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Everything posted by Valenteenah.

  1. Koley hablo badan oo khayr qaba ayaa SOL joogee, marka hore adigu yaad ahayd, Mr Somalia? Reerkeebaad ka dhalatay? Wax ma soo baratay? Ma caafimaad qabtaa? Da'daadu waa imisa? Hooyo iyo aabe halkey deganyihiin? Cid ku taqaana SOL ma joogtaa? Ileen jiri walba hablahayaga ma siinee. Bal warkaaga hala helo.
  2. ^ Hey you. LoL...I didnt realise so many SOLers have been to Syria. Shaw meeshu waa macdan. Howdy Juxa & Blessed.
  3. ^ He doesn't need to pass any tests hadaan wadankii ka soo guursado for immigration purposes, right?
  4. Haa, OK. Waaban yaabey. Haduu NG Syria dentist u aadi lahaa, fanaxduu soo awdilahaa. (Although admittedly he looks very fetching with his gap!).
  5. Anigu waan isasoo sharixi lahaa ee labadan line ayaa i dabray: "Graduated from eNuri Soft Waano Dacwa school, 3 years experience in SOL political section."
  6. Jeez, no citizenship for me then. Guess I'll have to get my sharci through my spouse, I'A.
  7. Ibtisam, are you finger-pointing at good old NG?
  8. Faheema, that Friday feeling, huh? Ramadan kariim folks. Anagu taraawiixdii waanu tukanay already.
  9. Congrats JB! Well done to all the new grads, Masha'ALLAH.
  10. LoL..actually New Zealand ayaan joogaa, laakiin I wasn't offering to make them for you. Aniguba makhaayadaan ka soo iibsadaa.
  11. ^^^Ma haysatid cid kuu sameysa sambuuse miyaa? Ramadan kariim to you all. I'm anticipating this Ramadan, even though I have been sick lately, I have been fasting regularly. It makes it easier that afur is around 5.45pm for us, though. Alhamdulilaah. Ilaahay ha inoo fududeeyo.
  12. Yeah, gold is a great investment walaahi (I'm just waking up to this truth myself).
  13. ^ I'm sure you'll have a great time, Insha'Allah. Johnny, are you back now? Tell us a bit more, dear.
  14. ^ Is that the one with Julianne Moore, where she's made to believe she never had a son, when in fact she did? Yeah, it was a really complicated movie.
  15. Hmmm...savings. I remember when I had some! What a sense of well-being you have when there's some dosh sitting in your account! These days, I live on a 10th of what I used to per month. And surprisingly I'm so much happier than when I was earning and spending like Speedy Gonzales. Alhamdulilaah.
  16. Originally posted by The_Siren: In fact a study carried out by the Polytechnic University of Uzbekistan for the Autistic LooL...cracking.
  17. ^ You've to have hair to be part of that xer.
  18. Wanaagsan oo wacan, Dabshid. How goes it?
  19. Valenteenah.


    I love Bones. And The Closer. And NCIS. Speaking of Josss Whedon, anyone seen his latest show 'The Dollhouse'? I don't like the lead actress (faith from Buffy) but the show is pretty good. The man is a genius!
  20. Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiy aar: Bisinka. I am almost regretting of posting this clip now. Doobyaalkaa tihiin maxaa dhahaa, leave the sister alone. She is beautiful, oo maskax iyo wanaag xishmeed ku darsatay waliba. Adigaa dambigaas oo dhan keenay. Masha'Allah, waa qalanjo. I love the hido-iyo-dhaqan she's wearing.
  21. ^ LoL...why? Good advise ayaad bixisay even though it is 7 years late. Originally posted by Paragon: I changed my stance on this subject since then. Really? You would be up for a test drive now, would you? Ceeb badanaa!
  22. LoL...wakhtigii Val-faanis ayaa la gaadhay miyaa! Buuxo ka daa! (Axmed waa A&T oo maryaha iska soo badalay) Farancab, waxaan u maleynayaa inaad weli carruur tahay.
  23. LoL@ cadow puntland. Waxaan maqlay in xalay lagu soo duulay buuhoodle xitaa, oo rasaastu ka dhacaysay habeen badhkii oo 6 qof ku dhaawacmeen. Waxaan maqlay ciidanka soo duulay iney yihiin isla reer-buuhoodle oo laakiin u dagaalamaya somaliland. That's my news. Warkaa ma maqasheen? Soomaali iyo qaxar ma kala hadhayaan.