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Everything posted by Buuxo

  1. Waryaa Ng, how dare you i have you know , i did not look anything like that in my teens. Mardhow bacaadka baan kugu lisi ,as the ciyaal xaafad would say. Nuune,lol it wasn't even a legit one.Asagaa isii tuurey.
  2. No OZ, it hasn't worked , i don't know whether it is already unhidden or not.Maybe thats why it is not giving me the folder option. But i used itunes.In itunes it shows the stuff i have on the ipod,the trick is copying it to the PC library.And it ain't a simple cut and past. can you Help? I would show you guys a print of the screen i see but i don't know how to post images.LOL arggg this frustrating. But im determined to figure it out.
  3. Ngonge, We all try...so keep trying . Look inta somaali aad soo qortey adoo waliba sarcastic ah, not an easy task.
  4. Ilaahay ha caafiyo inshallah, dambi dhaafna ha'ugo dhigo.
  5. Dhubad, I tried and it says registry edit is disabled by admin and im logdin as Admin..
  6. ^Shuush waryee,I can follow instructions. Aw-dhubad, Thank God you are here. Let me try bal.
  7. Ngonge, stop taking the piss you tool.I found tool menu but there after no folder option to go to the view tab.
  8. Ng...ha is xariifin,rigoore-haas waan ku siin maanta.laakiin is ilaali.
  9. ^I tried but it doesn't give me the folder option thingy.Don't why?
  10. Really...why..ok..Isug.
  11. You is Welcome Sayid. Nuune & JB...maxaad balaayo aragteen. Ibti, habiibti maxaa isku dhacaayo?
  12. Not to worry Sayid...Most won't understand.
  13. After my computer crashed,Im having difficulty regaining my Itunes library. Who would of thought it is hard to copy music from ipod to PC.Anyways i tried the below steps but i can't seem to 'unhide the files'.The tool menu only has the options to 'Map network drives'/ 'disconnect network drive' / to 'Synchronize'. Anyone able to help? Connect your iPod Open your iPod — It should show up on “My Computer” as a “Mobile Device”; right click and choose “Explore”. Alternatively, go to the Control Panel, Portable Media Devices, and double-click your iPod. Unhide the files — By default, Windows hides hidden files and folders (thus the name). Go to Options (in the Tools menu), and on the View tab, check “Show Hidden Files and Folders”. Find the Music — The music is stored (in current iPods) in the directory “iPod_ControlMusic”. This may have a lot of odd looking stuff in it — it doesn’t matter; select everything and drag and drop them to a folder on your hard drive. Configure iTunes — Go into iTunes Preferences, and under the Advanced tab, check “Keep iTunes Music Folder Organized” and “Copy files to iTunes Music Folder when adding to the library” (settings move around a bit between versions of iTunes, but these settings will be there somewhere). Add Your Files - In iTunes, select File, Add Folder to Library, and select the folder where you copied the files from your iPod. Alternatively, just drag and drop this folder onto iTunes
  14. Buuxo

    Money Transfer

    ^I dont know how anyone can hide such news from their 'beloved'.Similar thing happened recently to people i know.Aboo heelo secretly married mido laga roonyahey in the same town as his minweyn and managed to keep it as a secret for a year.But the funny & cruel thing is how they found out.The neighbours started to be suspicious after the previously single girl ,managed to refurnish her home and started extra beautification.The curious somali ladies started to suspect their own husbands and immediately knew that this lady must be married to Awtagsiiles(as he was never home) and started to partol the house(AM&PM shifts-no joke) to see which one of their husbands will attempt to enter the house.And they were right ,it was a married-man and first thing they did was say ALhamdulilah that it wasn't their faarax and second call to notify the unfortunate lady.
  15. Gaal waa jini ,waa jini. Luuqna maxeey ka doonayaan?
  16. Welcome back A&T.Soo quf sheekooyinka.
  17. ^haye damiin farawaweyn aa loogu qora , wali mafahim qawadaan.Maybe Awdhubad can share pictures .discolorationka ma sida Michael jackson camal mise cambaartoo kale.
  18. Sounds nice Norf. Im tired from all the greetings.when did we somalis move from the simple handshake to 3-4 arab cheek2cheek? Anyone know how i can transfer music from ipod to PC ??
  19. ^you probably right ,I thought all reer Bari must suffer from Chromhidrosis (Secretion of abnormally colored perspiration). MMA, Qadaw hadaan ku aqaan ,waaba ka hadli laha.
  20. ^I thought xagag-bax was common in Bosaaso or is it only bad when it doesn't rain. I remember markaan ku soo qaxney in aan ka qaxno bey aheed meesha ,we went xagag-bax to iskushuban, it was all a big dalxiis . off topic,but does anyone know why people use to get qaanjeer(?) ,you know the chalk like marks on their skin after perspiration.I never come across this in the country i live, and we get temps of 40+ dgs.
  21. Buuxo


    ^LOL...what sight to see! Nuune, yeah i remember that girl,hope she achieved what she wanted.LOL, did you know i applied for aviation after i finished high-school..well it was one of my 6 preferences, maxaa kataqaan post 9/11 ,waxey ii dheheen 'try carpenting Miss Cabdiyo' . KK,LOL@kabaha kiyuusaha iyo taakooyinkaaga , walaahi waayo aad isoo xasuusisey .Glad to hear that you doing well, alh da same is true here and i can't wait to wear my eid clothes .Laakiin this Eid i have to remember to make caruurta happy , no xaqal eid for me
  22. Eid mubarak Abtigiis & All.
  23. JB,is english the main language they study in?