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Everything posted by Buuxo

  1. ^Hehe.Xidigo rabshada jooji muxuu odey gabar uu dhalikaro naf uga dayaa.Tho lost in translations ,KK will get me
  2. Buuxo

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    ^ .Iska heeso fatixadad.Wuxu sheegayo ma kasaayo for all i know it's habaar.
  3. LOL@KK.Odeyga ma naf buu kaadeyey? Sheemo indeed. I have let go of my innocent thoughts about old somali men along time ago. But I still call them Adeer/Abti,much to their dislike.
  4. Buuxo

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    Haneefa,i guess i was having a blonde moment lol.I listened to the hees now and I don't understand anything he said , all i could make out was Dumar waa la jiita whatever that means. But you are right,Cirdey waa la hayaa
  5. Saalixa as promised......
  6. I guess he knew not to expect flowers ,lol.they were hitting their shoes with Saddam's statue in the begining of war ,now Bush got some too. Laakiin hal miino would of been enough.
  7. Buuxo

    I Like This

    ^The state of the current govt and heesta aad la heshay.Misee the singer is called Nuur ?
  8. ^Isn't UK part of the EU? Why haven't they taken the same currency?
  9. This gets crazy by the day. Kabtii C/Yusuf wuuku socon waayey,inuu iska dhiibo maxaa u diidey?
  10. ^LOL@galaas biya iskaga dhajiya. Armuun glass biya'ah nagu fiilneyn Maxaa looska la'iskugu diidaa ,Tuujiyey ma allergy ku ah.
  11. Cara...thanks for the laugh.
  12. Originally posted by nuune: lool@Cabdiyo, maya, Galaadi & Bookh, Doollo & Hawdba maan tagin, 1991kii ayaan ka hadlayaa right after qixii in kenya, Tuujiye was in my Dugsi Loox asagoo u qabto kadabshiir LOL.This was around 1992kii.Those dugsi's were dodgy they didn't care if you is qof weyn ama qof yar,gabar iyo wiil, waana loo wadi duubi-jirey.And does dodgy kabiirs ,ha isoo xasuusin.I can't believe you were one. When we made it to kenya,the dugsi's were pretty cool.The khawaan's reformed it and it was all civil i tell you, reading behind a curtain and not having to fear.
  13. ^What's farancab mean? I never have ,never will. I would tell them straight.A man that can read and write ,Don't impress me much.Hadii uun Waligiis qalin kor u qaadin the better
  14. ^LOL.Not a chance.I guess we have to take their word for it. LOL@NOrf.They going to be wearing the sporty hijab dee They not going to take the risk of being hijabless.
  15. Buuxo

    My Jan/Feb trip

    DD,Enjoy it dear.I too will inshallah make the trip mid '10(hoping by then things will settle so i can go to kismayo & Mogdishu) .I'm looking forward to your reviews. PS:Adoon Geel soo fuulin ha soo noqon
  16. Nuune,maxaad tiri? meeshee kabiir ka eheed? Galaadi waligaa matagtey? :mad:
  17. Ibti and the rest.Good luck, you lot are brave.I'll pray for you guys.
  18. si qaxmacnimo eey caruurta u dili-jireen back home and wouldn't be surprised if they do it here (in the west).This will only have negative consequences.Diintaa ey caruuta nacsiinaayaan(is that even a word)
  19. ^Nagadaa foorjada.Doesn't it say on your passport mogdishu as your place of birth? Redka,Memories of Hargeisa thread's aren't too popular nooh.All folks mention is the dagax and qudrad la'aanta
  20. ^LOL,thats what i should of done. Nuune,I had my eid last week deeh, try doing 2 sabs in a week and then feel excited about more ,hard work mate. It's the usual for me,being late to eid prayers,they start so early. LOL@Nuskiilo xalwad,friend of mine eats that for quraac each day.Feel sorry for her poor heart but she has liish skin,MA.
  21. ^Malika, safiican ma u ciidey? you stocked up haye ? hope it was not all xalwad iyo buskud. I didn't cook much this eid,the nest is getting empty ,so i had eid breaky with bro at cafe and then off to work.