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Everything posted by Buuxo

  1. ^LoL@GG.It's a novelty.That's why they considered beautiful me thinks. JB,im married to a Filipino.It's not looking good for my kids.If i carry a BigForehead gene & he Sanweyn gene.Tell me it isn't so .
  2. ^yeah Jonny.Finished fasting ya know.The sunnah one. Ibtis, hey.Really? Who is having Eid.So we can celebrate together. Never heard of this big forehead theory y'all.It's Seeker & Jonny trying to get us to accept their bigF ?
  3. ^What since when do all Somalis had typical forehead? Like Imaan & Tyra foreheads? hello all.Eid mubarak
  4. Marx,how did you come to this conclusion? It depends on your definition of good? Where you look? I think there is something lacking in your approach. Maybe you need to put on the breaks.If you are 'good guy', Good somali women will find you.No longer are they waiting around to be picked up,as you usually those that do are the not-so-good guys' or the Desperados:D you get me?
  5. ^ Sheekada mid sahlan ma aha markaas.Waka bailgareen.
  6. LoooooooL@KK.Somali- engishka iga daa.Canuuni waa qudradee? Waanku faana inan cambaruud aqaano hada.for while pear aan siliidato udhihi jirey. Bal aan soo baarno Berries-ka. I just noticed Nuune ,mentioned all the fruits we listed.LoL.
  7. Alxamdulilah indeed. Jamaalow,Cirroolleyd a qurbeysan xageey ku dambeeyn. Qosol aanba ka dhargey re-reading this thread.
  8. ^LoL@Google it.I blame google for my un-intelligence & Somalia for the malnutrition as child.Wonder if we can sue google for our dependence on it.And Somalia too Indhoos,Xujo Xujo dhaq waligeey ma maqli .see loo dheela?
  9. ^ Ya Banaat! Don't keep the xaaji waiting Eng,ma xuma.Weyso shube baaba iskaga baahna.
  10. Originally posted by Abwaan: quote:Originally posted by dhufayz: ADEER WAA LAYAQAAN CIDA ISKA LEH BEESHA CAANOOLE IYO BEESHA RAASKANBOONI AYAA LEH loool...What about reer Biyoole? Caano biyo ayaa ka muhiimsane...loool.. .Ilaahow aan meel la soo istaagin beel heblaa meel iska leh...! Beesha Badar-na yaa ka muhiimsan? Amiin to your duca.Waa waali runti.
  11. LoL@KK.Never give up on people.The Brothers lack knowledge in this area or 'geed' let's enlighten them. MMA & Injineer Cadde, here is a pic. Well at least under the microscope.
  12. Paul Newman does it better. I wouldn't buy anything from Gordan Ramsay.
  13. ^ Jamal,trust you to find the funny in anything .Is dhiib marka Funny list of event.Wax weeyne baan sugaaye.
  14. ^True.Laakiin I'm more than happy to send Kistoo Barakaysan.
  15. ^Sister,there is no ceeb in discussing these issues .Especially when the practise has no purpose in our religion and many unwanted health consequences.How else are we going to eliminate this practise,if we don't utilise technology offered to us? What they're talking of is the Fircoonik gudniin.The Sunnah way itself different to what the majority practise,is not that far from the fircoonik gudidniin. LoooooL@MMA.Baayoola ji ma'lagugu dhigin?
  16. All the best with the Appeal inshallah.
  17. LOooL@28yr Baby.SOL Cajuusyo aka buuxo marka. What's with the fasination with peoples ages? I have lost count of 'how old are threads?' I would tell you my age.But y'all would say it isn't so,sidii inaad joogteen habeenki aan dhashey
  18. ^It's easy to remember. Why not helpsomalikintir.com ? aah It's sweden that needs the help.Get it PS:It's no laughing matter.
  19. ^Hello Intuition. Che, I read about it some-where.Can't remember what's called Dissociation syndrome or something.individual s disappear and like have no memory their past and start over.
  20. ^anyhow you got the ball rolling Faraax,Ngonge's sources are usually reliable. hello, by the way.Adna aroos maad naga qarsaneeysay.
  21. Ngonge & Jamaal, warmaad ka joogtaan.walle ineey dhageey fareey ka dhici kobtaan ! :mad:
  22. ^It's Solidarity day for all the SOL men unable to win Val's heart