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Everything posted by Buuxo

  1. ^LOL.I am jelous too. *tuuf tuuf* gabadha yaan la cowrin poor people of SOL Val, LOL.I haven't got Sarongs for you.You going to sarong capitals lol...so grab them on your way ,to enjoy Perth beaches.We gonna do beach crawls,IA. When do you plan to come ? I had the house to myself this summer ka waran,I could of accomadate a whole family.Waan is cariirsaneyna nonetheless.
  2. Buuxo


    LOL@Afro.Too much steroids? CL,eeew.How did you notice these man-boobs.Was he wearing a tight fitting T-shirt.I assume the dude was fat and in which case he should be all-round underneith his clothes.
  3. Sounds exciting Val.Always wanted to do Cambodia & Vitnam.I have friends that are there atm.I'll ask them tips for you,IA.Are you planning to join a tour group? PS: When you end your East Asia trip don't forget to drop me a line and grab few Sarongs to enjoy lovely Perth. Safar salama.
  4. @Ngonge.Wax kale sheeg. Malika ,abaaa Cabdiyo ,was some1 else I gave the nick to some1.While i was on my malab-dayax Nuune,salamat.It's snowing all over miiyaa? I remember first time i saw snow,i greeted us at the airport from Africa.I recall saying to my mum the next day,when i saw how it was litter across the roads..hooyo isn't it a shame that people in africa have to buy ice,when we can get it from road.*sigh*
  5. Walaahi meesha aroosyada ka dhoco anaba la'yaabey.Gacan aan utaagey reer hargeisa.
  6. ^same here malika apart from the heat.
  7. Jb,Sheekh noo dhaaf. Tan kale ,warka soo daa. Sheekada does it have something to with loof,likeness & that sexual feeling? Ngonge,Thanks for the wlc baraadar.You are the only one who has wlcd me thus far.I do hope you can give me tips on navigate here
  8. Hey all. How are we all.
  9. "the world, it seems to me, is divided into the wise, who know they are fools, and the fools who think they are wise." - Socrates Aaah how very true. Ishaad ka tuurtey Sayidoow,Liberal education is nothing but indoctrination.And these fool's are so arrogant,that they fail to assess their wretched views.They know who they are. But will they heed your advice? I doubt.
  10. LOL@Xidigo.When did he join the Wey dhuushey crew.I thought he was calling for their annexation awhile back,if memory serves me correct.
  11. ^ Marx,It was you who claimed to be all knowledgable on hijab.First stating ,it shouldn't be attracting attention and then continued the dribble that it's unattractive & how it doesn't turn you on.So I was only giving you sincere advice, because you sound confused.It's unfortunate that you continue to believe that you are right.I think ingnorance of the deen is the least of your worries. Anyways no fatwa's being issued here. Do as you wish.It's an open forum.
  12. Onya Aaliya.I appreciate you too.
  13. LOL@ingagtey. Ng,we'll ask the cirid-matologist.Cirid dhacoos ma fuduud,$1000 syria ku spendgareeysey waa kakac LoL@ Faran.Uusheeg. Nuune,All best,IA.You'll do find.Make sure on completion you fly a notice.Saying 'Wey Dhuushey"
  14. Ngonge,I had a filling fall out.It was painful when it came.But everytime I go near something sweet,it's really bad. Yeah Nuunka.I missed my old magac.Laakiin SOL wey iideedy.No Im *Buuxo* .Duulinta xagee marineysa?
  15. Originally posted by Rahima: What i find amazing is that she plans to breastfeed all eight of them- near impossible me thinks, all she'll be doing breastfeeding all day long. Ashahaado macaan.What is she a pig. :eek:
  16. No wisdom tooth aa soo baxaayo. Salaamat kuligiin.
  17. ^LOoooooooooooL@Blessed.Please explain LOOOOOOOL@Ibti.The title sounded nice,i thought it was Faction book i heard about. Ibti,It's not too hard.Get one of those mechanical eyeliners,no need for sharpening & no sharp edges.Using your dominant hand to hold the eyeliner and the index finger of the non-dominant hand pull your lower eyelid.Then line the lid with black or whatever color eyeliner you like.All done.And perhaps a waterproof eyeliner would be best for you.
  18. ^Thanks.But is that part of the anthem or is another song.
  19. ^Gabareey wa iga talo. LOL@ PA.Maxaa igu wato ,all that maskax xanuun iyo su'aal.Tajiiro aan ahey,IA
  20. Respect Aaliyah.I too have soft heart.Mabaa fahmin even still waan qiiroodey.Laakiin Dhulkeeygow heestaas is my fav wadani . Anyone know if this verse is from somali anthem.. ..Waxa aan la ooyaayee ilmaaha iiga qubanaayaan istiqyaar nin loo diidow la adoonsadey baan aheyow..
  21. Thanks Ibti. Marx,It appears you intended only to mock this type of hijab.I advice you to not engage in further idle talk,especially on this topic.Because you will only incur dambi.
  22. Hehe@Nephisa. Why you got to pick the difficult cases adi? BUt really is there such women living in the west & is somali? I find that hard to believe. But lets say that is such case, dhee it's simple,aboowe heello weey inay ku tiraahdaa " sxb biil keeyga halkaas dhig" or I'm going to look for work at the nearest Warshad.If that doesn't work,then all women should have a sheekh on Speed-dial say ' xaqeeyga uu ku tumanaa ninkaa iga qabo or iga fasax'. But it's rare to find a somali women not in an ayuuto.Laakiin it's never good to depend on any1 fully,cheating iska dhaaf ,2morrw haduu dhinto ka waran .Waa in kisto lacag xamaalada kuugu guntantahey.