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Everything posted by Buuxo

  1. ^hehe. How's this for versatile Maxi. You can change the length.3-in-1. LInk
  2. Ngonge,is the solution Walking? Exercise? hmm. I do ,but that itself requires some energy.I took work off 2 days and slept all day and still I feel tired & weak .
  3. Afro girl..Waran sistah..Xagee ka dacdey.Warkaaga aaba la'waaye.
  4. ^D,care to explain,how? Ng,lol@painted tea? Shaah rinji ma'taqaanid miyaa? What do you call 'black tea' marka? Ask Malika what? Ngonge.Is Duceysane's suggest the best im gonna get here.Balo! C& H,LOL.Disturbed? You won't impressed by his af carabi is'faanis? Wiilka has timo hindi ah. Ceesh calyk
  5. ^Mind getting me shaah rinji on your way? Maxaa cusub qaraabo? Any solutions for lack of energy & tabardari? Other than Caano Geel & Beer.
  6. SayidS, congrats walalkiis.Mid dadkiisa,dalkiis iyo diintiisa waxtara Eebe haka dhigo,Amiin.
  7. La Hawla wala quwata ila bilaah. It's really sad . Bloody Arsonists. Im not sure of any somali have been affected.It's not likely,as somalis often live in the metropolitan areas.
  8. Blessed ,im mad about MD too. I already have a collection and im thinking better get all of them whilst they're in stores.I haven't seen or got a long-sleeved maxi.Im still undecided. Lily,Thanks for the sound advice.Too late though ,they have made me feel bad about it already.My mum ordered me ,to send that money straight away to somalia or Gaza.I try to get a snap of it & do a copy ,IA. ladies,what's new?
  9. ^Gheele you know nating.KK iyo adi waad iska camiraneeysiin. LOL@waa la'is daqaayaa..waa markaagi Nuune.Xayawan language isticmaali jirtey.Cracks me up everytime.I still don't get it.
  10. Buuxo


    What's bad about cada.abo? LoL is it a Qabiil name.You learn something everyday. Baati aa? Kir iyo kud(let's see if that gets censrd) adna trackies kaaga maa ka dhex bexee(lol Clearly i suxd at ceeyin) waayoo waay...skool somaalia hadaan tagi la'ahaa ma KK ba iga ragi la'heed.
  11. ^hehe.They can pay Ngonge to sing the nasheed version.LOL.
  12. Blessed.Bless you.I don't want to know marka. Ngonge,fish &chips ku dhimo I'm as innocent as they come. @KK.caadi ma'ah JB.
  13. Buuxo


    Amaan wuu heli.Im only a sweet lil girl.Adeero buuba idhahey... Laakiin,I really was happy to see that,I look forward to seeing somalis,esp when they are extra somalinized.Like i get excited seeing somalis in diraacs .But this one def was straight from Somalia,He looked too happy. wayahey cul iyo ca*****@KK
  14. ^LoL.Damiin far waaweyn aa logu qoraa ee bal ii cadeeya dadoow . Resistance,heh?
  15. Buuxo


    ^lool. Oh my God did i tell you. I saw the most elegent & nomadic looking odey in my lil suburb.No Jokes ,he was wearing all white (hidiyo dhaqan & with a stick/bakoorad) I was taking money from an Atm, I could see him walking so gracefully w/o a care in world ,saying greeting to all these cadaan people. And then he saw me taking glance at him, and says " Asalamu calykum ,Adeer seetahay" ..i was like wow he is somali ..coolio. Damn he was just so gangsta looking.I think he is new to my surburb, recently arrived. KK,lol..qodqodinteeyda iyo fagfaginta iska daaa ee warka iisii sxbeey. Nuune,LOL..Give me the mudeec plz...KK war ma soo wadee aan maskaxdeed pickgareeyey.Camal la'aanta iiheeyso waad ujeeda.lol.
  16. LoL.KK adna kuwee Joqoraafi ku dhigey SL bal map iga tus. Gheele,Nuune & Biixi,kaaleyaa ,Eating & Girls which one don't you understand ? Sedexdiin ESL in ladinku celiyo waaaye.JB juquraafiga ka caawiya yaakhe.
  17. ^Russian are known for this?? Jb, wixii juquraafi kubarey maxaan ka sheegaa?
  18. Buuxo


    ^hehe.who disappointed? Aaliyah...mise C&H.Warka igu dhur.
  19. ^Stop it you lot.Those shimbir was an excuse to escape from dullsville.
  20. ^LoL. I saw the most beautiful dress(maxi) with long sleeves.It looked so good ,if worn with a belt out of this world.Only drag was the price tag of $400.I was so tempted to buy it.But my head said no.Now i can't stop thinking about it.
  21. Buuxo


    LoL.yaa fashilmey? Ibti,LoL.My thoughts exactly.
  22. hehe.Romanticgaas waalaguu yaqaan,going for run & grabbing cup of qaxwe or chai latte on your way and resting by the river and ku nuursaneysid the shaar-less runners.
  23. ^LOL. JB, stop ceebeening us.Australian website posted this news.Australians don't eat girls.LOL.