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Everything posted by Buuxo

  1. Nuune ..wanagsan oo wacan. Laakiin,nagadaaya isbaarad aad meesha dhigateen. Ngonge,aaheey. Any chance you know cusmaaniyan?
  2. LOL@Maliki..I think i should but i had to figure out the af-jini biz first. Faheema, i know sis...laqabsi.com lee on my side.
  3. ^haha I got it...so you the begining of each word is in the middle..you said Iga'da awalan, maxaad canad?? ugu marmarsiyooneysaa
  4. ^Faheema waayahey ma anaa faquqasiisa ah :mad:
  5. ^Maxaad ii xamaneeysaan?
  6. Just as the Siju crew wasn't bad-enough, you lot come up with af somaali wareersan.
  7. The usual stuff in bulk. Which reminds me ,I must remember to make sanbuus to last a week this weekend.
  8. Originally posted by J.a.c.a.y.l.b.a.r.o: Is that too much to ask? Im not that hard to please actually, koob shaah oo dhameeystiran lee isii regularly.Birimo iyo sugunto maba ka rabi.
  9. ^LOL.mindha waxey is dheheen amey cuslaataa...laakiin caato=tabar daro.Bet 5 shilin, they were like how hard can it be...Runtaa,baadiyo in ay aadeen bey aheed..could of recruited few that have muruq but still caato-ish. Im proud of her too.Laakiin Im sure Samiyo can handle the truth.
  10. Ngonge, I hear you where in the same camp as those that were holding back their tears ,ee ha'igu daba qaraaban. Nuune,ma ila aragtey..westernised indeed..reminds me of my primary school...although my report card was deplorable..my teachers always said to my parents 'she has a nice smile' bal maxaa iska galey marks iyo smile..balo! Samiyo ..hadhageeysan dadkaan..iyo pitygooda...ee orad sa fiican ...anna waan ordayaa,lifena waan yeelan.
  11. ^Then she should say her salaad shukri that she was running a hopeless race.Did anyone of her family die?
  12. ELLO ELLO. Whilst we on the olympics results. If we are to compare each country with their population and number of metals they have won...Australia would have surpassed China . I still can't believe Brits bet us.
  13. Alla maxaa cadaan iska doondoon tihiin...no excuse for her failure.If anyone should be running the fastest after hearing the start gun being fired ,it is her .
  14. ^LOL. I am bored too.but it's good boring for me.This is the time i read or view things that will require least amount of brain stimulation.
  15. ^carabiga aad taqan haye faanka jooji yaroow! So you's good haye?
  16. Innaa ilaali raajicun. Ilaahey baa umaqan somaalida,disturbing to see people rejoicing the events in Kismaayo.
  17. ^lol. Maandhow indhaha aa idhaciif ah. Alh all is good. How are you doing this morning/evening?
  18. May Allah rest his soul and reward him with janatul-firdowsa,Amiin.
  19. ^waxaa tiri lagu yiri @Urban ELLO ELLO !
  20. Before you take the eccentric title, are you the greatest entertainer in the world???
  21. ^lol. You reminded me of a cousin ,who would repeat the following lines " adeero gabadha soo dhaaye ..., in yar baan dabab galeynaayeee" or something along those lines...what does it mean?
  22. ^lol, i thought that was a metaphor. Im probably way off .
  23. ^mahadsanid nuune..taas waxaan u baahnahey in'la iifasiro colonialism miyuu ka hadlaaya? I'll check DW for the other one marka.