leh, laakiin link-iga ma shaqeeyneyso.
  15. Unfortunately KK, buska wuu in uu soo koraa..only way to find if he is wax mataree in that department is through tijaabo . Originally posted by Cara: quote:Originally posted by Cabdiyo Cabdi: ^LOL@miirato...bad image comes to mind Her name is starting to make sense! It does too!
  16. ^bit of a pickle@Afro.but i assume it's an exist strategy...xamar waa magaalo camal. LOL nuune,waa runtood ma dr baa isku qorey,Kuwaas wa understandable. Children waa loo baahanyahay,yaa maanto dhan iska agfadhinaayo qof ma dhaleeys ah, its selfishness to deprive your spouse.
  17. Ma'aqaan,waxkaste waaka dhacdaa.badanaa kuwa saas dhaho waa kuwa xaaja kuxumaatey,oo boorka iska jafaan.
  18. ^lol true.ama a very somali thing to do would be marry him,ask for divorce and say 'haa! maka reeynino labo ilmo oo qurxoon baan dhaley'
  19. ^hehe. Sayid...i take back my offer...afaarahaan wey iga weyn yihiin..laakiin xeeradeeyda waan soo qaadan hadii aad hilib oodkac igu gureysid. Nuune ,miyaaa...igu salan markaad ku aragtid meeshaas ,qaraxyo badan aaka dhacdo aan umaleynaya.
  20. Originally posted by nuune: Buuxdo as MMA would say magacan Cabdiyo ayaa laakin ka khattarsan, stick with it, very original. Sayid , brother shalayto ma fiilooyin baa is daba marey, waxbaa isku dhax yaacsanaayee LOL@Buuxdo, horta where's MMA lately ...manool yahay.Haven't seen him posting.mahadsanid Nuune..your khatar yourself. LOL@Sayid...afaaro iga waaweyn baa indin dhexmarey shaley ee bal Nuune hadin kala qabto.
  21. Ibti. So many things happened in a week.What week it has been in SOL ..NG n CL decided to adopt... and the child is unknown. What else am i missing.
  22. ^LOL. Sayid iska daa JB, ee you know he won't take it serious.so daa your ashtako... yaa ku diley ama maxaa ku daarey? uu sheeg ayeeyo cabdiyo. Ngonge,to brighten this place is what i meant, if JB isn't here I notice A&T is ignoring ya too...what have you done in past week to every1 .