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Everything posted by Buuxo

  1. Hijabi teacher accused of sexually assaulting student I know innocent until proven guilty but what annoys me about this is she choses to don her hijab for court :mad:
  2. Cara is president ...ulul alalal* alalas* Ilaaho noo daa. *Sings Naag lagu seexdo ha seexan, xil baad sidaa ...ha seexan !ha seexan!. :cool:
  3. Ngonge ,niyow see waaye.Nin goorma noqodey?yaakhe af carabi maan wax kugu sheega,suuqa hanaga xirin.Adaan kuu heesta hadii gabdhaha dhan iga shakiyaan and ignore me in other threads . Ibti,Ng is right.Your London gal-pals get fun night,the orphans get money.But what are we gonna get? JJ, send me the account details.
  4. I can picture you fuming whilst listening to this Lily. Lily'ee waan ku aqaan gabeygaan maku galin.Laakiin Gabarteey muuseeygaga uroonow,'yuusufow aan haaye' ma soconeyso ee hambeegarka ka ilaal. Nephyst LOL@Ilbax.wa zaaz abaa, ani iyo adi ma nagu socoto. huga aan kaa hareyn milicda dugsi noqonin hamadayga hilbahaaga qarineynin hanti badan lagaa siiyey shiid hagoogan baa dhaanta This part got to you haye How do i know you is a fashionista? Waayahey shiid iska daa,ee isku joog jilbaab ah iyo indhashareer isku rid. Nuune Thanks for posting the lyrics now we can try to understand it a bit more. Care to fasir learned brotha?.I got the gist of the gabey.I think it's all dardaaran ,except it's not all relevant to us( isku dhex karis ) ladies.Wakhtigii baa isbadaley , daqankaana wa sido kale.
  5. :eek: Something isn't right.Why would they come prepared with knives and not have food on board.And how did only the 3 brothers survive? if they were really starving that rasta on the first guy would of been enough for all of them.
  6. Thanks for the laugh JB. Nuune,LOL .Rayaale is the first President Elect of Somalidiid , la soco
  7. LOL@Norf ,Hope it does it mean something odd? Ngonge im serious. Ibti..How about i send $US dollars.And my dollar is weak BTW.Bal wait till it reaches >.70cent
  8. ^What's the point of voting,im not going to win.
  9. LOL@Ngonge.I'll beat your offer and donate $105 dollars for Serenity to wear Mis-matching lipstick(orange & purple)
  10. Originally posted by J.a.c.a.y.l.b.a.r.o: quote:Originally posted by Cabdiyo Cabdi: JB,When i come to Hargeysa, make sure in ey Rayaale iyo Kulmiye isoo dhaweeyaan. Maxaad Rayaale iyo Kulmiye ku falaysaa ,,, the whole population baanu meesha keeni oo ubaxyo cascas kaala hor iman. LOL@JB.Maya dad-weynah dhan ma'rabo.In la i jeebeeyo aan kabaq marka hadii labadaas nin iso dhaweeyan ,SL is ma ceebenayaan so ma'ah
  11. ^Alh walaal.Caadi weey,Tolka reference khalad ha ufahmin. Baardhere you don't say.
  12. ^LOL.Tolka ka agdhawoow miyaa, in times of difficulties. JB,When i come to Hargeysa, make sure in ey Rayaale iyo Kulmiye isoo dhaweeyaan.
  13. ^really? I was talking to one above you Geelka. LOL nuune,good to know. You not invited to my birthday party then .laakiin It's good to remember your mothers condition and make du'a for her .
  14. ^Who are you? not a newbie i see. Happy birthday Eedo.Sanadkaan sanadkiis barwaaqo iyo baashaal ku gaar.
  15. Belated Happy Birthday sistah.Hope you had a great day and many more ahead. Keeyga ila soo gaar.
  16. ^It would have been more remarkable if he was full-blooded.Obama is 'black enough,white enough' and America can get use to that if he gets in.
  17. Kaalaya, horta ninkii faral la oran jirey ma Soomaaliya baan uga soo kacnay!?” Nuune, this time the link is working. sidaad sheegtey weey waa maqal aan laga daleeyn. Waxaan ka helay 'buufis style' of writing.
  18. Buuxo

    How Smart Are You?

    ^ :mad: in aad isku dirtid aad rabta dumarka SOL. ka joog baan ku iri.
  19. Buuxo

    How Smart Are You?

    I call SOL Admin to ban the word Bilcaan . It is offensive and derogatory word.Bloody hell, if stupidh is censored how can Bilcaan still be allowed :mad: Admin...If i don't hear your response on this important issue. waxaan ogaan in aad tahey sexist and you think BOB aa iga kitaab weyn.and I will boycott SOL.
  20. Buuxo

    Today I....

    ^Are they somali? lol i always ask ,coz there is different standards, one for somalis and non-somalis. Today,im wondering whether to wear Heels or flats. Im afraid i'll fall flat on my face but they look hot. :confused:
  21. Buuxo


    LOL@Ashkiro. Usheeg Duceysaney, he needs to get out of the playground.And do his thing somewhere else. Say walaahi ku uyeh.