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Everything posted by Buuxo

  1. A&T,Are we still talking about the same caano(day job) akhyaarka. Also, I did ask about you last night? But you were not to be found and then i found Sheh,who also has panache for storytelling.
  2. ^wixii ciyaalka lagu maaweelo aad fiirsata :eek: reer magaal xaal qaado.
  3. ^xaasha...aniga waxaas maad iga dhadicin. Mornings waad ogtahey in aan suuqa caano la fadhiyee
  4. Waa kuma...ninkaas ma Ngonge...whats the khuraafat you write,adding Dee does not make what you just wrote understandable.
  5. Nuune,i would if i had insider info given that i only joined 2 years ago(bisinka thats long) i don't know some of nomads prior nicks.But we should nominate some1 to do this thread. Any suggestions. And it can't be you, you have too many thread we like to dig up...that you wouldnt like some people to see
  6. Will heh heh do then Ngonge A&T aniga inaa ka ashtikood weeyeba ...salanta iga maba qaadin.He only makes loud noises when his goes unnoticed by the atiriishooyin.
  7. ^I thought so too. "Heh.heh" isn't every manly
  8. ^LOL@A@T. NG,lol...she was that energizer bunny yesterday ,I was hoping she would finish her story.
  9. ONYA sis. It's always nice to read the follow up to some of the threads.You know a we should do a ' where are they now' thread. That would be interesting. LOL@JB.
  10. Hey all. Where is Sheh?
  11. OMG. Damn A&T maxaad wax aragtey.
  12. LOL, Cara ma iga carartey.Come back Sayid ,is that a bad thing.Anyways im leaving,meesha waan kuu firaaqeynaya. Sheh,do tell.
  13. Hey Cara...good to see here mate. Listen I really need help. You see Abdi Heersare is acting up again .What shall i do?
  14. ^LOL, CL.Why is it impossible? Give our lads credit.
  15. ^lol@KK,Nuune baaba wiilka qar katuurey.footie terms ku shukaanso kula ha sidii ciyaalka xaafad.one step at time, Abaayo macaaneey ,shaxshaxleey iyo shurufleey ee aheed inu kudohow Ngonge badi. LOOOOL KK& Nuune... sidii familykeyga baad igu noqoteen. Hal habeen maan is badaley? Somaaligaan waaweyna cidna iguma afuufin ee wuu igu soo duxaaya. shiish,if you must know KK..adaa i af-bartey. JB, Come on now...waxaan uu maleynaayey in'aan isku fiicneen.
  16. Finding a job after uni ,was the easiest thing for me. The hard part was finishing the degree.The interview was a joke actually, i have done more intense interviews to become a dishwasher in local cafe.I was kind of disappointed.But I shall say Alhamdulilah.
  17. ^Jb and then make sure you post a pic here.
  18. Hey Lily. you are right but when it happens tho,it's the shock that paralysizes you momentarily.
  19. LOL@Sheh, had something similar, I feel for ya. ouuc indeed. Lily, i need to learn that look from ya as well. ELLO ELLO Trolls!
  20. ^Amazing ,good to know .Much appreciated.
  21. Bloody Hell! It seems all too complex. I think I'll contact my friend to take look. So how did you post on the net? The Image.
  22. Dhubad,why did you have to tell him.Ng has no friends ,mardhow aduu rigoore kaa dhalin. lol@xafuuf. Nuune,lol runti? caawa safiican baan u seexana marka. Hadii brafasoorka af somaliga approved of my somali.
  23. ^D,I did and the account im logedin is the 'admin' and under the groups. Damn ,looks like hargabka/ama dixiriga wax baa ka jiro. But i have like Anti-virused a million times. This is how i lost all these files in the first place. Thanks for your help Dhubad and all. Ng,I bet you still punch girls to let them know you like them too . And seriously , I don't know my way around SOL yet. But my computer i do. I would of posted that image Allmagan did earlier if i knew how. Care to share the knowledge.
  24. Allamagan, how did SOL let you post that? I see that but folder options. LOL@dixiri kumputered, that is plausible .I will try to deal with that.