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Everything posted by Buuxo

  1. Buuxo

    Cricket Fans

    Good to know .Never like that Brain Lara anyways.
  2. LOL@C.You add too much milix to your sheeko. Ibti will see through it. No thanks NG, you didn't sell it well.
  3. ^KK ha'igu qoslin hee. Xagee ka dhacdey horta? Sayid,dee su'aalahaga.
  4. Hadii aad af Soomaali ku qortid waan wootgareyn .
  5. Not my intention,Ng. Just wondering. It seems to be the latest craze. Shall i give it a try? A whole hr, man thats long, can you read mags whilst shiisheyn?
  6. Ms DD,I hear they can implant more than one embreyo and you can have more babies.Is that ok ? islamically , there maybe risks ,altho rare. Ngonge,lol.chances are you came back from your shiish place and would suffocate her with the smell. Can i ask..how long does it take to smoke the shiish? is it like a ciggy or do you need to get comfy and organise a designated driver?
  7. LOL@powder. Ms DD, know if IVF is islamically allowed for married couples.
  8. Whats the Point of the poll?
  9. Oh Ngonge how we missed thee . COngrats then.But keep in mind snogging strangers can cause oral cancer LOL@Sayid.
  10. ^Most def DD. Cara, Thanks macaanto. All is good now. But those nutritional drinks were worse.
  11. LOL@BOB. Aaliyah ,his talking about all the potential children /kuwa dhabarka ugu jiro as somalis say. Faynuus,Ilaahey laba-labo kaago dhigo amiin.Inshallah mukulaal matagteyna,lol.
  12. Im from Cabdiyo Cabdi.You won't find it on any old maps,because it was recently named after me .But it's near Cabdi Cawil & Qaloocan.
  13. LOL@REdka. Doing research now? you shall get browny points for that. I knew a lady that loved the smell of her husband, when he was not present shaatigiis bey iska dabawadey and would sniff it all day . I don't know what causes. But if you do the following your wifey shall love ya . 1.Some women wey dhareeran so carry around extra hanky/kleenex and little weel for her to spit in. 2.Some women eat non-nutritional things like Dhuxul.SO give her the damn dhuxul or whatever it is . That's all i can think of now.But this whole wallac thing is BS.They all prima donnas to start with
  14. Goodonyu Ibti . I'll be with you in spirit. Hope it all goes well.
  15. ^ Bi'i waa xiinow soodigaa lagaa badin gaadhay Originally posted by xiinfaniin: Abtigiis hadduu geesi yahay gabdhaha uma guduuteenne Sidii awrka geelaa dhebida uma garraaceene Geeraar intuu mariyyo Cabdiyyo uma guhaadeene Gabayada gefkaa intaa gabdhaha lama u goobteenne waan sidaan kugu ogaa. A&T adna gabey wacdara-leh soo tuur. bal geelgeelka sheeg, ceesaantana yare
  16. Malika, Alhamdulilah all is well.Cunta ma diidi now XIin..You reminded me of the first time ,i encountered that word Haye!, my dad would come and just randomly say that.At first i never understood it .I was like what the!i never said anything and just mumbled something. After many Haye's i had to ask and found out it's a convo starter and same as 'maxaa la sheegay' I felt bad for ingnoring him all those times.
  17. LOL@Malika.I don't about the happiness link but i had gastro surgery and couldn't tolerate any food,so ended up not eating for a week...just fluids . Congrats, It's best down the healthy way.
  18. ^how can you compare women with ri'
  19. ^ . You might weigh less but will you look better Cadaan? .I lost 10kgs in a week. :eek: and as a member of your WW program ,you would think i was happy.But NO, I was all arms & legs and looked so malnourished.So i started stuffing my self and gained half of it back ,alh.
  20. Xiinow, miyaan hiil iyo ho la isku laheen maxaad ninka iga qabanweysay ,Oo afareeyda(waxey ta'hayba) u soo tuuri weeysay.Ina-abtiyow dhiig baranbaro kugu ma ogeen ee maxaa jiro? Afaarahan waa mid iga yaryar,buranbur uma qalmo. A&T,the usage of 'ceesaan' was uncalled for.
  21. That is just too beautiful. Mashallah.
  22. Buuxo

    Today I....

    Today Im thinking of buying pure Gold.
  23. Originally posted by Abtigiis &Tolka: Xiinoow Cudbi iyo canbaro iyo hadaad caasha soo kicisay Canab iyo ceebla hadaad ku tidhii kaalay ila caaya Ma cabbana ninkaad moodaysa inuu sii cararayaaye Ha cabaadin abtoow adigaa cuskaday ceesaamaha'e Oh no He didn't!
  24. LOL@Nephyst,don't think it's age related but i had the same feelings in my teens including the breast removal but it was so i can play BB in peace. Now come on get back on that Horse ,and be the yummy mummy you are( if you not a mum,disregard..im being typical somali ..khayr baan ku siraadina.)
  25. ^Xiinow, Abtigiis caadi ma ah ...When he notices a good guy in the crowd , he starts attacking him at any chance he gets.marka in'uu gogal loo dhigtuu raba and he will be happy to announce that he was sorry to attack you& offer his daughter as xaalmarin. Laakiin Peace caravanka waligaa taageer and marry me instead