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Everything posted by Buuxo

  1. aaah thanks Malika.That sounds about right. FB. I don't know anyone kenya soomarey ,knew to memorize that.What Mlendo?
  2. Does alete kitambulisho mean i got no money ? Malika, S.a.de never hear of it,must be a qabiil name or swear word.
  3. Go on! And then i might buranbur for you. Horta that buranbur is it start as: X dhuubaneey dhuuxa iyo lafaaha Dhibicyo karooney (WTH) ma dhalasha uu ciil qabtaa
  4. LOL.How you mislead people Nephyst! unbelieveable.*shakes head* Ngonge, I do like it when they act dumb!JJ I know ,it doesnt make sense to me either.lol my mumbling has affected my typing.
  5. ^ he is cirdey,the ciridmathologist.
  6. LOL@Cadaan, wax walan. you made me laugh hard.Get a new jacket matey. Bila, i think there's a thread here somewhere on fashion or had good pieces.So lets revive that and update it.
  7. ^kama Cabdi Bile,waan ka boodey the exhausted laafyoon.
  8. Originally posted by Ms DD: Soo taan eedadaa ahaa Ngonge..why..it is practically incest! Besides, meet my husband-to-be Maku gaartaa qurux! LOL@ DD,When i first joined SOL,this is the image i had of Ngonge,you see his name is an Indigenous Australia tribe. FB,LOL@ Dabal-yuu-dabal-yuuu. Maxaan ku dara? Cade waa lagu xiisey hee,waran?
  9. LOL,I ain't it's just you and Nuune are brafasoors in niisaa(see i knw arabic too) psyche.
  10. LOL@seykaloojikal.Nuune is right ,you can tell in their eyes ,they rather misty eyed me thinks.And their walk is upgraded to an exhausted type of laafyoon.Soo ma'ah Braf Nuune?
  11. $100 may not fully feed and clothe me, but it certainly will do a lot for those who do not have a cent. Inshallah lets give charity , and make ourselves a home in paradise,IA.
  12. WAR ILEEN YOU IS ALIVE.Faraax_B welkam back.BBCda aan ka baafiney, you still dodging bullet in maryooley-town? Bila-K,welcome come back hee...shaah noo gu tuur.
  13. LOL@inflation,that sounds funny .Sicir barar.Mahadsanid Koora.
  14. Buuxo

    Jilib in 1966

    Thanks for sharing with us GRant,much appreciated. the last pic is cool. Is it norm for geeljire to do the milking of camels?
  15. Originally posted by *BOB: Salam Aleikum W.W Dear SOLers: I would like to ask few simple questions PLEASE and I would appreciate if I could get an honest answer. Why is it whenever someone associated with the religion of Islam gets to be prosecuted and found guilty and then bashed mercilessly right here in the bias and corrupt courts of SOL? whatever happened to 'Innocent til Proven Guilty? Why do most of you (who call or consider themselves Muslims) enjoy dragging the religion of Islam to the mud when you and I know very well that the fault lies with the Muslims you and I included? What do you gain from disrespecting people and calling them names when you yourself could be far worse than those you are mocking? Since when did ‘hijab’ become a name? you're a Muslim...you should know better than calling some one a Hijabi...just because the kuffar did it doesn't mean you should repeat it or then you might as well go on and insult the prophet (p.b.u.h) just because the kufaars did it too... I have to be honest…I used to enjoy posting and surfing through SOL but lately all I see is pathetic topic after another…is it me or people’s intelligence and creativity has gone down with the so-called credit crunch? If you haven’t got anything good to say or write…just keep quite…why sell your soul for a cyber attention when nobody gives a hoot about how smart you’re or how well up-to-date you think you are… Finally…let’s not pollute each other’s minds with rubbish and filth instead let’s challenge each other like we used to do and help enhance each other’s minds and please if you feel like insulting Muslims and Islam do so in your own place…I encourage freedom of speech but I would also expect you to respect my faith and my belief. PS. My dear Sister Cabdiyo...my questions aren't specifically directed at you...it's a question directed at each and everyone in SOL and I apologize for my ignorance I promise to try to do better next time Insha Allah and to undermine you in anyway IS NOT my intention and NEVER was. Thanks for your precious time. Salam Aleikum W.W Peace, Love & Unity. Su'aal badanidaa adiga bal .Anyways I don't recall anyone insulting Islam in this thread or calling people names.And I didn't say she was guilty , i just questioned her intentions of wearing the hijab to court when she was a non-hijabi before.And why post such stories ,coz it got my attention and it was an article about my community. What is wrong with hijabi? It's not a bad word,it just means someone who wears a hijab/muhajaba .I thought it would save us all a few seconds from reading long title .You need to stop taking yourself so seriously Brotha. You know what annoys me is when SOlers come and complain about lack of intellectual debate and discussion , and how great it was in the good old days in SOL,Seriously no-one is standing in your way or preventing you from starting or engaging in such threads. Just don't dictate what can or can not be posted here (given it's not violating any rules). Anyways Brother BoB, you advice is all good but not applicable. Imagine all forumers keeping quiet,how lively would SOL be ? PS: we might be able to compensate for lack creativity in SOL ,if you let your's flourish and update Your 'Diplomat for the damn ' thread,it's a gem.
  16. YES PLEASE GRANT.Do post them. We have been waiting for them patiently. YOu have to do some image hosting thingy. and then post the link,i have been told.
  17. Buuxo


    Jb,prepare what? awliyanimo adinkaa claimgareeyo so do share. Nuune,Encounters? bisinka.But since you asked so nicely. I will reveal that i did meet mid qurux badan i assumed he wasn't human,coz of the way uu ii iljabinaaye(it was too fast) you know ,that film 'bewitchd' how she did that nose twitch.It was like that ,bisinka! anyways maxaan sheeko kugu daalinayaa ,maalin maalmaha ka mid ah warkaan sheegayo waxka ma jiro PS: Nuune are your stories true or you doing a prank on us.I'll ask hooyo if it is possible. Hooyo knows everything.LOL
  18. LOL@DD. Wonder where this Sacad fellow is now? He could teach us all 1/2 buranbur verses.LOL.
  19. Buuxo


    ^LOL. No,Ngonge never said i was man.Even if i was im still scared your jini stories,in case i get seduced by one.Acuudu bilaah mina shaydaanirajiim. PS: im ready your replies from the last replies,so if you do reply make it short.
  20. How about croc-wrestling ladies. I always wanted to sky-dive until i saw a man that had his parachete fail. Then the risks became more real.
  21. Buuxo


    Interesting stuff.Will read when im not home alone.Acuudu bilaah.
  22. I hate day-light savings.I could sleep standing but got to stay awake for cisha. trolls *waves* with one eye open.
  23. LOL@CL. I am with Faheema on this ,i ain't saying she is guilty or innocent but this wearing the hijab for court doesn't wash with me. I guess now 'paedhapil' can be added to the neg conotations of the hijab. Ibti, lol@ jinn. How nice of you to think good of a muslimah. I wonder too about the husband, i guess we can say alh, if this happened to a somali, Faraax would go give the kid a bashing .LOL. Though you is right IBti's ,malada ma fiicno.who knows the reasons she don on the hijab.
  24. November 12, 2008 12:00am A SCHOOLTEACHER accused of ordering a student to abuse her and treat her as his sex slave has been sent for trial. Melbourne Magistrate's Court yesterday heard claims Nazira Rafei, 26, did the 15-year-old boy's maths test for him and threatened his grades if he called the relationship off. "Disrespect me. Say shut the f--- up to me and stuff like that," the boy claims Ms Rafei told him during a tryst in her car. "Say I'm your sex slave." Ms Rafei, a married science and maths teacher, pleaded not guilty to sexual penetration of a child under 16 under her supervision or authority and four counts of committing indecent acts. A charge of blackmail was dropped by the prosecution. According to documents tendered to the court, the boy told police the relationship began when the pair started swapping music earlier this year. Ms Rafei, 26, had been teaching since January 2007 but was not taking any of the boy's classes. The boy told police the song choices his teacher sent him were romantic and suggestive, and they began calling each other, with Ms Rafei giving herself the code name "Simone". The pair kissed and hugged during secret meetings in her car and later had sex in the teen's bedroom, the boy said. He told police Ms Rafei blindfolded him during sex and told him she didn't want a "lovey-dovey" affair but just a physical one. A love letter allegedly written by Ms Rafei talks of how the boy had captured her heart but broke it into a million pieces. In May, the boy says, she gave him the answers to a trigonometry test but when he said he couldn't memorise them all, she completed the test for him. She allegedly told him to rub out her handwriting and copy it in his own, saying in a note, "Anything to see you smile". A friend of the boy told the court he believed Ms Rafei had threatened to "stuff up his grades" if the boy ended their relationship. "I'll show you harassment, I'll f--- your life up if you tell anyone," she allegedly told the student when he informed her it was over. Ms Rafei, who appeared in court wearing a Muslim hijab and long black skirt, wept as her former principal told the court she had been a dedicated and well-liked teacher. He told the court Ms Rafei had not worn traditional head coverings or dress while she was teaching. Ms Rafei told police she had never been to the boy's house and denied having sex or being intimate with him. She was released on bail to face the County Court later this month. Thanks Faheema. Jb,she doesn't normally wear the hijab,well that's what the article says.