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Everything posted by Valenteenah.

  1. C'mon, chasing someone down and killing them over a stolen ID/phone deserves more than 7 years. Double that is even too little.
  2. Hmmm, Adam, I think I will stick to my dirac, thanks.
  3. So, what's the final word boys? - That there needs to be more clarity on the SSC political stance? - That Puntland should behave more like the elected government it is and try to meet both the political and security needs of its population? - That the SOL SSC supporters should wage cyber war on the SOL SL supporters to prove themselves? Mama mia! I'm only semi-joking.
  4. Azania? Sidey mutacalamiin Soomaali ah ula soo shir tagi karaan 'Azania' oo weliba la isugu raaci karaa iney magac ahaan u qaataan for gobolo magacyadoodu already caalami yihiin? It sounds so alien.
  5. ^ LoL, I don't think it would be Dukey betting his life but the garaad's, if that was the case.
  6. Hmmm... I am a bit surprised by the reactions and comments in here. Indeed President Faroole has been vindicated if GD is ready to throw out the remaining SSC supporters of Puntland as a state. After all, it wasn't that long ago that Faroole was doing the same thing to his Xildhibaano. On topic, I think it is wrong to disrespect any elder and if there was a demonstration, it couldn't have been a large one or one agreed on by reer Buuhoodle oo dhan. Culturally, even when there is khilaaf, Isimada waa laga xishoon jirey. After all, it is their place and only their place to mediate between dadweynaha and whatever the motives of the visit were, they should have all been welcomed warmly. Unfortunately we now live in a world where our elders have lost some of their integrity and impartiality and there's constant suspicion of political intrigue and corruption. So, even though it isn't right to demonstrate against traditional elders, the people do have a right to protest and I would only view this as further evidence that our elders should do a better job and PROVE to the people that they are true and genuine in their regard. As for Puntland, this is an issue that hasn't been decided on one way or the other by the SSC population. Certainly, there are many grievances against the current administration but these have been put on the back-burner whilst the conflict with Somaliland is under way. It seems though that a clarification needs to be made that Puntland is an elected governing body and does not represent a singular sub-clan. If the political and governing leadership is failing, it deserves to be criticised and opposed, and rejection of Puntland as a government isn't akin to rejection of a particular clan. It only indicates that there is a serious problem within the administration that needs a serious solution. In most other governments, losing confidence in a leader leads to the impeachment of that leader and the election of a replacement. Granted the familiar Somali response and the leverage we usually opt for is to take ourselves out of the equation and build our own thing, however, I believe that whatever merited the creation of Puntland surely still exists, regardless of how gormless the current leader might be? One thing is for sure, these are challenging times for the SSC population and this is a decision they will have to reach for themselves. But regardless of what the political reality of Puntland/SSC might be, I doubt the relationship of the people will ever change. Waayo dadku waa walaalo xidhiidh adag leh, oo isu gurmada oo is caawiya, siyaasadina taa ma bedeleyso. So, GD, you need not take this so personally my dear.
  7. Nuune, maxaa dhacay in 1975, miyaa lagugu daadiyey? Kool_Kat;706538 wrote: Oh yea, Falis and Ikran's story, or as I call them Nicki Minaj and Lil' Kim, is getting out of hand...You should see the threatebing messages some Ikran supporters are posting as their status on FB toward Falis! WTF! Here's the scoop, Ikram used to date Falis' husband back in the days...For some reason, their jaceyl didn't go as planned, or as Ikran planned...Marka Falis not only iney ninka aroostay but had a child for him! SAY WHAT!!! Ikran dee bacaadkeey matag kaga wareegtay, Falisna ninkey u dhaxdaa... Do not quote me on this, this is just what I read... LooL..that cracked me up! You have a way of telling stories, KK. Haye, what other scoops do you have? (Not that I'm implying you're a gossip-monger.)
  8. LoL, JB runta sheeg, adigaa ku daray speech bubbles-ka soo maaha? Cheeky.
  9. ^ Urg. Give me slow qaraami anytime. I don't know most of these new ladies, I'm hearing their music here for the first time. From the list I like Hodan Ali's voice the most, but who nicknamed her 'Magool'? I mean, she's good but she's a long way off from the original Magool (AUN).
  10. LoL....I forgot about this! Paragon, what's with the qufid?
  11. OK, I will check it out then, Insha'Allah.
  12. Sacré bleu! Nuune, meesha macdan ayaaba lagu ogyahay dheh. No wonder they are happy to extend their terms.
  13. ^ LoL...hadaad is maqli lahayd waad isku qosli lahayd. Aaliyah, I've no doubt I would only see your good side if we were to meet - you're 90% sugar, 10% spice after all. As for SSC, the region has already woken up and is attempting to strengthen itself. Dadku wey isku filanyihiin wey na is difaaci karaan. Waanad ogtahay qabiil qabiil kale xasuuqi kara ma jiro, waayo haduu jiro mar hore ayaa la is dhameyn lahaa (don't think it hasn't been tried, but it's impossible). Somaliland will soon realise it can't enforce its false claim. Impotent anger does little but raise your blood pressure. I hope you understand what I am trying to say.
  14. Whoa Aaliyah, show mindibaad cabaayada ku qarsataa! I think this is the most angry I have ever seen you. Remind me never to cross you in the future! Dahabshiil really should address these allegations. Obviously the company funded Kulmiye's election campaign and I can see how easy it is then to make the connection to the conflict, i.e. dagaalku dhaqaalo badan ayuu u baahanyahay and who's the available and favourite funder for the administration? However I find it hard to believe a business such as Dahabshiil would destroy their credibility and customers' trust by funding the conflict, especially since the owner and a couple of his daughters (if memory serves) are married into the SSC clan. But considering how long these rumours have been circling, why hasn't the company attempted to clear its name?
  15. Bob, that sounds like a gruelling ordeal but I do like Idris Elba. Is it horribly sad then, this film?
  16. Valenteenah.


    Guled, waa runtaa oo waxaa jira dad aan ka fiirsan waxay yidhaahdaan xaga diinta. As they say, a little knowledge is a dangerous thing. Laakiin anyone ku xadgudba diinta and iyo dadka kale ee forumka isticmaala, e.g. personal attacks, waa la ban-gareeya. Ninka dumarka Soomaalida aflagaadeynayeyna kolay waa laga takhaluusayaa markey moderators-ku ogaadaan, ee kaa ha ka warwarin. But at the end of the day, there is a lot of diversity here and everyone is entitled to their opinions. Just because you don't agree with how someone thinks doesn't mean they should be banned.
  17. More sawiro and less political is jiid jiid.
  19. Incredible. Waxaanu noqonay an open, dog-eared, well read book for the xabashi. How ironic that Meles worries about balancing clan dynamics and sensitivities in both the differing Southern and Northern situations when the regional leaderships don't even seem to give it a passing thought.
  20. LoooL! Urm...I categorically deny everything you've just leveled at me. And I will be giving No Further Comments until my lawyer gets here. Thank you. Also, Cara is Oromo. Anigaa kuu og.