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Everything posted by Buuxo

  1. Buuxo

    Mobile phones

    Somebody has to thank you for the free advertisement.I'll buy one 2morrw,IA.
  2. Go Team! Make us proud.We already are.
  3. Nuune,LOOOOOL. Ileen khuurinta darajo sare bey iisheeya,waa kheyr. JB wuu inu is'ilaaliyo marka , Awliyo nimada waa lagu la heysta.
  4. ^LOL@KK.Haku dhex-seexan classka,hadaad khuurisid waad fashilmee ,that's what happened to me once. Nuune ana walaashaa aahay ee markaad Tokoyo kasoo kala fireeyneysid ii soo gad robotkaan,waad duceeysantahey .
  5. ^Bella maka daashid miyaa? Westernised somali women waa ceey.Naga daa ceeyda At last.This must be the replacement of my dua for 9 yr old daughter .
  6. We should also wake up at 2/3rds of the night,pray two rakats and make dua for our brothers and sisters.The Almight can make the aggressors perish.
  7. Ileen you is a joker Cadaan.Make sure you remember the other qaxootis born on 02.02, 03.03,04.04. Laakiin I is born 15th May. Qaxootis dalasho wacan hee.
  8. ^Vaay,What's wrong with somali men? LOL@Ngonge. Nephyst, fulay hooyadiis ma gablanto hee ha i waalin.LOL@License baar ,xoog-badaniyaa.
  9. ^LOL@Qalbi-adke, that was my thoughts exactly .Ileen SOL duqooshin aa ka buuxo Norf, cimri dheer iyo cibaado suuban aan kugu duceeye bro.
  10. Originally posted by Geel_jire: dad banaystay rag rag fuula .. inay ka wiswisaan qaraabo is guursato .. ayaab wax weliba ka daran. Good point walaahi. LOL@Farey,you nick aa iga qosliyey.It reminds me reason marrying your cousins is iffy Nuune,sheekoyinkaaga maka daali.Nin wax arag badan aatehey(literally )
  11. ^let's find out. Only the original Redsea(The hindi filin lovin',cimamad wearin' hargeisawi) would be able to answer this. WHAT IS OUR SONG?
  12. Seriously Bella! Ma SOL? Allow sahal.Eebo hano weyn mid aan geelkiisa la yaqaan oo walalkey soo feergarynkaro if need be.
  13. Guurkiin guur kheyr ,gurigiina gurin nagi.Guullow ka yeel. Awguuriyo walalkiis LOL@Duceysane.your words reminded me of ,midkow igu yiri abaa ,nin wax bartey aan ahey oo isku turjumo
  14. ^Amiin. Sanadkaan sanadkiis nabad iyo barwaaqo Eebe hanagu gaarsiiyo.Amiin.
  15. Buuxo

    Shamso's Sailor

    LOL .Classic.Al Yaxaas caadi ma'aha walle.Say where is the hub city for these pirates?
  16. Is Jins & Ghosts the same? If so, I think they do exist.
  17. We always look forward to making these topic selections every year Nur, May Allah reward you. I would love to read No9-Shirk in our lives.
  18. To appreciate Allah SWT, you need to read His message. To read His message you need to understand its meaning. And without a mastery of the Arabic language, you will never get a true feel of Allah's message , having an english translation to understand Quraan, is like having a fellow Nomad scratch your back, they'll never get it right, like they say in Arabic " Maa yaxuk dhahrak, illaa dhufrak ", nothing can scratch your back like your own finger nails. So what are you waiting for? Walaahi waa runta.Learning Arabic is one of my goals that has been on the backburner ,for quite some time now.Jazakallahu khayr for reminding us.
  19. Buuxo

    SOLers on Facebook

    LOL@KK.LOL@fav ayeeyo. That happened to me as well.I had one person add me with three different accounts,i block one ,they get a new and then another. Indhoola aan ahey ,maba fiiriyo their pics,accept lee dhahay..maxaa iga raacey!
  20. I think the best way to deal with it iska haajir Habkoodi intaan baran , Waan ka haajirey Truely a moving gabay
  21. Buuxo

    I Like This

    LOL. It sounds nice and sad at the same time,ma waxaan baad igu duceyneysay? Abdu-ow jacayl waa cudur baa hora loo yiri. Ee ha'igu daaran PS:Do you know qofkii heesaya 'Jaceyl aan lagula wadin ' and where i could get the audio?