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Everything posted by Buuxo

  1. Buuxo


    LOOOOOOL@Nuune ,you reminded me my lil bro, being the youngest of bunch girls we taught him well in area of shukaansi.But like you did, khatar uu isku maleeyaa and baxar lee markaste kujira.
  2. Urban,No? How about a button? I have windows CD and all the software i need to reinstall. If i don't get it.I will have to go to plan B and ask a friend.But im checking if it's somthng i can do. Where is Aw-Dhubad and other people with comp techical skills.Is it really too complicated to get rid of everything?
  3. Buuxo


    LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL@KK.your posts always make me laugh hard,my tummy hurts.good advice tho. And about topic i don't recall ,something about step-mothers/fathers. I wouldn't put my kids through that. LOL@MMA, faras atahey miya la'isku amaana,cagiib.
  4. factory settting? yes i do want it like i bought.Get rid of everything. I got antivirus but i can't even run ,as it been locked and i can't get in.hmmm, Don't computers have a meel la juqeeyo with pen or something to completely reformat or is it more complicated?
  5. Hi all, anyone know how i can reformat my computer. It's badly infected with viruses that i can't even log-in. How do i clear /get rid of everything? Mahadsanid.
  6. ^yeah true. But you only notice posts about you or by you
  7. LOL@Cadaan. Howdy IBt, good point lets move on to Underwear. What's with the fascination with G-strings?
  8. Brave ladies.My sisters once dragged me to a store and made me buy bras that i wouldn't wear. miskiin wey iga nexaan,they were like what are you 12years old,why you still wearing trainers LOL.But i think im not that advanced yet to get a fitting...maybe i'll get my mums measuring tape. But where do i measure?
  9. LOL..i see why you worried. MIskiin i shouldn't laugh but im picturing that kid,lol. JB,you know kid's premonitions tend to be true.So i would pack my suit case dear
  10. Buuxo

    Diary Entry

    Jb ...qarasta tahey maxaan dhahaa. you suppose to tell Diary why you worried.
  11. Buuxo

    Diary Entry

    Rudy,things never change haye, you still saying the same old crazy things. Janna, WoW! when i revived this thread i never thought it would also resuscitate the owner.Welcome back sistah. And why do you want admin to delete this thread? it's cool leave it.
  12. Buuxo

    Diary Entry

    ^Acuudubilaah, i hope not. Dear Diary, I had a bad dream last night, It was about somalia and it was rather strange because i don't have any memories of the somali civil war. I told Hooyo about the dream and she has says it did happen to us. So why did i dream about events that occured when i was only 5 years old?
  13. Hahaha.Funny,though i don't get the last one.
  14. Anti-hystmines usually work for me. Or you could try my mums SOlution for sonboor,xabt sood oil used as a nasal spray.It seems to work ,if you live through the 1st hour of using it.
  15. I write with my right hand ,so that makes me right-handed i guess.But amazingly when i use to play cricket , i could only ball with my left.
  16. Aaliya..ok cool.I don't speak any af swahili and i can't recall what i asked.thanks , didn't knw you canadians speak same english as americans..lol. Che,wagartey.Konostutushan kana waad xifidasey haye,didn't take you long to ditch your Bagastani khamiis
  17. ^haye. Che,xeeytahey the 5th ,maxaadna uu baryeeysa?..ingariiska ii jilci boow
  18. LOOOOOOOOOOOOL@ CHE. FB,what do you say about that? is what Che is saying true or did you use to hide somalis under your bed and protect them with your sharci.
  19. Geelka ..camal la'aan lee haaya...adna? Che,you noticed it too. FB,true waa la'isku maqanyahey,laakiin tell me ,they did know BTJ...
  20. ^At the time,those were my thoughts. CL ya ogaado ,when she first came to kenya,she thought the natives were Bahal's.And now she rolls her eyes at me with disgust.A bit of prejudice is innevitable.
  21. LOL@CL. What's the matter? It wasn't you i can confirm that.Altho they are living somewhere in LONDON now.
  22. LOL@FB, alaa maxaad beensheegtaye about Mlendo.I'll only trust Malika's answer. I remember when we first arrived in Kenya,we lived with Sujui cousin of ours.And we found them to be so stranger. They acted and dressed and talked like their Swahili peers.THey even looked like them.I LOL@how we kids found that strange then.