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Everything posted by Buuxo

  1. LOL@jacaylka hawada.Walaahi waxkaste waad maqli. Waaban email khatar heesan-jirey,15yr baan jirey,and some reason every jin iyo jaan aa kasoo buuxsamey.And my friends and I spent most our time in IT class just taunting these randoms .I could hardly piece somali sentences together then ,so they would write in Af ingriis liito.It was classic
  2. La xawla wala quwwata ila bilaah. Jakallahu khayr Norf.
  3. Heestaan aan soo xasuustey What about me?
  4. Buuxo


    A&T, That piece has the potential to be a passionate interlude
  5. The ones i have heard of are :Sheikh Jowhar ,Sheikh Azhari ,Sheikh Ibrahim Suuley.Anyone know more about them?
  6. ^Arab iyo African ma'nihiin dee.Europe warkiisna iska daa. Muslim unity is ideal tho. Aaliyah,sistah-gurl.Mahadsanid for the lovely verses. It's a real shame that people lost hope in somali unity.Inshallah soon we'll be united.
  7. Buuxo


    LOL@Nephiso.Dhaqan celis aad uu bahantahey . Nuune,Saarka ani waan ka cabsadaa,ever since I saw a lady go crazy on the dance floor to 'soo dhegey ii daawee' hees. SS,I know the feeling.We need to convert Ibti..she thinks it's only fancy clapping and iska boodbood. Ibti,What did you groove to in your miyi days? Duceysane iyo Wayfarer A&T, I love that hees.I get goosebumps,whenever I hear it. jecliyaaye jamaad dhulka hooyo jecliyaaye xornimo aan ku joogo jecliyaaye jigjiga dhagax buur jecliyaaye hargeysoo la jaara jecliyaaye awaaroo la jaara jecliyaaye xornimo aan ku joogo jecliyaayee janadii ceelasheena jecliyaayee nabada aan ku joogo jecliyaaye jamaad dhulka hooyo jecliyaaye xornimo aan ku joogo jecliyaaye jidkii muqdishaad jecliyaaye hargeysa oo la jaara jecliyaayee jidkii qoraxey jecliyaayee jabuutoo la jaara jecliyaaye wardheer oo la jaara jecliyaaye hargeysa oon dhex tago jecliyaaye xornimo aan ku joogo jecliyaaye jamaad dhulka hooyo jecliyaaye xornimo aan ku joogo jecliyaaye jigjiga dhagax buur jecliyaaye hargeysoo la jaara jecliyaaye lascaanood dhex tago jecliyaaya janadii ceelasheena Link
  8. . Another classic Ngonge story from another mirqaan session.
  9. Minyaro 40tanka iga bixiso aan raba aa? Ashahaado macaan. What's even more crazy is that you considered JB,Ngonge & Xiin in ay kuu shandeeyaan applicationska. Waali tan weey dhaaftey.
  10. Buuxo


    LOL. Markii durbaan loo qaato baa igu soo dagta. Dhaanto cusub aan ciyaarna hada, mida gacmaha kor loo taago oo la'iska ruxmo...beautiful really with the right dhaanto verses. I think it's the best somali cultural dance.I would love to see some of those videos ,i think wixii youtube dhaanto video waan dhameye. Bal ku dhadaal the website.
  11. Sabeen yar oo mina shaakiriin iga dheh (As Nuune would say) LoL. I once met a 93 year old oo gabar ah.Acuudu-bilaahi. I didn't think it was possible.And She was not one of them nuns either.I asked her if she had any regrets.She said 'No'.Cajiib.
  12. Buuxo


    Lovely piece. Ani bashaas waan ka heeley.Anoo kursigeyga ku'fadiyo aanba iska ruxmaa.Bal soo daa...waxba ha celin, wey ku heysaa .
  13. Buuxo


    Dhaanto anyone? . Let me start with shimaali singing some Dhaanto aar dhaantadii dhimatey ,dhulka maad ka qaadaan? Do you think Raggae Music sounds similar to Dhaanto? Sulfa seems to think it was stolen from us Check it out?
  14. ^Bisinka maxaa idin dhul saarey wiilka.Maxa dhib kujiro haaduu postgarey articles from the above site,Hows it different from hiiraan,Allpuntland or any other news hosting site? Wayrax,walaalkiis soo dhawoow.Aad iyo aad baad umahadsantahey sidaa aad nola wadaagtey maqaalkaan qimaha badan iyo kuwii kale,inkasto ay wada gedonet yiihin.Bal marmar Hiiraan-online iyo ALlpuntland guji
  15. Buuxo

    New Here

    Welcome Sistah-gurl.Soo dhawoow ,soo murbax . PS: Ignore MMA aka Dabeecada,soo dhaweynta maku fiicno MMA,See waaye? maxaa ku dhaceye isbarmuutadi aad dadka ku soo dhaweyn jirtey ila 2001ki,maka daashey?
  16. So what's problem? What do you need feedback on bradar? Aawey Ibtisam, she's good at giving advice.
  17. I don't know Cali Waraabe,but i'm liking Ngonge's views. Waryee it's about time you stood up .Reer Burco should be proud,waa lagu tirsankara now
  18. ^ @GJ. Val, Congrats for time waste well.LoL.SOLers are good bunch really.And without a doubt you are the cream of the crop.
  19. ^Hehe.I get you Bess.There's nothing stoping a husband sharing in the household duties.But generally women are the 'minister of the interior' and thus the gabay's tend to reflect advice on looking after your children/husband/house. But would you take it a little differently though,if a lady was reciting this gabay?.Personally,when i first heard it,xajiin aa igu kacdey and then after listening to it again found it to be beautiful advice. Haneefa,Yaa gaarikaro hooyinkeen.You wlc sistah.
  20. Dear Editor, Regarding your editorial on 'westernised somali women and age, i am at lost. why anyone would concern themselves with trivial issues like this sir, and why time and time again your respected paper publishes the views of what we call 'the ugly Australians' and not mine. Concerned reader, C.C Originally posted by *Hayat*: Dear Editor, i can't stand these westernised somali girls, please spare us of your dramas. 21 is not a young age nor is 20 or 26 for that matter, accept you are old women, embrace it. What is this reverting back to "ciyaalnimo"?. :mad: , it still does not change anything!
  21. Dear Edhitor, Waxaan rajeynaya in'aad ii faafisid warqadaan.Aadan iigu soo celin.waan ogahey in uu qaladadiis badan yahay madaama uu 10 jir ii gorey.Marka labadaa waxaan kugu mahad-celin sida wacan aad iga soo gudbisay arinta Ayoub.runti waa inan duceysan,$50kii uu ii soo dirijiray waan ku taajirey,niman baan shirkad lagaley oo isbaarad ogu weyn ee bada Hindiyo (mise Atlantic beey ahed) baan boqol kiyo 50 iska leyahey.Iga gaarsii Inanka inuu iskaga taga dhulkaas baas lacagta meeshaan beytaal,Horeyna silsilado aan bada ku weergino ha'soo gado. Islaan habaryartiis, Badweynta Originally posted by AYOUB: quote: Dear Edhitar Fadlan la socodsii akhristayaasha sharafta leh in ay Wasaaradda arimaha gudaha iga shakiday. Kharashkii yara aan mushaharka ku kabi jiray waala iga wada jaray, xidhiidkii aan safaaradihi la lahaana iyo dhaqdhaqaaqiiba waan yareeyay intaan dadkaa lasoo diray in ay iddaba galaan iga hadhayaan. Intaa mooyaan, arimuhu waa halkoodii. A Sheikh Bariga Dhaxe
  22. Dear Edhitor, Ninkaan Ayoub waan iska naceey. Waligiis Troll corner saalan iga ma qaado.Kontan Kii dollarna wuu iga goostey. Mala Salamo, Gaariso
  23. ^ Waan idin ku dhex wareeray,Maalin/Habeen wanagsan culumo.
  24. JB,lol@jin aa ku jiro.laakiin ,awliyad soo ma'ah kuwa mingiska saaro.Mise kuwa xeerta oo timaa baxsado.