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Everything posted by Valenteenah.

  1. LoL @ FB. Your friend is easily entertained.
  2. An alleged hijabi jewel thief? How exotic. Put up her alleged pic.
  3. Depends on the personality that comes along with the manboobs and manhips. I could put up with them for a killer sense of humour. After all, after the initial attraction, you kinda stop noticing looks.
  4. I can't believe A&T called me an islaan. And after I have been so kind to him.
  5. Same old London. Any excuse not to work. My sister and I have made a whole family of snowmen - a mom, a pops and a slightly wonky kid. It was stupidly fun.
  6. Faheema, that must suck. I feel for you, walking back and forth in this weather.
  7. I think that would be you and Lily, NG. Poor sods! It's falling really heavily over here. Even the kids who were playing out are now indoors. Cadaan, I would definitely take snow over the Aussie heatwave. At least you can layer up with the cold.
  8. NG, I think you might be too broke to join yourself in H-Town. I'll believe it when JB verifies that you have in fact landed at the airport and posts the pictures. Serenity, well, who knew, ey?
  9. So, what's the food like, J? You were gonna review it, remember?
  10. ^ Not to forgive, dear. The cheat word. Although I suppose they go together - no way in hell I would forgive a cheater. But I am forgiving in other situations. Thought I would clarify.
  11. I already have, NG. Except for the marrying part. What does a snowman have to offer me? Glad you enjoyed yourself, Ser. Exactly what you needed, huh? PS: Just out of academic interest, how good-looking were the natives?
  12. ^ Hehe, you're probably right. Unusual designs, but I can't decide if they are really bad or quite good? Gheele, glass-fronted? That will be a brave homeowner who decides to take his/her chances with the local dhagax-tuuryaal.
  13. Lol. Serenity, I don't think you can complain when you've had at least a week of hot sunshine.
  14. This sucks, I took the wrong day off! I didn't have to waste my leave, wiy oo wiy. There aren't one set of tyre tracks on my road and only one set of footprints - I don't think anyone bothered going in. Then again, everything is suspended at our end, including buses. Oh well, let's hope its the same tomorrow! CL- How much fun is building a snowman? This is the first time I've ever done it (there's usually not enough snow).
  15. The word is not in my vocabulary.
  16. So gorgeous - I love it when it snows. My view -->
  17. Right. I think am painting my nails this weekend, so I'm gonna have to pass. Sorry and good luck (really, GOOD LUCK!)!
  18. ^ Oh just admit inaad seef labood noqotay for a brief moment.
  19. That's daylight robbery! You should have submitted a complaint to your trading standards people. Next time, weigh the packet before opening it, if it is lighter than the advertised weight, you have a case.
  20. Aaliyah has a heart of gold.
  21. Faheema, congratulations on the new job - I'm glad you're settling in. Has your commute increased then? Che, what's up? About the essay, depends on the topic and the monetary reward involved.
  22. ^ That sounds very nourishing. I could do with a colleague like that. CL - A good-looking bloke sharing your umbrella sounds like a positive experience to me. I usually only experience the odd and the scary. I think perhaps only NG meets stranger folk than I do (lol @ watching the back of the TV!). Guess who has a four-day weekend coming up? Can't wait to leave the office!
  23. LoL @ 'Fridge'. Blessed, you gotta explain the thinking behind that one! Can't think of anything that could represent me. Maybe earrings - I've got a pair for every occasion.
  24. Nuune, don't worry dear. Even 25 would seem really old to Aaliyah at her age. Give her another 7 or so years and she'll see how young 40 is. A&T - Good luck with that list. I think the people you put in there (except for yourself) will kill you just to get out. Paragon - lol..alright. I'm not going to die at your mum's hands for the sake of shaving a couple of months off!