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Everything posted by Buuxo

  1. ^Ayoub, there's got to be method to your madness bal warka inoo burburi Baraadar MMA,lol@habar wacan jireen.
  2. Originally posted by Che -Guevara: Breaking News, Dawlada SOL iyo Che khilaaf weyn soo dhexgaley. Waaca fiidkii baa magaalada caasimada SOL General section leysla dhexmareye inoo Mudane Che iyo dowlada SOL khilaaf weyne soo dhex galey.Khilaaf kaabaa cirka shareerey marki A&T loo doortey madaxweynimada SOL.Siyaasiyiinta, cuqaasha, ganacstada, dhalinyirida iyo Haweenka reer Qaloocan (Che's Qabiil) baa birito shir ku qabaneysa magaalada caasimada SOL. War kalsoon aano ka helney nin beesha Qaloocan ka mid ah baa sheegaya in barito beesho kalsoonida kala laabaneyso dowlada A&T. La soco wararka cusub Qaloocan.com I'll be there with bells on
  3. SOL parties ama Col ku wada noolada ama is Dila .
  4. Welcome back Modesty.You were missed
  5. ^hehe.It's only appropriate.Add Xasan & Xamuudi to the mix.
  6. My fav is 'Wixii xunba Faarax baa leh ' so true.
  7. ^Round 4 2morrow.Bacaadka iskeen Got's to rise early. Mission: to find something elegent to wear for giant of a lady . Wish me luck.
  8. Jonny, don't remind.Let me finish this pack tim tam's in peace. Juxa,I know.S*S seems to think it doesn't exist I don't know where he gets them ideas. Qardho is city and luuq is just some jiiro.
  9. ^You all lost me at Satellite.Boring. Where's Cara?
  10. hehe@Cara. Is kala qabso,that's what this place is about.Even if you don't know what any1 is on about. SS,it so can apply.Qaloocan is mine. Luuq is just a false location for my actual location (qaloocan)
  11. Faraax caqli , you don't know the cost of 10C diamond ring do you? if so here is tolnimo waano : don't promise any lady one .I won't mortage my house or 10c ring ,aight!
  12. SS,waxaad tiri lagu yiri C & H,Ibti is going on a date.Serenity can't speak somali & Cara is trying to make her feel better. That's what i got from reading last page.
  13. ^Im with you on this Brawn,I would marry the dude too
  14. Sayid.Qaloocan maxa ka rabta :mad: LoL@Serenity.That is hurtful.Reminds me the time ,I was telling a long story in somali and when I finished I was told 'xabad ma fahmi' :mad: he could of saved my energy but told me in the end.
  15. ^He is Val.Geel xagee geen.I think 10 Carat Diamond ring is only appropriate. Hadii wax dhacaan ,faraantiga waalo baxsan.
  16. ^ileen xisaabta aad ku takhasustay? LoL@dhar dhaqoow.KK & Cara i'dinka baa xugo noqo dey Indhoos,more xugo please.
  17. Originally posted by Jamaal11: Waxa dhacay mar aan fogeyn: gabar niqaab wadata ayaa na soo abaartay while in a queue in a shop in birmingham. She was with a white revert brother. When he went to collect the stuff he brought, she edged close to me, my cousin and his xaas and guess what she said? Ma Soomaali baad tihiin? The answer was yes. She, almost cryingly said, 'walaaloow gabdhaha Soomaalida waxaad iga gaarsiisaan ineey nin Somali ah guursadaan. Ninkan ajnabiga ah wuxuu iga gooyey my friends, family and ehelkeygoo dhan. Walaahi ragga Soomaalida waa boqoriin. Usheega gabdhaha ineey ajnabi guursanin. Waxaan ku iri, naa naga fogoow. Maxaad noogu soo sikaneeysaa? Maxaase iga galey gabdhaha Soomaaliyeed iyo adiga toona. Soon enough ninkii watay ayaa soo noqdey markaaseey sidii wax yugleeya qabo dhan isu boostey. Ka xaaxaabi. LoooL@naa naga fogoow. Here I was expecting you to be the Somali hero in the sheeko and grab her hand and into a get-away car or something. but you Jamal,You are without a heart! That could of been a cry for help. As for the topic ,good for them.
  18. Hey trolls Im fuming maanta.Ma'la nabad qaba.
  19. Considering the condition of the Aboriginal population,the result is misleading for Australia.
  20. ^Af aadan la'heen uma hadli kartid. But it can make you cringe Is that the case here? I read his H&M thread and I think y'all entitled to his opinion
  21. ^I can't see how you can be so gungho about Somali politics. Ayoub,I don't think this section could be dumb down any further.'Sense of dumar' baaba la'isku cayna.
  22. Poker, Gender classification is purely by anatomy not mentality or one's responses Sxb.Why are you so hung-up on MMA's response in the first place.
  23. So there is market price? And the average market price in UK is 3K? I hear stories of asking money,a house,Car etc.Kitaab or promise that the person will assist you in achieving your goal(be it higher education ,islamic knowledge).
  24. ^LOL@Vertical opening.Jonny get your mind out of the gutter.
  25. Why is this photo significant Jb? MMA,I agree.First thing that came to mind is the bac still on the kuraas?