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Everything posted by Valenteenah.

  1. Of course, this one is my absolutely favourite. It's just too bad I can't afford it! :mad: £300, ASOS
  2. ^ LoL...maxaad waxan u biloowdey ayaa ku haysa soo maaha? CL, touché.
  3. I've never been much of a skirt girl, so I had no idea how tough it was to find stylish modest skirts on the high street until I decided to ditch the ubiquitious staple of my wardrobe, trousers. I can't understand why it's so difficult to find stylish long skirts made from good quality fabrics? It's all tatty, tight, or polyester! Having combed through shopping streets and centres alike and come up empty-handed, I went online with slightly better results. Although maxi skirts seem to be very in this autumn, they are the tupey, restrictive lycra-esque types that leave little to the imagination. The most reasonable ones I've found are from Miss Selfridge, Zara and Mango (see below), but these also have their own problems! It's become quite a mission just to build a decent trouser-free wardrobe fit for the incoming cold weather. Do you guys know of any shops/websites that stock great skirts? The best of what I've seen so far: £49.90, Mango £29.99, Zara 19.99, Zara £22, Miss Selfridge Click here for enlarged photo
  4. Aah, they're alright. I like mine anyway.
  5. NG, you put the H in the wrong place. It's 'dakhar'.
  6. Ibti, seddex Qul Wale akhri. Why is it so difficult to find long beautiful work skirts these days? Everything in the shops seems to be made from horrible ill-fitting fabrics.
  7. ^ Wouldn't it? Wonder if Adam has read Contest by Matthew Reilly? Fantastic concept. I think we definitely need Somali sci fi writers.
  8. I think that's a great attitude. Universe is the limit.
  9. Very well, KK, how are you and the little princesses? My laptop is soo slow today. Time for a clean up, I think.
  10. Sayid, Ma waxaad naga dhaadhicinaysaa in uu Somali kibir kugu jirin? Kaama aqbalayno! Who wasted your time, Ibti?
  11. Hi C&H, KK & Cara. Cara, that's tough. Can you do without this favour?
  12. I try to recycle most things. But I'm not too good with water or energy conservation - I'm just starting to discipline myself with these.
  13. Originally posted by ElPunto: So these are the toys kids get on Eid these days, huh? Talk about grooming from a young age.
  14. Hehehe, Sayid, you're soo helpful! NG, no I didn't receive any such greetings. Next time you see that pigeon, give it a good kick.
  15. Hi juxa, yeah, it's a dry day. Best we can ask for, ey? Have you noticed meel walaba uu NG joogo dhibaa ka taagan?
  16. And it will only get worse before it gets better.
  17. Too much talk about clan on SOL these days. Qabiilku wuxuu noqday malakul-mowdka soomaalida. Hope you're all well and in good health.
  18. Masha'Allah, big congrats to Qalin-Jabiyaasha (graduates)! The only thing laga faaideysan karo qurbaha waa tacliin.
  19. KK, scrooge over there wuxuu ka baqayaa in xaqal ciid la weydiisto. Hence salaanta lagugu soo tuurayo. Yes Norf, sort of. Ciid wanaagsan to you and the family as well. Showqi, I'm sure you'll enjoy it immensely I'A. EID Mubarak.
  20. Nuune...maadaama aadan aduunyadan ka mid aheyn adigu, waa caadi. Awliyadu dadka kale wey ka horeeyaan saan maqlay. Thanks, C&H, I will be celebrating with the rest of you tomorrow I'A.
  21. Nuune, Shaleyto ayaad ciiday miyaa? LoL! Juxa, NG iskadaa, he's just jealous inaan afuranahay although it was by mistake. Now as to the macmacaan question, unfortunately I am in a Somali-free area and therefore have to make do with Turkish macmacaan (unpronounceable but tasty) + some sort of white 'Helva' + cake and caramel fudge, all washed down with TEA. Feeling a bit queasy actually. [EDIT] Maalin wanaagsan to you too Showqi.