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Everything posted by Buuxo

  1. Ngonge ,LoL imsaa dagaalki 3an Jaalut laga jooga
  2. I guess you right Malika.Qaxii wuu batey.Marka they might not all be lying.Dadba marbey qaxeen.I only know the 1991kii,markaan soo qaxne.How ignorant of me. Jb.hadaan mardambo kuu marqaati furo.
  3. Nuune,LoL.Horta adi Jidkaas ma taqaan? Malika,ma runba? Jb,Maxaad u carartey.Habaryartaa baan ahaa baan iri kaliya .cirka gu'ji.
  4. Looool@Malika..jidkii baa lagu soo wada dhashtey iga dheh.Laakiin 20 yrs qaxii lagama joogo. LoL.Nuune ..was saas.
  5. LoL....Alla saan u qoslaayey waan fuurey.Nuune & JB caadi matihidin. Laakiin,Nuune Jb anaa marqaati u'ah ...dagaalkaas kii ka horeyba baan naaska ku qabtey.
  6. Salams Ladies,thank you all for the warm welcome. Hope y'all having good day/night. Mac@Blessed.Glad to have you hear too. SS,thanks for the reviews.Sci-fi ,I can't tolerate.So twilight i might give it miss.I think it's in that realm ,nO? But I might try getting my hand on the other one,IA.If it's not sci-fi. Malika,Hmm...Let me see.What item describes me as women.LOL. I would say my eyeliner..lol even tho some men wear them too. I'm not a huge on make-up but I can't live w/o an eyeliner. Ladies,Any new year plans.
  7. ^Jb..bax.Marx saas uma waalno.He is just saying easy on the bright colours .Soo ma'aha Marx? Marx,The jilbaab is a somalinized hijab.Which fulfils most, if not all requirements of hijab. It is important that a hijab whatever form it takes does adhere to criteria of hijab. And I agree bright colours & ostentious designs in jilbaabs isn't a hijaab.It's cultural though,Somali women love their colours.So It's not an easy task making sure that every item you wear makes the cut.Personally I admire the sistah in the pic. I wish ,I had half the iman she has in wearing that type of jilbaab and in carrying myself with that much pride in a non-muslim land .May Allah give me the strength to wear that one day.
  8. ^LoL.Ma'anaa isqariyey? I thought every1 knew I Cabdiyo cabdi ,ma'ana qarsami karo. Ma ii wacantahey walaalkiis?
  9. Originally posted by Farancab: Buuxo, Habo gaaslayda ayaa waxaa loo qaybiya labba nooc. Kow, noocooda la wareega gaaska iyo kuwa la fadhiya. Labada nooc waxay ku kala duwan yahiin wax yaabo badan oo qalabka ay istic maalaaniyo qiimaha ay wax ku gadaan ka mid yihiin. Haddaba, jafaqada waxay astaan u tahay kuwooda la wareega gaaska waana walaxda ugu yar eey wax ku cabiraan. Jafaqada waxaa laga sameeyaa daasadaha qasaaca. Waa daasad dhag dheer loo yeelay. Faynuuska lagu shubo hal jafaqo wuxuu shaqayn karaa habeenka nuskiis hadduusan dun dhumuc buuran lahayn. Halka jafaqo waxay isku qiimo ahaayeen inta beer sandal ah, noocooda qaacig ah, lagu dhalaaliyo. Gabadha gaaska wareejisa waxaa la dhahaa fidhiqo magaca kale oo jafaqada loo yaqaan. Haddaadan maqal jafaqo, waa in aad maqashay fidhiqo. Haa gartey.Waxba kama xasuusti...was told i use to do the weerijin of gaaska ,no and then helping. Rooble,My first real job was as bad as your. I would did fruit picking & packing in the school holidays.It only last 3 days.LoL...it was too hard.I had to remove the hairs of maxogo( Don't the english name of it.But looks like a big white Carrot.) in freezing cold weather.My hand became numb never went back .And then I refused to do any work until I had to(2yrs ago).
  10. Originally posted by Abtigiis &Tolka: Buuxo is three years older than me. Waa 38. Simple additions. Maxaa isku da'naga dhigey.Abaarti daba-dheer hal cunug baa ii joogey. Aaliyah,hal gu' baan ku dheerahey.
  11. Faran,jafaqow ma'aqaan.Kistoo gaas aan gadi jirey oo Feeynuusta iyo iwm lagu isticmaalo.I don't remember how much though. Nuune, LoL.Nabad iyo Geel raadis baa Galaadi na bartey
  12. hehe.It didn't last.My sister baa suuqa iga bixisey,she was af-mishaarad af-dulaaq ah.I think it was Galaadi ,i could be wrong.
  13. LOL.Lix taban kuma ooran .Waa farasomo humo. I meant Lix iyo Toban iyo labaatan iyo labo.
  14. I did my first job when I was 6yrs old.I would sell Gas in some remote W/somali town.
  15. Lix iyo taban iyo Labaatan iyo labo.
  16. ^LOL. Zafir ,I thought the same thing. I even said to FB,you gotta be faternal twins at least.The resemblance is uncanny.
  17. LOL@KK .Waa su'aal da'weyn.What is wrong with our qabiil for it to be censored along with stu.pidh and i.doit. And not MIDGAAN ,Isn't it clear that the latter is derogatory term. As for the topic,im sure it has been discussed numerous times up in here.Just search the archives.
  18. ^LOL@they not sons of warlords either. Hehe.Caruurtii warlordska waa hore eey ka'soo tageen dalkii.
  19. ^LOL. Ibti,ma saas baa.THey must return then Nephiso,LOL@Ibti xaaraan ku heysato.Thanks marka,laakiin come visit often dee. thank God you got rid of the old nick,my fingers hurt from scrolling up&down ,just to see how it's spelt ) SS,Thanks for the welcome sistah.I'll share my input inshallah.I think the book club thing is great idea even though im not an avid reader.I like to read reviews then I'll purchase the book.The last books I bought were the Kite runner & memoirs of a Geisha.Been a long time.So I don't mind getting my teeth into a good book.Anything you would recommend?
  20. Underdog,Ameen to your last point.Ilaahey noo ma keeno. KK,Sistah-gurl couldn't agree more.It is essential that women have some sort of financial independence.Even if the husband is a tight-*** and controls everything.She should at least save few shillins from the adeeg.So when she finds herself in a situation like this,she has enough money to catch a taxi,plane and or enough to start fresh.
  21. ^Oh great idea. Im kinda liking this sisterhood talk.I shall respond more often in the near future ,instead of only reading your responses. You know we should get Blessed,Nephisa & KoolKat up in hear too.I think they are just fab Hope you all having good day,ladies.I'm excited..about what i don't know.
  22. Wow.This man is money-making machine. Bal let me see if i can make a few bucks passing as the new first lady.
  23. ^hehe.thank you.Foodleeey ? War ka joog. Ngonge,typo.Bushimo/Dibmo/lips.
  24. Seelayahey ? Obama is good-looking.Buxishmixiisa madoob aan kaheley.