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Everything posted by Valenteenah.

  1. ^ Get lost on your way to the sports section miyaa? Juxa, ok then. Just make sure caleemuhu are designer. :cool:
  2. You know I believe the malab-moon should last for at least a year. So no flying shoes, in this case. Ah, Ibti, I have more sympathy for the Someuros, since spending time in some of those countries. You can't beat the UK for diin, freedom and upward-mobility when you are an ethnic minority. I think they made the right decision to come here, but I do agree that they need to contribute to the country as well.
  3. WCS Juxa and happy Friday to you too. Ibti, I am afraid my footloose and fancy-free phase has come to an end. It's back to the rat race. He he @ 'Somali Euros have to go back'. No they don't. They are EU citizens. As long as they are working, they can live here.
  4. Heh. The mediation game is no fun. I like what you do, Ibti. Wax walba hurguf and see what crawls out.
  5. Wa salaam my dear. What are you doing on this fine Friday morning? I woke up, happy as a lark, at 5am this morning. Can't explain it. A Blue hungover, so to speak. Who knew the Tories had it in them? I think it's the pensioners' vote. They haven't been happy with Labour and they ALWAYS vote.
  6. Qudbo siro = legalised booty call. No?
  7. Jeez, Tuujiye. You've been boxed in. If I knew it was this easy, I would have called you out on a lot of things years ago! In fact my next thread will be about your use of 'bajaq' to refer to the ladies. [soapbox Mode On] I think we argue for the sake of arguing on this board. There's so much posturing and one upmanship that even if there's a valid point somewhere in the discussion it quickly gets lost in the grime. I also think Shabeel has a point in this instance. We should value our deen highly, and if you don't then you certainly have some major issues to work out. But let's not look down on the faith of others either. We are not aliens to each other. Muslim, Christian, Jew, we are all just people at the end of the day, with the same blood running through our veins. Respect is the key word here. In the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammed (SAW), treat everyone as you would like to be treated and lead by example. [soapbox Mode Off]
  8. ^^ LMAO @ the clip. I'm really looking forward to seeing this one, I'A.
  9. As of 8.00am London time: Con: 286 Lab: 223 Lib: 51 Oth: 43 Source: The Guardian There are still 40-odd constituencies to be declared. It hasn't materialised for the Lib Dems, has it? Can there really be a Tory/Lib Dem coalition? Can you guys envision it? I can't!!!!
  10. Originally posted by Tuujiye: qoftaan nin yahoo quraanka boobsiiska aad dadka saari jirtay saar please!! kor iyo hoosna u malaas!!! *Splutters into her drink* Tuujiye, waxbaa lagu tusay, huh? I have never laughed so hard.
  11. I'm just cringing right now.
  12. ^ He goes round and round in circles. B, if Nur's knowledge is only limited to Islam, do we infer your knowledge is all encompassing? Joker.
  13. ^^ I'm sure your research and expertise will help a lot of elderly patients. Incontinence is a terrible affliction.
  14. Originally posted by NGONGE: Tuujiye, Juxa, Blessed and Val are all trespassing on this thread. I didn't say anything about mashaqeystayaasha. I only pointed out that being broke is a short-term, although recurring, problem for most people.
  15. ^ Love it. The Tories are really scraping the bottom of the barrel. No, he won't get my vote. No one will, as I didn't register by the deadline. What a waste.
  16. ^^ Ha ha. Incorrigible. Afternoon trolls.
  17. Is there really a point to these types of threads?
  18. Labour will probably win again, albeit with less seats than previous elections.
  19. C'mon Zu, he wants her to shop only once a month. What's that? She's not in prison, where she only needs one blue or orange overalls. Juxa, I was referring to Malika and Zu's terrible advice. Jar bey rabaan iney ka turaan the poor guy. Shopping = Happy wife = Happy Husband.
  20. This was all over the news recently. Very eye-opening, isn't it? It's like it's some sort of a killing game for the Apachi gunners. Sickening in it's coldness and disregard for human life. Then again, what can be expected when young adults are armed to the teeth and thrown in at the deep end in a hostile conflict? It IS a killing game.
  21. You guys are not helping Rudy. If he carries on this way, he'll be headed for divorce numero 5.
  22. Originally posted by nuune: Soomaaliya maalintii dumar loo gacan galiyo ayey hoogtey!! Somalia ma hoog baa u hadhay? Mar hore ayey qudhuntey. Female leadership can only help at this stage. LMAO at the askari images -! Then again, they don't have the training, facilities and equipment needed.
  23. $470 million.....That's one lucky charity!
  24. Well, I hope you get a good turn out, Insha'Allah.