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Everything posted by Valenteenah.

  1. ^ Hope you are feeling better today. Howdy Trollers! Insha'Allah I will be observing this Ramadan in a Muslim country, for the first time in decades. What an exciting thought!
  2. Valenteenah.


    I've seen this clip a couple of times before and waan ku jidhidhicooday sidey u hadlayaan.
  3. ^ LoL...guess you didn't read the previous page. The image was confirmed as Borama.
  4. Originally posted by Oz: ^ nice tune fab: my time, more like fly time. All time favorite: 112-Peaches & Cream or Nice. :cool:
  5. ^ I think it's probably down to a lack of qualified city planners.
  6. Totally understand. Viggo Mortensen is my Sulaf.
  7. NG She's stunning...she could pass for 25 (wasn't that your age limit?). As for the original topic, what nonsense.
  8. I've discovered the easiest, tastiest instant food. Instant fried noodles. Beats everything else.
  9. Originally posted by The_Siren: Valenteenah- *The Siren tuts her head in disappointment* and I thought you had guts. LoL...sorry to disappoint, but there're guts and then there're fetishes.
  10. Originally posted by Paragon: Dabayl weeye aduunyadu, nimba maalinbeey, ahaa ehee, nimba maalin beey dardartaa. I daaya i daaya, idaaya! *Gets up humming* Ka daa! Howdy
  11. ^ Eww. LoL @ the topic. Sorry, I am not touching this. Not even with a stick.
  12. ^ I agree, cameras are not conducive to a comfortable working environment and it indicates major mistrust on the part of managers. LoL @ Torres.
  13. That's awful. Now you'll really have to recycle properly. And you won't be able to waste time chatting with colleagues. And you won't be able to steal milk from other people! The horror. I couldn't work under such conditions.
  14. Yeah, I know. But I'll be back after Ramadan Insha'Allah.
  15. Today my baby sister is graduating from university. And I'm missing the ceremony. May Allah bless her.
  16. Originally posted by NGONGE: Did you cut all ties with treacherous Val yet? Not yet, but she's getting there.
  17. Hmmm..I can see how they might doubt her identity, although the first ID Photo clearly looks like her. I look like an alien in my passport photo. But no one has cottoned-on yet.
  18. Home = comfort. So whatever's comfy works. I don't particularly like the dirac/baati phenomenon myself.
  19. My weekend was LOVELY...full of good food, great desserts and screaming kids.
  20. It was a good game, although it kept me up until 2.30am. Feddy is unstoppable.
  21. Glad to read it all went well. Congrats Sayid!
  22. Urm...not sure yet. It's a pretty but empty land.