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Everything posted by Buuxo

  1. People stop getting your knickers in a knot. And read everything with a grain of salt.
  2. Originally posted by Oz: Cabdiyo Cabdi, Are you reer-London? The guy is so smart. He is expressionless when listening to their sickening views. I recently watched his search for Michael Jackson It was classic how he indirectly offended Michael Jackson's sexuality in front of his Michael's father I have only watched three documentaries. I must admit I couldn't believe his interview with the neo-Nazi's. The mother with two children, her husband was an educator, hence, which is why he didn't do the interview. Imagine not knowing your teacher is a racist :eek: No,Im reer-Ostraaliya. He doesn't say much but hi expressions are classic tho.Damn i missed the M.Jackson one,would of been interesting to watch. But about the racist teacher, i had one in primary skool,must of been 7/8yrs old. And i remember he would not help me and another somali kid.He would not give us stickers let alone mark our handwriting. Everytime the kids went to collect their books that were to be marked. Me and the somali kid ,would not find our and spent the rest of the day crawling around the class room to find them around tight-spots or underneith the reading couch. :mad:
  3. Inna lillahi wa inna ilahi raajicuun,May Allah rest his soul. And give you and your family sabr and imaan.Amiin.
  4. wasalam, OZ. I love his docs. It's simply crazy,going to neo-Nazis and extremists trying to understand their views.
  5. Buuxo

    How Smart Are You?

    Clearly not smart enough. Madaxaaba i xanuuney.
  6. LOL@Sakhshaan iyo asxaabul kahfi. Walle Nuune adi iyo JB saqajaanimo aabi iyo hooyo aad utihiin.
  7. It says the women handed herself to receive the punishment.So what is the problem? don't each area in somalia how a court system? Even when we were fleeing in '91 civil war,we did have incidents of an eye-for-eye justice system being carried out by the elders.
  8. Aaah, on second thought i would agree with the study. I mean if anyone male/female give me a hot macchiato ama shaash kulul oo macaan, I can't help thinking sweet things about them.
  9. ^How noble Ibti.But that's no fun and there's no money in that. We got perfect location -Goobweeyne( where jubba river n indian ocean meet) Im sure there's croc eggs we can find.And we can export the meat n leather. you can be the CEO and Decide your own salary? What say you?
  10. Buuxo

    iOrgane :)

    Well if you can't beat them copy them classic.
  11. LOL Ibti, eat kibis.The pastry is so thin i guess,it melts in your mouth but not very filling. Im already freaked out Ibti,im thinking about moving to somalia, building myself a neat lil place in Goobweeyne and farm crocodiles. Sheh&Ibti you guys wanted to do something dangerous. How about Croc wrestling?
  12. Hello all. After praying duhur,Asr,Magrib & Cisha at work.I realised how much work dominates my life. :eek:
  13. Much appreciated Jb. Altho the thought of foreign agencies introducing me to me country-men & women is strange but whatever works.In the health sector Jb,but i'll do anything really even beer-faloo as long as the qorax isn't unbearable,im easy .
  14. LOL@lunch with you.Where at? the nuthouse . But why the wadna xanuun? PS: you know you is the coolest Soler, Coz you is in Somalia right? So hook me up with all the right info. Sorry to troll here,Ibti..it's all JB's fault.
  15. Talking Fisher-Price doll accused of promoting Islam A talking Fisher-Price doll that sounds like it is saying "Islam is the Light" has been described as inappropriate by parents. By Matthew Moore Last Updated: 1:27PM BST 14 Oct 2008 Little Mommy Cuddle 'n Coo dolls, available in the UK for as little as £19.99, have been reported as saying 'Islam is the light' Photo: PA The Fisher-Price Little Mommy Cuddle 'n Coo is meant to make realistic baby sounds and occasionally cry out for its "mama". But some parents claim that one of its noises sounds just like "Islam is the Light", and have complained to Mattel, which owns Fisher-Price. Some shops in the US have removed the doll from shelves after complaints from customers, according to reports. It is available in Britain for £19.99. A spokesman for Fisher-Price insisted that the doll was not pushing pro-Islamic messages, adding that the sound some parents were hearing was caused by an accidental distortion of the doll's soundtrack. "The Little Mommy Cuddle 'n Coo dolls feature realistic baby sounds including cooing, giggling, and baby babble with no real sentence structure," a spokesman said. "The only scripted word the doll says is 'mama'. There is a sound that may resemble something close to the word 'night', 'right', or 'light'. "Because the original soundtrack is compressed into a file that can be played through an inexpensive toy speaker, actual sounds may be imprecise or distorted." Earlier, Mattel released a statement saying that "the power of suggestion" was the reason why parents were mis-hearing the doll. "It's not what you would expect out of a sweet little doll," said Martina Hollermann of Ramsey, Minnesota, who bought the toy for her children. "Everyone was kind of creeped out." link What does it sound like to you?
  16. LOOOOOL.Jb SOL in'aad ku'khafiiftid aan kabaqa. Anyways Jb ,if want to do some volunteer work in somalia. Do i have to go through agencies or can i just drop in and say here i am?
  17. LOL JB.Im not going to say it was you Too much Coffee can also shrink women's breast size says a Study . Alla gaalo caqli xuma!
  18. Inanyahay gob baad tahay Gob gobi dhashaad tahay Gacal iyo xul baad tahayee Haween gola istaagoo Heybad gaar ahaaneed Guulaheenu siiyoo Loo geed fadhiistoo Gudi ay ku kulantoo Gola laysku siiyoo La gudoontay baad tahay Gaari dhaban leh baad tahay Xilo geesi baad tahay Inan aroos laguu gamgaamiyoo Gamankii fardood iyo Geel istaahil baad tahayee Gacalo hooyadaa baa Sumad gaara bixisoo Mid is gaarsan baad tahay Guurkoo hagaagiyo Ducaan kugu galbinayaa Guleeyso waligaa Ku nagoow guri ladan Jb,Give the girl credit. Im sure Ibti will understand as much as I did .I don't know about the gamgaamin bit but this song is great and my gurl Ibti deserves it. LOL@party,how we going to do that JB.troll all at the same time?
  19. Awguuriyo Ibti. I'm so happy for you. MacMac :cool: I dedicate this song to you Inan yahay gob atahay Enjoy.
  20. Buuxo

    Cricket Fans

    ^That explains.What do the Yanks call this anyway,Teeball? Now stop raining on Tendulkar's parade.That is an achievement worthy of throwing rice over him.
  21. ^hehe,Malika ma'aragtey. KK,LOL ..I know. Waan kuufiicanahey sistah. Haye..waaba yaabey ,waxaan is'ir(?) qofti KK,maxaa busy kadigey Shoe shopping addictionkii mindaa bey rehab uugashey Sayid.Sorry for trolling here.When you ready to discuss your ?s I'll delete my posts .
  22. Buuxo

    Cricket Fans

    ^You know this isn't Baseball An American that appreciates Cricket? Hmm .Somalis say Gaalka dil ,gartiisan sii..I have to say he did have his moments. But what becomes of a xidig madoow markey naag cadaan qastaan
  23. LOOOOOOOOOOOL @Waa nooc men el xalaal kissing nooh. Why didn't you say so earlier.Intaas aa looga dhawaana . Waxnala tus! My comment on oral cancer still stands ya walad .
  24. Im kidding. And nothing seem romantic about shiish. Double Eewwww about sharing shiish story.Something tells thats not how you ended things.