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Everything posted by Buuxo

  1. ^Caabuuqa mindhicireed -guessing here.
  2. Buuxo

    Saa waxaay tiri

    ^Wa saas.Everything in moderation. FuFu,How can I get abs?
  3. ^Apparently a terminology coined in the civil war era.It fits well. Perhaps,major depression would be isku buuq maskaxeed'. Fazilayah,I don't know.I was told caabuq means inflammation or when something is inflamed. Xiin,you probably right.Often inflammation & Barar go hand-in-hand.
  4. Buuxo

    Saa waxaay tiri

    ^Only for therapeutic purposes,lol.
  5. ^Amiin.Congrats Abwaan.
  6. Inflamation= Caabuq 'Dhiigaaga wuxuu muginayaa in yaro caabuq' me thinks
  7. ^ Bob,you make valid points.Tolnimo ka badan tanee,did he offer you a bribe? . How did you know I dig Original gangsters.I must consider the proposal marka and do an e-Istiqaara . A&T,
  8. Dr Cabdi Hygiene Hospital Nurse Burco "Sheikh Sharif is taking a huge risk by shaking that lady's hand. The United States has the highest incidents of Swine Flu after Mexico" ................. Af Taag Geel Jire No Fixed Address "It is not manly to seek the help of women. I spit on the woman shaker". Classic stuff Ngonge.
  9. Originally posted by Fabregas: Wallahi this thought enter my mind,Will he or won't he? Salan dhab-jac buu ku siiyey Islaanta. War muxuu at least a salute u waxeen waayay .It's going to be hard for Al-shabaab to shake that hand marka
  10. Originally posted by Kool_Kat: Hooy hooy hooy, bal uyara kaadi!!! Horaa loo yiri 'Gabar god hakaaga jidho ama god'... Haduu walaalkeen rabo inuu guri xalaaleed geysto gabadha maxaad uga hor istaagi? Teeda kalena 'Nin ku dhalikaraa ku dhaqda' ma maqashay? Buuxo waa gabar qurxoon waxna baratay, qof udiidan maleh...Lakiin ku yaroo 'wad up boo, whachu sayin'?' dhahaayo maxey ku fali markey heli karto oday dhahaayo 'gacalo bal kaalay garabka ii tuuji'... Walaaleey maxaad god igu ridi,waliba mid A&T igaa sii horeeyo? Xaasidsanidaa ma amxaarbey wax kuu galeen Tan kale,A&T wixiisa waa af duub.Last week,My Wali(Nuune) ,wuxuu isiiyey Rudy Yoyoda baan ka heela FB,LoL. A&T,Sanadka maxaad umaleesay waagi aad reeraha gabdhaha ka soo dhici-jirtey.Ask my Wali...Ninkii seexada sicisa Dibi dhalaa So Folks send your gifts to Buuxo & Rudy
  11. ^Coz wali caruur baan-ahay,ask Val Fu,lool...In SOL it's all harmless fun.Nothing to get worked up on.Laakin my meanstreak comes out when provoked.
  12. Fu,Wayeelka si delicate ah baa loola dhaqma nooh JB,Kir! Ma Abtigiis ba igeeyo? A&T,Waaku Sidee? What is in Dood Wadaag,stays there.Plus,Waa laga soo hormaray
  13. ^ LOL@Val...waad u qalanta hee abaayo. Horta A&T magac badalbadana.I should of guessed,it's trademark...to come up crazy thread like this. Faracab,Alleylehe Kaftan iyo isyeelyeel umaadan caashaqin gabadheena
  14. LooL@Paragon, Seriously I don't know an Axmed Dhancadde. I agree Val's somali is sophisticated.If i was a man ayaadan guursan laha
  15. ^LoooL.I thought You was Fabregas,I need reading glasses marka.
  16. Ahmed Dhancade wa kuma ? Gotta Love Val,ayaada lee iga naxeeyso.
  17. ^Indeed waa Maandheeq.Mashallah her somali is impeccable. Thanks for posting MMA.
  18. ^LOL@Wiswis.It made me laugh Walaahi.I think ninka kale uu soo dhaweenaya and saying let's accept him or what not.You know how somalis have wiswis towards dadka dhogarta cad una maleeyaan wada gaalo. Taloow,What's the other guy saying in Arabic ?
  19. Buuxo

    Saa waxaay tiri

    ^ KK How can forget,Mashallah Indeed. If I had a good grasp of the somali language,I would love to publish my great uncle's work. We do not just have chitchat without his poetic prowess being evidant,His is a delight.
  20. LOL@Seeker,DUH! I didn't click at the time.
  21. What feels like a pinch?
  22. Originally posted by Che -Guevara: The American Medical Association has weighed in on National Health Insurance. The Allergists voted to scratch it, but the Dermatologists advised not to make any rash moves. The Gastroenterologists had sort of a gut feeling about it, but the Neurologists thought the Administration had a lot of nerve. The Obstetricians felt they were all laboring under a misconception. Ophthalmologists considered the idea shortsighted. Pathologists yelled, "Over my dead body!" while the Pediatricians said, "Oh, grow up!" The Psychiatrists thought the whole idea was madness, while the Radiologists could see right through it. Surgeons decided to wash their hands of the whole thing. The Internists thought it was a bitter pill to swallow, and the Plastic Surgeons said, "This puts a whole new face on the matter." The Podiatrists thought it was a step forward, but the Urologists were pissed off at the whole idea. The Anesthesiologists thought the idea was a gas, and the Cardiologists didn't have the heart to say no. In the end, the Proctologists won out, leaving the entire decision up to the assholes in Washington . Being a Public servant isn't so bad? They should give the idea a go.
  23. ^hehe@Indian & Chinese wining a somali spelling comp