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Everything posted by Buuxo

  1. ^How so? D,LoL@kaagana waan la bixilaha.Laba-daba inan isku darsadaan rabo.Ok Ubax iska daa,even fake ubax ma ii quriweeysay sida riwaayadah somalida
  2. ME,it's a graveyard not a house we need to respect the dead. And did they act lawfully? Islam teaches there's no compulsion in religion and tolerance.
  3. LOL@D,Hada waa inan ubax ka sugi miyaa?
  4. ^How is qabuura la qufaayo justified in Islam?
  5. ^What if the sister had to put with 4 years of loveless marriage? Abraar,Geeljire & Sophists you will make bad odays.Forget about Suldaans or Garaads Aaliyah,Salams.Welco me back.I got ya sistah. Ibti,send the PDF my way yaakhe we need to start a revolution
  6. ^hehe.And if he gets the Geel for free from an Australian desert,does that count?
  7. ^Ukhti,it's the thought and the gesture of gift-giving.And not the actual gift.We easily forget and take for granted our loved ones.Simple gestures like gifts ,little notes and telling your loved ones 'how you feel' can act as reminders to why they are so important. Ardo,These cases are all too common.And Somalis(men &women alike) forget the importance of showing 'love' in a relationship.This mentality of "Don't be silly,Why did I marry you if I didn't love you" or " maxaa caruurtisa uu dhalaayeye hadaan jecleen"is not going to make relationships solid.Dad qalafsan aan wada nahay runtii. Sometimes, I think we need seminars on "How-to-love and be loved" or Noleeynta Jaceeylka.I know many people that voice that ,their spouse does not bother with giving them 'hugs/hub '.Dadkii defense leey ku jiran,Subhanallah. I would advice your friend to make her issues known to her husband.And maybe she should lead by example.Does she express her affection? Does she hug and give gifts? Che,LoL@he was Born in somalia divorce case. Sheekadu ma sahlana marka.
  8. Istaqfurallah.Abraar maxuu ka soomi? Waagan qalbi fiicna I couldn't even look them in the face and would walk away from them.Laakiin,every single qomul-luut I meet,waxaad umaleeysa inay dadka isku dhadhajiyaan. Random Question,I always wondered what toilet they use? If they're female but appear a male ,do they use the Female rest-rooms?
  9. ^Apparently in the west Women have a 'choice' over their body but the same can't be said about African Women. :rolleyes: Adam,thanks for the link.I don't if the Author is wrong or not? I would of thought reinfibulation is not a common practise in Somalia.But I like way she studied the practise.It definetly echoed my sentiments in regards to the discussions about this practise by westerners. Thanks for pointing out the progress made prior to the civil wars.I did not know this.
  10. Allahuma Amiin Sis. Smile and read more Duca.
  11. ^What Somali women have it done again after childbirth? Where did you get that info from? Adam,I agree.Social conditioning wa cajiib and noone will challenge Female genital Modifications,with foreigners and Waris declaring us as 'savages'.They make it sound as if ,we collect the parts and cook it, with their barbaric this and mutilation that :mad:
  12. Great more randoms will stop me to discuss somalia and FGM. And I'll probably end up defending this crazy practise,'No it's a modification ,a little 'nip and tuck' that's all' and we have all kinds of festivities to celebrate entering 'womanhood'
  13. Ms DD, it's cool.I feel the same way
  14. Alla waan fuurey.Istaqfurallah . Classic Cara.Im sure we all are nodding in unison at that statement.
  15. Oh the Elephant man,I heard stories about him Welcome Zafir.Here is an
  16. Ibti,lool@Bacaad.Wha t's that? Im too tired to wake up for suxur,ii soo niyeysta some when you'll wake up for it Cara,it's that shifty smile.told you before you got to show your beautiful cirid
  17. LoooL@KK.Ani waan fajacey.It's ok not to be able to cook an adequate meal for yourself, but a no no for some Man or kids aanba la'ogeen in ay dhabarka ku jiraan. Dear sister AfricanQUeen, I would like to advice you,usually I don't bother commenting on these sorts of threads.Frankly arguing back and forth energy umahaayo and it's a weak way of communicating. Marka what I want to say is ,you intention to learn to cook should not only be to please people(be they future husband or Kids). You should do it for yourself. If you can not cook a healthy and well balanced meal(s)for yourself.Than know this ,you are no good to your future husband and children. Just like the story of the 'Dhalada subagi' KK narrated. So you shouldn't only get by on Cornflakes.Gabar nafaqo xun =Hooyo nafaqo xun = cunug nafaqo daran beey dhashaa . Best, Buuxo
  18. ^LOL. Che,tell us this perfect alternative.
  19. Aahey DD.Nothing stoping him. I know my little brothers wives(2b) will not starve.Because they can cook many main somali meals well.
  20. Originally posted by nuune: Africanqueen aloore atarisho waxaa leedahay ma fahmin miyaa, see camal buufiska aduunka maa kugu dhaceyna mise tarantoorigaa ku go'ay, moolo moolaati iska dhig yeah soona dhawoow mar kale macbuudkaa ku dhaartee bajiyaha sida loo kariya ma aqaani maa dhahdeyna AFricanQueen,Af somaaliga Nuune waa mid aad usareeyo.Nuune is the Sociolinguist of SOL.
  21. I know have spoken to alot of men and asked them and I have concluded they are a bunch of Duunis They want you to be like their mum.Runti cooking is big criteria for most. It just depends on which Faraax you get,the one that is content with any food and the 'fussy eaters'. AfricaQ,Cooking recipes are available and just spend time with Somali mums especially at Alabaris & wedding catering. LOL@JB...That's what I tell myself.Let's hope it works in practise
  22. Buuxo

    Today I....

    Today I realised the fruits of staying away from the muxarims and working for the sake of Allah