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Everything posted by Buuxo

  1. ^I need proof.Show us a pic of your miyi days / a pic to show scars PS: you didn't answer my question.
  2. Buuxo

    Way Duushay!

    ^ qadhaadhkii xeeytahay? I need a clue within that clue ,lol Jaadkii ma noo heysaa?
  3. What the hell is qalbat? Naa Ibti goormaad noqotey expert on orgi qalbadeeyn. Ps; These skills are highly sought and could be transferable so do share.
  4. Buuxo

    Way Duushay!

    Arimiihi ma kuu hagaageen? Maxaad ii dhibii..Islaama ma laga inkaargalasade(? 1 word) sheeg, i passed
  5. LOL@ Nuune,they should be charged for overusing mashallah. subhanallah marmarna waa lagudaraa.
  6. Buuxo

    Way Duushay!

    Ma guursatey..dunno tell us.
  7. Hehe.How cute Pucca. Waxaan kugu duceeyn mid korean u'eg
  8. Roobleh,hiding me? No . Hawl aduun aa igu niikisey.
  9. ^You lost me in partition. Faheema,sis i did get answers on the downloading music from Ipod.I got it on my laptop.Now the PC has bigger issues.Dixiri iyo viruses aa isbaaro dhigtey.And i want clear everything. Roobman,that sounds like easy to follow instructions but i can't seem to locate the said cd.Any other easy-to-follow steps?
  10. Buuxo

    Way Duushay!

    LOL@Peasant, maalinkaasna wuu mirqaansana. LOL@JB,Islamkaas maku galo haye? not a good reason, you have to make more posts in Islam section b4 we can officially say wuu dhuuley
  11. LOL@Ibti , caadi matihid. you serious ,they tie a cloth and that works?
  12. Freud ? ayeeydey baa uga horeeysa, waxey dhihi jirtey. Wixii uurka kugu jiro ,afkaa ka xado Malika,Sistah ..waad shidantahey dee.I even have a girl crush on you. Marka since A&T made his feelings clear...laba labee dee.In SOL life polyandry is allowed noooh.
  13. LOL@mashxarad. Adna dheeyro haka hore keenin dee, see weeye nin daqameed aan ku maleeyey.
  14. Oh No He Didn't! You don't know CL Ngonge.She should be here soon to put you in your place.
  15. Baraadar,waa laga fiican yahey ceyda.So easy with the name calling.Odeyaasha noo daa. If you know genuine ones then tell them waan doraney ,ee noo taliya!.
  16. Buuxo


    SHow me your powers.
  17. Hmmm ...active,if going to the cinema is considered being active. Cadaan, morning cadaan.
  18. Buuxo


    Fuley! what are you trying to take cheap shots at me for? Come out fighting like a rijaaloha PS: we talked about this didn't we ,stop watching Simpson! nucmaan daawo okaay.
  19. Hey there Cadeey, im jelous mine starts 2morrw eve. Im excited it's rare that i get a whole weekend.It sucks having days off ,when everyone is buys.I need to find activities to do on my own. any ideas? Hello...Sophist, maxaa cusub?
  20. I don't see what's the issue with this.If the boqor can bring about unity of Beesha D(if that's possible) and the elders of Beesha H are claiming to have ,lets invite the Beesha BTJX... and sit under qorac ...bring a solution to this big mess.
  21. Buuxo


    ^I take no offense.That's living ,no?
  22. Congratulations to the boqor.Midkii talo fiican keeno Ilaahey ha ka dhigo. I just hope they don't make the boqor busy with family disputes.
  23. Buuxo


    Nuune,he has no stop button laakiin, habar iyo gabar baa hadal haayo. It was cute when he was a lil boy ,but now it's too much. Do we have something similar to GOdparents.I plan to be one. Allah forbid,if something happens to my siblings.I'll raise their children inshallah.But would not marry .
  24. I can't wait for the weekend to begin!!! lalala. what's good qaraabo?