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Everything posted by Valenteenah.

  1. NG: Heh, I knew that was coming. Maybe that's just the way they pose? Gheelle, Cambodia is very poor. Crossing the border from Vietnam was like stepping back 40 years. It was the only place I saw a lot of homeless women and children. Due to the genocide, over 50 per cent of the population is under 18 and the country lacks a skilled workforce and is therefore reliant on imports and foreign labour from neighbouring countries. But the economy is on the up, benefitting greatly from tourism. There is a large number of construction projects taking place in the capital and masses of restaurants, bars and hotels are everywhere. Cambodia is politically stable. Laos, Singapore & Vietnam to come, I'A.
  2. FB: Yes. It was gross but I was horribly fascinated.
  3. ^ LoL, nope, can't say I saw anyone resembling a Somali. Gheelle, yup, I like your vision. A golden palace is just what Buuhoodle needs. Funnily enough, that building in just one of many similarly gorgeous buildings in the Palace complex. G Gal, the middle monk was 26 (I know he doesn't look it) but the monks are generally young because they join the temples at a very young age.
  4. Cambodia continued... Angkor Thom temple complex, Siem Reap 'Tomb Raider' Temple, Siem Reap 'Indiana Jones: Temple of Doom' Temple, Siem Reap Banteay Srey Temple, Siem Reap
  5. I have been sorting through my million photos and I thought I might put up a few here for your viewing pleasure. Cambodia Royal Palace, Phnom Penh The first Monks to talk to me during my journey. Royal Palace, Phnom Penh National Museum, Phnom Penh Some fried cockroaches. Yum yum.
  6. LoL @ 'Tun-weyne'. Abdullahi Botan ma jaajaalaa?
  7. Raali ahow inadeer, shaaha kuma jirtid. Hi Juxa.
  8. ^^Naa heedhe, maxaad noogu qeylineysaa? :mad: And how are you, Ibti? Maalmahan waa lagu waayey.
  9. Originally posted by Karl_Polanyi: Free food Good council housing Nice Neighbours Pretend to be nice and everyone treats you like an angel. Bloody scrounger! Hmm...if I could be an animal, I would probably want to be a Polar Bear. "Polar bears are the largest living land carnivores and have a reputation as the only animal that actively hunts humans, assuming anything they encounter to be potential prey." BBC
  10. When the going gets tough, the tough get going. What separates men is the way they handle crises. Nin ragga ayaad tahay, Illaahay talo saaro, tighten your belt, hana u joojin waxa ku dhibaya. Insha'Allah khayr.
  11. 'Handle with care' is probably my favourite.
  12. Originally posted by B: ^ what was the outcome of these cases please? thanks One was a conviction and the other was dismissed on a technicality (lol, sounds like L&O). The conviction - the lady plead not guilty, which was a mistake because she was GUILTY. TfL brought CCTV footage to prove the route she took and the number of chances she had to purchase a ticket. It was silly not to have put her hands up to it and pay the fine.
  13. Wow, sounds like a fantastic read. The size of it had put me off before.
  14. And morning to you too. Or is it afternoon now? Another week bites the dust, time is just moving too quickly for me these days.
  15. Originally posted by Canjeex: quote: Best you can do now is play poor and remorseful. If it gets to court, readily admit to it and apologise profusely, perhaps you'll be let off without a criminal record. But there's no telling. London Transport is a b!tch. Apologise profusely kulaha hahahaa Spoken like a true pro walle, who would have thought eh Only because I know of some cases that went to court.
  16. LoL @ Saudi Police in Hyde Park. Good one.
  17. What bad luck (and how funny, being caught with a Freedon Pass! Ha ha ha). Best you can do now is play poor and remorseful. If it gets to court, readily admit to it and apologise profusely, perhaps you'll be let off without a criminal record. But there's no telling. London Transport is a b!tch.
  18. It's too bad there are no such rules in London. With the way they go on, some couples need to be arrested on the spot.
  19. ^ LoL. Aaliyah, I have seen it once or twice but I never been able to get into it.
  20. ^ Sure looks cold and grey to me. Howdy JB. How is Hargeisa? G Gal, do you mean like when you are hungry and your tummy growls?
  21. ^ You are a sick man, Che. I was a late starter, think I first used it in 98 or 99 but only became a regular user in the noughties.
  22. Valenteenah.

    Do You Smoke?

    I may have a small weakness for chocolate-flavoured Cuban cigars.