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Everything posted by Buuxo

  1. Buuxo


    ^Burshiil iyo sambuus aad karintaqaan haye, faanka jooji , amba diyaarad waan duulinkaraa if shown once KK, Seetahey macaanto?
  2. War inagaa wax aragney,tuugnimo baa sharaf noqotey oo waliba spokesperson yeelatey.When will somalis stop glorifying the behaviour of mad-men? Check their pics here shocking walaahi...they are not your usual jaad-crazed faraaxs,xaraan bey ku heeysataan badaa iyo dulkaba.
  3. ^hehe exactly what i incountered at the Mall today .
  4. Buuxo


    ^Caqliga baan kugu jeclahey ,usheeg Malika , Marwooyinka SOL aa tihiin ...so help the brother out lee weey sheekada.
  5. ^sax. Jb Allah ku sahlo mid la afuro weeytahey. Whats good trolls? I will add my frequently abused somali word,which i need to stop using is qaras..anything i don't want to hear or xun waa qaras. eg sheekadaas qarasta igadaa.
  6. Abdinaasir nin rag ah wey... not many men you find that think that way. for most westernisation of beauty lee kadanbeyaan naag cad =qurux. Bleaching kids that is child abuse,subhanallah.
  7. Buuxo


    ^Where's your evidence thePoint? ani somaaliga igama badisid..waan ku luqluqdaa. Nuune,haye is that buurshiil isii in af Gaelic? unfortunately the kitchen is out of bounds for me atm.But I hear Malika is making some tonight and won't mind to make extra for you, just do a Princz William she has big backyard too aad dameerka ku park-gareysid.
  8. Buuxo


    ^Aaah that infamous raw centre is what get me :mad: Back to the question, Cabdiyo, be lucky you are unable to cook this bur, the amount of oil, sugar and more oil is enough to make anyone shudder. I haven’t had this bur since I was 10 or 11. Same here Lilys, i just missed it for some reason.It's ironic to see this thread , after recently being hospitalised for complications of peptic ulcer, I can't imagine having burshiil or any oily/ fatty crap. Thanks Malika & all for the tips , i haven't tried them but i might make it for those who dare . PS: Its called burshiil-shiil ,don't the bursaliid y'all on about.At least the former sounds more apatazizing
  9. ^wuxuu yiri. What a year 2008 has been, It will forever be known in SOL as the year of A&T and personalised threads.
  10. Buuxo


    Hey All. Anyone know how to make bur-shishiil, you know the one that is as runny as canjeero that you drop into boiling saliid. I know how to make mandaasi or kackac but I can't seem to get this one right,it absorbs too much oil and turns out demented.What's the recipe or anyone know the trick? Much appreciated.
  11. ^same here Geel. After working 10 days in a row,all i can think of is sleep but i can't seem to fall asleep . So I thought i might troll tonight.
  12. KK, Dalasho wacan abayadiis.Sanadkaan sanadkiis ilaahay nabad iyo barawaaqo hakugu gaarsiiyo.
  13. ^thankx Ibti,all is well? Hello Serenity!
  14. ^haa ,adna ma wacantahey Geelka. NG, Ramadan kariim bro. by things you mean? the sawm, yeah slowly.
  15. ^Ramadan Kariim ladies. I see this place is still kicking. Lily ,go for it sis...rock your dirac on eid day sounds do-able. Im trying to figure out my eid outfit too,Im thinking something afrocentric but don't know what. Ibti, interesting event.Good-luck.
  16. ^Gosh that doesn't sound like me , Apologies Ramadan is doing funny things to my mood.I'm normally more tolerant. Anyways the only thing wrong with this article ,is that Gedonet folks used waxaa la yiri wuxuu yiri /secondary references. Al-shabaabna ayagaa af-dheer so it could all be plausible.And all i got to say on this is Al-shabaab,ama Al-wadaad / Al-warlord najeeyna.
  17. ^oo goormaad Al-shabaab ku biirtey ninyahow?
  18. Lovely read, thankx Blessed.
  19. Somaliland Vice President paints Bleak Picture for Somalia’s Secessionist Entity By: Osman Jama Adam “We don’t Know What is in This Constitution; it is in English and I can’t read or write English” In a candid conversation with Diasporas Somalilanders the Vice-President of the self-declared Somaliland Republic painted a bleak picture of the economic and political crisis facing Somalia’s secessionists’ enclave. He shared with the audience, apparently in confidence, that he is in complete disagreement with President Riyaale with how the government handled the controversial issue of exporting livestock from the enclave. Ahmed Yusuf Yassin (WayDhaqaaqDay) On August 3, 2008 I was invited, I believe by mistake, to participate in a Tele-Conference organized by Somaliland American Council, a Washington-based Ad Hoc group dedicated to the lobbying for the recognition of Somaliland as a State independent from Somalia. The subject of the conference was “Current Situation in Somaliland’ and the Keynote Speaker was Ahmed Yusuf Yassin, Somaliland Vice President. The following are the highlights of the Vice President presentations to an audience he believed was solely made up of the core constituency of the “Somaliland” Project. 1. The Government does not have the capacity to control events on the ground in Somaliland. “If a lawless teenager (Jirri) burns the Quran in the centre of Hargeisa, no government can do anything to stop it; let alone bring him to justice,” Mr. Yassin stated. He added if the government intervenes the whole incident would be turned into a clan against clan issue. 2. On the controversy over giving exclusive rights to a Saudi national to export livestock from the country, the Vice President stated that he is not in agreement with President Riyaale to give monopoly to a foreign national to export our livestock. However, in order for a free market to take effect for the export of livestock from Berbera we are required to come up with 3 million dollar deposit as a guarantee that the live stock is free from Rift Valley disease. The government does not have that kind of money; neither the business community. 3. Responding to a pre-submitted question on the Somaliland Constitution and how it relates to the controversy surrounding the export of livestock, the Vice President said that the Constitution was written 10 years ago in English by a Sudanese constitutional expert. No one is able to translate it accurately into Somali. Therefore, neither “the President nor myself know what is exactly in the Constitution.” “We need you, guys in the Diasporas, to translate this important document.” 4. In concluding his speech, the Vice President, who was calling from Burco, stated that the only good news I have for his Diasporas audience is that we succeeded in our long campaign to capture Las Anod. The key element in this campaign was, in advance of our militia invasion of Sool in 2007, we quietly and clandestinely sent dozens of former convicts, trained by our Ethiopian allies, to infiltrate the Sool communities in Adhi Cadey and Yagori. They settled and married from the community while all along providing intelligence, smuggling arms and recruiting local collaborators. The Vice-President added that they will continue following the same strategy in completing the occupation of Sool. At one point the Vice-President was enthusiastically interrupted by the tele-conference Moderator who gushed with glee that” “it seems we learned this strategy from our Protectors, the British, and thank God it is working! Laga Baray-ba; Laga Badi !!” 5. Also the Vice-President time and again reminded his audience that the Ethiopians are our friends and that you, meaning the Diasporas Somalilanders, not to listen to those who malign Ethiopia. He also praised and thanked international NGOs. He said without them Somaliland could not survive for a day. So every Somalilander overseas should try his best to bring one NGO. As a staunch defender of Somali Unity in spite of our current crisis, this is the first time I participated in a “Somaliland” meeting whether by telephone or in person. I was flabbergasted by the contrast between Ahmed Yassin’s honest briefing on “Somaliland” current situation and the deafening boasts and naked propaganda of Diasporas Somalilanders that their ‘country’ is well-governed, peaceful, booming, and it is destined to be an international tourist destination. For a country that can not afford to come up with a 3 million dollar deposit, what do you expect the condition of the average Somali in Hargeisa and Burco? Another question that comes to mind isn’t the Vice-President a member of the Somaliland Government? During his presentation he time and again spoke in the plural ‘We’. “We are against how the Government is handling the livestock issue.” Does the ‘We’ refer to a Somaliland Secret Society that excludes President Riyaale but includes the Vice-President, Ahmed Yusuf Yassin? I am just wondering. On the other hand does the ‘We’ refer to the Opposition? If so why is he still the Vice-President? In other jurisdictions in the world the Vice-President would have either voluntarily resigned or sacked by the President. The Vice-President should be commended for his candor. He is popularly known in Somaliland as “WayDhaqaaq’day!,” meaning “Somaliland is on the Move”. It is a popular phrase he uses when addressing the masses at public events. But based on his presentation on August 3, 2008, it seems Somaliland “May Dhaqaa’qin.” i.e. Somaliland is not moving. On the contrary Somaliland is “stagnant” in a cesspool of dysfunctional governance that is plagued by crude divisive toxic clanism, sub-clanism and corruption. In conclusion I wish to thank SomalilandAmericans for organizing an open Forum (albeit mute) for all those interested in the affair of “Somaliland”. It was an eye-opener and learning experience. Osman Jama Adam
  20. Walaahi caadi matihid A&T. what i like about your stories is ,the humanity of it,first the pregnant lady and now the curyaan.As odd as their stories , but at the end of the day they are human and have shahwo and good to see somebody finds them attractive.
  21. ^Ramadaan Kariim to you all. May we be the ones that benefit from this blessed month Inshallah.
  22. Originally posted by NGONGE: To the Editor, Sir How did a highly respected publication such as yours plummet from the peak of respectability to the depth of poor taste in such a short time? I am referring of course to your recent excessive coverage of Cabdiyo Cabdi's life story. Though your commentary was as masterful as ever, I, and I'm sure most other readers, feel that the subject itself was not worth the space. Certainly not three leading pages. Yours with barely concealed disgust E. N. Vious. Green Street London Dear Mr E.N.Vious, I appreciate your response, in regards to her Highness Ms Cabdiyo Cabdi's coverage. It is a new direction that our paper is taking in encouraging great leadership in somalia by recognising local leaders. In the short-time that Ms Cabdiyo has been appointed she has established great changes ,such as a pit-stop for geeljirees to have a 'smoko' a light snack ,as well as an annual health check-up.This has lead to an overwhelming drop in the rate of gingivitus by this group ,which was caused by Yicib,fruits they often snack on. Your sincerely, Editor in Chief
  23. Dear Mudaney Editor, I would like to extend my gratitude and those of the beesha Iskiis wax-tar, in regards to last weeks page 2,3,4 of your paper being dedicated to the caleema saar of her highness Ugaaso Cabdiyo Cabdi. Mahadsanid, Muhiim.